Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I didn't choose to be gay.
Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I didn't choose to be gay.
Dick or GTFO
KEK chose you to be gay because KEK loves feminine penis.
Post dick with timestamp fag
I don't hate you because you're gay. I hate you because you make shit-tier threads like this to tell us you are.
I didn't choose to be pedophile but I bet you'd hate me too.
It's only wrong if you act on it
How come a board filled with neo-nazis is so gay
Yes you did. Stop it.
Gay is OK.
Now, some gays do very degenerate and promiscuous things. I dislike that.
But just being gay is perfectly fine.
>I did not choose to murder all those children, God made me this way
Because neo-nazis are pretty fucking gay.
This. No one gives a fuck if you're gay. Most people hate the fags who act like vegans and have to make sure that everyone else is fully aware that you're a fag.
better publish your findings of the gay gene then, because scientists have struggled to find it
>Doesn't post ass
shit thread
The same reason lepers are hated.
Yeah I hate you.
Kill yourself
why do you feel the need to tell us you are gay ?
somewhere in this question lies your answer
See. I'm right then, as always :)
See Sup Forums, this faggot right here is OK He can stay
>I didn't choose to suck dicks they just magically appear in my mouth.
they are attention whores, just like a typical female behavior
>good goy! you are cumming out of you shell that you are gay! Be inspiring!
Have fun going to jail, disgusting freak.
This. The louder you shout about something, the less confident you appear.
I don't hate you for being gay. I don't hate you at all. As a human being you deserve to be treated with dignity, and have the same rights as anyone else.
Stay strong
>those legs
I wish you were my qt bf. :3
I just instinctively find you repulsive. You're just fucking gross I dont want you near me or my family
on top of that God hate fags so that make sense
>pls just accept me as normal, my sexuality is not what defines me as a person
>create thread just to tell people about your sexuality
this is why I hate fags, gays are fine but fucking faggots holy shit
lets be honest for a minute, most "homophobic" people today dont actually give a shit about you boning other guys
they just want you to keep it to yourself and not behave like a flaming attention whore
why do faggots all have to have that stupid ass rainbow flag? You wanna be normal? Stop putting yourself in "your own community".
I can confirm he didn't choose to be gay. I chose for him to be gay.
It's cuz ur gey lololol
>isn't posting more
I only hate LGBT actvists.
Are you one OP?
I'd bet I'm cleaner and healthier than you.
By a landslide.
You only posted this thread with that picture to bait other internet fags into responding to fulfill your narcissistic desire for attention. You're lucky those legs allow you pull this off
If you want to suck dick, go suck dick.
But stop throwing the fact that you like dick in my face. That's what pisses me off
I hate op, for thinking his sexuality is newsworthy.
whats so gay about pic? i shave my legs but i am 100% hetero.
I didnt mean in term of hygiene you fucking idiot
yes you did
I hate myself and I take it out on others to boost my self esteem.
I'd kill myself but I'm too big of a pussy and "red pilling" myself with information I could never apply to real life situations is the only thing that gives my life purpose.
This is probably the most bones, self-analyzing post I've made here. I hate myself, I have no job, this isn't even ironic shitposting, I don't know why I still browse Sup Forums it's not even fun or interesting anymore.
Have fun going to hell, unlike you i don't act on my sinful vice
bones = honest.
You're a disgusting hedonist, that's why.
You choose to act upon those influences. Neck yourself Degenerate.
Well I'm for more gay tolerance and equal treatment.
Which doesn't always happen here.
Is this the most pathetic argument against homosexuality?
Logic says YES.
Because you feel the urge to say it all the time as if your proud of being a sodomite or something
>I didn't choose to be gay
Perhaps, but you can choose to kill yourself
Why should people be tolerant of anti-God abominations?
>shaves legs
doubt it.
>I don't know why I still browse Sup Forums
This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. Fuck off.
The world doesn't revolve around you. We don't care about you or your sexuality, so don't try to guilt trip us.
it's not a gene, it's hormone exposure in the womb
O the irony man!
Be easy on yourself. .
>shave legs
It's sexy, but incredibly gay
Nobody cares, just stop trying to spread HIV/AIDS and molesting kids and we're square.
So you must admit that you too enjoy homosexual relationship but refuse to partake in them because they exemplify some characteristic of indulgence?
I only hate these sissy fags who talk, walk and behave that even blind people in a stadium full of people know exactly who the gay guy is.
so why don't you post your dick then.
soooooo do we make the netherlands the leafs of europe?
I have a feminine penis desu
is being a trans girl degeneracy too or are we the chosen ones
That and stop running around in pink Speedos with hard ons while you swing giant purple dildos and scream PRIIIIDDDEEE in front of the kids would be great.
Let's dig more into this:
>gay tolerance
How I am supposed to discriminate you because you love another man?
When people see me they dont understand if i'm gay, bisex or I like bondage or i dislike anal sex. So?
Stop being such a freak
Tell us what they did to you
>I didn't choose to be gay
yeah explain why you consent to dick in your ass/ mouth
There is nothing gay about having sex with a woman with a feminine penis.
Greeks did it thousands of years ago, it is the contemporary christain sentiment that deems it immoral. Same thing with pedophilia.
>rainbow band
goes to show you are just shoving your liberal faggotry down our throats and you are well aware that we hate that kind of degeneracy.
Just present yourself like a normal person and you can still be open about "I want dicks", theres a proper place and time for that. And who knows well be happy to bone you
Its more of an american thing, i have no problem with gays.
How do we know that you are really gay, and are not just pretending?
I don't hate gays or homosexuals user. I actually have quite a few gay friends. Good guys. Funny as fuck. But, the main difference is they aren't complete sissy faggots like the majority here. Even the most effeminate gay friend I have doesn't queen out, doesn't dress in drag and isn't a fucking gender confused whining little cunt.
Why the hell do you care?
Some gay guys just appear to be more gay as a way to attract other gay people.
It's pretty hard to know who is and who isn't gay, you know?
>its women fault
as usual.
i dont hate you cos you are gay
i have you cos you act like a faggot
Just pretend to be hetero and get a family like normal people
It is an established fact that men who display homophobic feelings against homosexuals are far more likely to be closet homosexuals themselves, you see, a man who is insecure about his masculinity tends to overcompensate for it, one of these ways is by harassing, or otherwise causing some damage to homosexuals so that "the guys" don't think he's a faggot himself.
Do you think all these stormfags who post shirtless Germans from 1940 are heterosexual? Sup Forums is the biggest closet homo board on all of Sup Forums
you guys obviously havent tried it. its comfortable af especially in humid weather. also it makes your calves look 10x better. nothing gay about it.
Maybe you should just make friends and go from there if they feel the same instead of thinking with your cock like a degenerate
you're doing exactly what we don't want you to do OP, fucking talk about being gay, IDGAF, go be gay somewhere with your other gays
>It's pretty hard to know who is and who isn't gay, you know?
it isnt.
you think you act and think like heteros, but you dont. you dont fit in at all.
gays are extremely obvious
>It's pretty hard to know who is and who isn't gay, you know?
This is so true. I am 100% heterosexual, but offer to suck the dick of every guy I know, just to weed out the gay ones. If they accept, and after they cum in my mouth, I know they are not lying and I tell them our friendship is over.....hit the road, faggot.
post boipucci
I have some lewd pics but I don't want to get banned desu
>Some gay guys just appear to be more gay as a way to attract other gay people.
ive rarely read something more disgusting
Link to imgur or any other image hosting site you faggot.
Show bp already.
>Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I don't hate homosexuals. I hate homosexuals who pull the gay card, are obnoxious about it, or try to spark controversy with their homosexuality.
>I didn't choose to be gay.
Of course you didn't choose to be gay, but you weren't born gay, either. You were nurtured to be gay, in an environment that wasn't opposed to you becoming gay.
It's really not. I can tell within 15 seconds of conversation
What? You slipped and your dick somehow found its way into another man's asshole?
if i see a normal person i wouldn't know anything about his sexuality and i wouldn't judge him for it
however if i see a flamboyant faggot running naked down the street while slapping away with his 2 meter long black dildo screaming that he is gay i sure as fuck won't like him
But I don't want a family.
I don't even want kids.
God didn't make him that way because god doesn't exist, you dipshit toothpaste
I can never do this. It would be the first step down a slippery slope. I believe I am transgender. In 36 years, I've never had a sexual fantasy in which I saw myself as a man. But I'm also a realist who knows that a 6'2" endomorph with a jaw wide enough to block a highway could never transition and be anything but a freak.
Being gay is a choice, just ask Pence.
But you chose to suck dick and take it up the butt.