How does it feel knowing that Trump WON'T:

How does it feel knowing that Trump WON'T:
>Put princess Hillary in Jail
>Deport anybody
>Build the wall
>Do anything for the next 4 years!

In 2020, After Trumpf's failure, Hillary will run again and win by an absolute landslide.
You will all be crying and shitting all over the ground autistically like the autists you are.

Praise Queen Hillary

>princess Hillary
How in the fuck can you say that and recoi-


Keep telling that to yourself

Trump will put men, women, AND children on the moon.

Trump will completely rid us of debt and form a peaceful alliance with China, Russia, and Syria (hell, it's already happening).

Trump will make sure no illegal mooslimes are ever allowed in this country ever again.

And you witch queen? Her dying words will be "it was my turn, you rotten bastard", before she makes her descent into the lowest pit of hell.

Stupid fucking Aussie.

What's wrong, can't accept the facts trumpfkin?

>implying people still give two shits about liberal elites like hillary

DNC the beacon of democratic socialism when

what facts?

Hillary will be dead before 2020.

Keep shilling drumpkin

Dispelled, and saged


Thank you Soros.

That pic crashed my browser, had to restart

That's different, we're talking about extreme things like the wall or deportation. No Candidate keeps such promises like it.

Killary is gonna be dead before 2020.

She's younger than Trump, big guy.

There's a difference between age and aging, kangaroo.

Whatever ya say Trumpfkin, you're so in denial it's hilarious

How nice, four years to finish up some of my stuff and prepare for the war.
Don't think your shitty overgrown island will survive, Emu, I am more than sure that a couple nukes will fly there.

implying she'll live that long. She's basically already dead.

Exactly why your country needs to be invaded by our god queen, ruskie

It's great. I can never be mad at these trolls anymore. No matter what they say or do,




You can't shill a defeat, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

sage btw

Last time someone tried they put a bullet in their head four years later and their henchmen burned their remains. Or was it a poison pill? I'm not sure.

I don't see the point in these posts. Like, Trump won. None of this shit is relevant anymore. Hillary leads opinion polls? Trump won the real polls.



The wall is too narcissistic for him not to do it. Just imagine his giant penis wall will be there for as long as america is there.

>Being alive in 2020

She's already dead, replaced by a body double. Soros had her eliminated for losing what should have been the most easily won election in history.

Mate, they don't get paid to make new memes. So they reuse old ones.

>Implying these posts aren't banter b8, newfag.

The autism in me just can't see why the fuck anyone would expend energy on trolling this shit after the elections. It seems like such a waste of time.

I wonder, are all of those just locals making shitty Hillary memes or the sake of it, or CTR actually tried to make some?

Trump memes were all made by Nimble America and you president

It's fun to fuck with people, 99% of shill posts on here are just b8.

Hillary supporters probably homemade them, CTR are the ones that post em'

>implying she still alive or mentally/physically stable

>Nate Zinc
>Nate Bronze
>Nate Aluminum
>Nate Sodium
>Nate Boron
>Nate Beta Particle
>Nate Cardboard
>Nate Iodine
>Nate Quartz
>Nate Toiletpaper
>Nate Garbagecan
>Nate Poopoo (in loo)
>Nate Aint Great At Betting the Rate
>Nate Diatomaceous Earth
>Nate Cubic Zirconium
>Nate Cyanide
>Nate "If being with her is wrong then babe I dont want to be right"
>Nate Nil-ver
>Nate Rust
>Nate Plywood
>Nate OrientedStrandBoard
>Nate MDF
>Nate Sand
>Nate Copper
>Nate Vacuum
>Nate Nain
>Nate Rubber
>Nate Cadmium
>Nate PVC
>Nate Dicloreum
>Nate Xanax
>Nate Wrapper
>Nate Feces
>Nate Diaper
>Nate Shillver

Fucking hell man you're not even trying.

I'd say December 31st, 2019 at most bro. She's looking worse by the hour.

>99% of shill posts on here are just b8.
Not before the election they weren't.
There was also some hardcore sliding and shill flooding going on here roughly a week ago. I stayed away from Sup Forums until it died down.

WRONG on all counts and SAGE THE SHILLS

>Hillary will be alive in 2020

>Hillary will run again

Hillary's political career is completely over. She ran against one of the most unqualified and hated candidates in history and still managed to lose.


Nice digits

>he will never run
>he won't get more than 10%
>he won't get more than 30%
>he won't win the primaries
>he won't become president

You will never learn.

>tfw CTR out of budget and resorted in sucking jewros dick for gibs
>tfw they arent even trying anymore and still posting the same stale memes

WTF i love these threads now