The West is a lost cause. Just get out while you can.
Let the SJW's and cucks drown in the sea of shit they've created. Preserve yourself and your genetic heritage, and just immigrate to Asia already.
The West is a lost cause. Just get out while you can.
Let the SJW's and cucks drown in the sea of shit they've created. Preserve yourself and your genetic heritage, and just immigrate to Asia already.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump wins
>illegals are going home soon
>cucks and SJWs on suicide watch
>(((The West is a lost cause)))
I wonder who could be behind this post?
USA is not the entire West.
Europe is burning.
Yeah fuck you guys though, you chose this future deliberately.
Asians don't look like that. Why do we keep making this glorify Asia a thing
Taiwan and China girls are just as bad as American girls
Achmed, you have to go back.
>the west is lost goy, trust me
Shut the fuck up faggot.
IDK man, I dated a Chinese girl for a while, and she was by far the nicest gf I've ever had.
>Asians don't look like that.
are you saying she isn't asian?
typical retard expat.
also op is a faggot
Having a hapa kid won't preserve your genetic heritage though, because the Elliot Rodgers of this world are guaranteed dead ends.
> Chinese girls
> nice
Are you sure she was actually Chinese?
Bear in mind that only Han counts.
>she just keeps getting bigger
normally I'm against race mixing but HOLY FUCKING THICC
From Shenyang. Speaks Mandarin. Cooked a ton of Chinese food for me. Made me use WeChat.
Yeah, I'm certain she's Chinese.
>be proud of your body even if you look like me, a super amazing thicc model setting a high bar for physical perfection
She's thicc especially for an asian. Very nice.
Asians really don't look like that. You're in for a rude surprise.
How sick would it be if they gave us an ethnostate in China, Japan or India? I know they respect whites and have read their opinions on the current western mindset. Japan even has European-styled towns. Let us move in!
>Asians really don't look like that. You're in for a rude surprise.
Some do, but broadly speaking you're right, they're mostly naturally ugly pan-faced midgets with no muscle, weird teeth, and varying degrees of pig nose.
>Asians really don't look like that
don't they?
Like fucking Asia wants you degenerate pieces of shit? Fuck that!
nor this one?
or her?
or how about this Asian? I could do this all day but unlike you who's surrounded by thick Asian women and don't even know it, I like to go outside from time to time.
Those are exceptions to the norm. I'm an Asian who lives half the year in the states and half in asia. That dude ain't lying... most women (and men) of any race are fuggly as hell. This includes Asian countries.
Move to Italy and you can just go jack off in the parking lot.
>Brexit happening
>Hofer about to win in Austria
>Italian referendum
>French and German elections coming up next year
We may well see the whole EU collapse by 2018, and you want to give up now just as things are turning around?
bretty much
>most women don't look like models
are you an autistic weeb fuck who went to japan thinking otherwise?
The numbers of THICC Asian women are on the rise.
I'm not a weeb. I don't speak Japanese, I don't even know anime or none of that shit. I don't even like Japanese people in general.
I don't even like Asian people lol.
Dude. Seriously, Asians don't even look like this. Stop misguiding people with models and JAV porn stars.
I have yet to see any JAV tier girls here
Stop glorifying Asia. You have plenty in Vancouver to pick and choose from.
Then how am I finding so many?
> Shenyang
That's Manchu territory, user, not Han.
They're some sort of dubious crossbreed Mongolio-Koreans, and they were never part of Chinese history until about 200 years ago.
They're Chinese in the same way that Achmed the Jihadi is "quintessentially Swedish".
Anyway I meant it in the sense that Han Chinese girls are decidedly not nice, so you're probably doing OK.
>moving to china ever
I spent half a year living in various parts of china as part of a student ambassador program a few years back.
You cannot imagine how filthy, unhygienic, humid, smog-covered, disgusting, and crowded the vast majority of China is. The people will treat you like some kind of fucking alien species, and will give you absolutely no privacy, ever. They have no concept of decency or respect for anything. They spit, piss, and shit in public places.
Unless you're literally rich and living in Hong Kong or something, China is the last place a civilized human being should consider moving to.
there's apparently enough for every gaijin who comes marching through there to claim one of your women for himself.
I spent a month in Japan, mainly in Tokyo but all around, and I saw maybe 10 JAV-tier thicc women out of tens of thousands.
Most are decidedly not cute.
>130 million japanese
>strong idol culture amplified by internet
>they are sought out and photographed
seriously though please go and see, they're mostly not that cute
Most (95%+) chinese girls are extremely skinny, short, and have terrible teeth. I imagine this is the same for Japan.
The only good news is that there are a few diamonds in the rough, and they basically worship white men. Even the most beta shut-in losers could get laid because women will literally stare at you when you walk by, come up to you and give you their number without you doing a fucking thing. Hell, most will be down to follow you wherever you want to go within 1 minute of introducing yourself.
Like I said though, you're going to be sifting through a ton of skin and bones fucking ugly girls to find one remotely fuckable.
so you're cancer, like a somalian in minnesota.
>The only good news is that there are a few diamonds in the rough, and they basically worship white men. Even the most beta shut-in losers could get laid because women will literally stare at you when you walk by, come up to you and give you their number without you doing a fucking thing. Hell, most will be down to follow you wherever you want to go within 1 minute of introducing yourself.
>Like I said though, you're going to be sifting through a ton of skin and bones fucking ugly girls to find one remotely fuckable.
This basically.
You could jack off out an open window and they'd be lining up outside with spread pussies hoping to catch a drop, but they're 999/1000 unsuitable.
> these asian women sure look hot
> look at all these pictures of asian women
> don't you wanna race mix goy?!
>they're 999/1000 unsuitable
I'm willing to roll the dice
Not even gonna mention Netherlands and Sweden?
I work in a business with a lot of Chinese coworkers.
The girls are nice and friendly to me, but the dudes straight up hate me.
Is this White Privilege?
fuck I am so fucking angry whenever I see this shit. All the pathetic roleplayers lying and making shit up about asians. Most of them don't even look like your animes and JAV. Step outside your basement for once.
And don't get me started on how muh submissive non SJW asian waifu is all bullshit. This is the shit that makes Eliott tier babies
Sd is the largest party in Sweden now. If you look at the polls and they are growing.
People in Sweden are getting more red pilled by the day.
No. I'm like a regular Asian dude that doesn't have yellow fever.
I'm just saying people are using porn and models as a basis for judging women, when they should use dating apps in their desired areas to make a rational decision. They are being set up for disappointment.
I never been to Tokyo so I don't know.
They don't even crave gaijin. Try China and Taiwan. Japanese don't do race mixing.
They won't fuck a Korean or Chinese, how could they go for outsiders?
Yep. Now go and get that dick wet
Are you white?
Chinese girls have an obsession with foreigners/white men. Chinese men are extremely aware of this and will actively hate the fuck out of you for it. Mostly jealousy, but yeah, you better believe the men are talking nonstop shit about you when you aren't around.
You are lying.
By telling them you're a Tengu it worked for the Dutch
What the fuck is wrong with you, polan's bursting with nice women.
could jews be obsessed with racemixing so much because they themselves are the products of racemixing and want everybody else to reap the benefits?
most of them are vapid whores
or maybe it's just my area
When will this meme end. At most it is just some weird fascination. Most unless Westernized would stick to their own
>want everybody else to reap the benefits?
I made this thread earlier.
Chinese guys are the most insecure and possessive. Their mistreatment of their women is why Chinese women go for foreigners.
Beating their girlfriends seem to be common and tolerated. I seen in Taiwan a few girls bruised and crying, people seem to not care.
I just ask if they are okay, but they ignore and hide their faces
>ITT reddit strikes again
I want to spread propaganda in Asia that will basically ensure that every non Asian that tries to get there gets massacred. I'm white and I seriously believe that whites do not deserve another chance, especially not in Asia. They should be made to suffer in the mess they've created.
There's this really cute dorky girl with big glasses who recently got hired. She's very awkward around me. Could be fun.
But I already dated one of the girls from there, and I don't want a bad reputation.
protip: she was gently poisoning your food every day you were together. That's what Asian women do. They're just moneylizards.
my sweet sweet sparrow
>Beating their girlfriends seem to be common and tolerated. I seen in Taiwan a few girls bruised and crying, people seem to not care.
>I just ask if they are okay, but they ignore and hide their faces
I know I'm gonna be called a cuck for this, but I would absolutely destroy any guy I saw beating his girlfriend. That's one thing I just can't tolerate. We're the stronger gender, therefore we need to control ourselves.
> (OP) #
I want to spread propaganda in Asia that will basically ensure that every non Asian that tries to get there gets massacred. I'm white and I seriously believe that whites do not deserve another chance, especially not in Asia. They should be made to suffer in the mess they've created.
Race traitor.
I hope you die a painful death leaf.
Chinese guys are just the same as Arab guys in their treatment of women. I don't know why, but it's just the way it is. Although I don't think Chinese men commit rape. Just really passive aggressive about it.
>reddit numale roleplay
When will it end?
Go to hell. Fuck this thread should be deleted
Have you ever been to China? Well, I don't have to ask - I can tell you haven't. I actually lived there for 6 months and experienced this in literally every single city I went to. Didn't matter if it was a tier 3 or tier 1 city. It's far beyond a fascination - Chinese women are incredibly willing to enter a relationship with a complete stranger if they're a white foreigner.
You will get stopped in public by girls who are eager to talk to you and ask you where your from, why you're there, if they can take pictures with you, etc. A huge portion of them will give you their cell numbers or wechat without any prompting whatsoever.
There's absolutely minimal flirtation/courtship required compared to Western girls. It's meet girl - take to restaurant - have sex - in relationship.
Yeeeeah, she's been giving me food even after we broke up, but I'm not eating that. I don't trust it.
>this thread should be deleted
not yet, I haven't finished masturbating
Hi Barbara Lerner Spectre!
>Race traitor.
>I hope you die a painful death leaf.
Asia shouldn't repeat the mistake we did and the fact of the matter is that we deserve absolutely no mercy for our own self imposed suffering. I want to see every fucking weeb in Japan dangling at the end of a rope. These people do not deserve a second home. We had a home and it was magnificent and we gave it away. It's our loss and our suffering.
Asian owe us nothing but contempt.
It's not your job and duty. Other Chinese just stand by and watch.
If you interfere, the police will haul you away. The woman will not press charges against the man because they most likely live together.
Although, thankfully Japanese people don't do this openly. There still is domestic abuse and violence among Asian couples
Many that you find that like foreigners are because they were mistreated by their own culture.
>reddit roleplays and lies
Fucking idiot if what you said is true all the diaspora asians would logically go for whites. And we only see this when they are Westernized. Meaning, anyone who says this is lying
>The West is a lost cause
Maybe you didn't hear the news you defeatist fuck.
>redditer derailing Sup Forums
>White knighting for women that you don't know
Look, if we're the stronger gender, we should control ourselves only if we are in charge, otherwise you are only acting like a fool. These are not the 50s anymore, if you want to go to jail for a feminist, go ahead, fool.
Are you stupid.
I made this thread to not glorify Asia as some real life JAV fantasy porn.
It's a cultural thing. Though violent crimes (rape, murder, assault etc) in China are really rare in general, and not something people worry about.
The thing you have to know about Chinese women is that they fully expect you to marry them, quickly. Every single Chinese girl you meet, even the younger ones, have this expectation. It's a way bigger deal than it is with Western girls.
You have to stop. You are helping reddit
just because it isn't for you
Same here desu.
No. It's just a bunch of pathetic pollacks and reddit numales who fell for the jew
This triggers the province of China
>t. Reddit rp
Nvm. I'm not using English clearly. I made a different thread for people to stop making up this "submissive perfect" Asian wife because these don't exist
I'm trying to subtly redpill a few buddies I have in sweden but i find it impossible. They are outright denying anything that doesn't fit with them.
>no-go zones don't exist / are made up
>the 1400% rise in rapes is also made up
>gettos are because racist swedish people push the immigrants down and they can't get jobs, etc
>immigrants pose absolutely no threat to swedish culture or the swedish way of life, even if they were to outnumber swedish people
Fuck, how do I get through to these people. And these are engineers, so it's not like they're unintelligent.
What are you even going on about? Ask any young white dude who's lived/visited/studied in China about interacting with Chinese girls. Everyone has this experience.
If you don't want to believe that it's true, I could give less of a shit.
she looks stumped
Another weaboo thread again
You fool. Make that thread and it will be swarmed with reddit colonizers and pol hypocrites
And nigger up Asia? I'm banking on an Asian ubermensch to save the world from being a bacterial infection that will destroy it's host. They might be going the distance.
>mental gymnastics
When will you stop lying for fuck's sake?
>Fucking idiot if what you said is true all the diaspora asians would logically go for whites.
Well, no.
If you're an Asian girl in a white country, 90/100 guys in that country won't beat you.
If you're an Asian girl in an Asian country, 1/100 guys in that country won't beat you and that one is the visiting whitey.
Of course, that being said, having a gf who literally fears you is an excellent way to prevent her cucking you, so pick your poison.
>that right guys, do what you want to avoid happening to yourself to another peoples!
You're an idiot
Intelligence =/= wisdom