Is drinking coffee redpilled?
Is drinking coffee redpilled?
Do you need someone to tell you how to put on your pants in the morning? Make up your own mind.
I personally like sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee, but I don't think it has anything to do with being redpilled or bluepilled or whatever.
Coffee is a drug. Drugs are degenerate. Therefore, it is not redpilled.
Only if you drink it without sugar and creamer.
Same with tea.
This OP
Black is beautiful.
Drink your coffee black or you're a cuck.
I started drinking so much cofee so slowly that i didn't even realized it until it was too late. I'm at around 3 cups a day, one of those may be tea but whatever. i don't recomend it.
Stay away from the infused jew
What's creamer? I have milk but no sugar.
Is taking a shit redpilled?
Is eating food redpilled?
dumb buzzword for dumb peoples
is waking up in the mornings redpilled?
as opposed to waking up at night ?
then yes
It's another reason why american coffee is shit, think whipped cream dumped into bitter tar.
How to identify someone is a cuck? They drink it with sugar.
Is being addicted to something that harms your body redpilled?
Would you like some coffee to go in your cup of sugar?
Who gives a rat's infected hemorrhoid if you drink coffee or not? There are bigger things to worry about, like "if I wear a T-shirt like a pair of pants and take a shit, will I hit the rim of the neck hole?"
There is literally nothing degenerate about coffee and cannabis.
>and cannabis
says you a fucking leaf
Yes, if it means getting off the milk jew.
Stopped eating/drinking and lactose product but the occasional comfy Normandic fromage, lost about 10 kgs in 4 months and feel more energised in the morning.
Of course if you drink it with sugar you should kys
Yeah I usually only drink it black sometimes with milk
Having a mug right now, to be honest with you, distant cousin.
Coffee isn't a drug, you don't get physically addicted, only mentally so.
As soon as its out of your system, which takes less than a day, it leaves no effect on you or craving.
The coffee "addicted" people go on just fine if they taste the flavor and smell it, or drink decaf, or just eat coffee flavored candy.
Unless you get addicted, and you have to drink it black.
3 cups a day isn't even that much, people in stressful jobs tend to constantly sip coffee which can sum up to 10 or more cups a day. I'm at one big cup in the morning and occasionally one at noon. feelsgood. also contains lots of antioxidants.
What an awful mix.
>you don't get physically addicted
yes, you do. but the symptoms are about as mild as it gets when it comes to addiction. cold turkey will leave you grumpy for a few days with the occasional light headache.
>getting off the milk jew.
Of course Jews like you would want men of the West to have weak bones and no calcium.
Just don't use unfiltered tap water
And don't foorget your male subliments
>the bean jew
>tfw 20 mins after consuming coffee I need to shit
no thing like this with energy drinks or coffein tabs
Cold turkey will leave you grumpy for a day, thats how much caffeine withdraw lasts.
The rest isn't physiological, its psychological. You are used to the habit, like oral fixation in smokers.
I've never understood the campaign against drinking milk
I feel very sleepy and the headache I get is somewhat severe if I go a day without coffee.
On the second day, I get the same symptoms except much more mild and on the third day I start to feel pretty normal again.
I can't say I've ever felt grumpy after not having my coffee, just sleepy and unfocused.
So, yeah, there definitely is some degree of physical addiction for sure.
Nice job, Dr. Noseberg. Milk is toxic and we obviously aren't meant to drink it. There's plenty of other foods you can get calcium from.
>tfw artificial sweetener
>some people still fall for the sugar jew
Drinking coffee in moderation is redpilled. Excessive drinking is bluepill.
speak for yourself faggot,i absolutely love big boy 3% fat milk
Shitty bean juice from shitskin lands. Tea is the patricians choice.
It is bluepilled as fuck. Caffeine makes you FEEL awake. It doesn't actually do anything for your brain functions. In fact, it makes it much, much harder to concentrate. You become reliant on it. Without it, you won't be able to get out of bed in the morning. You won't be able to concentrate. But if you do take your dose, you will sleep worse and it will be harder to think properly. It's less harmful than nicotine but the dependency is the same.
Reliance and dependance on substance abuse is not redpilled.
it makes me shit a lot, so I guess it helps me keep up my metabolism
>looked into caffeine effects on women
>something like a 75% increase in estrogen in pregnant women after 1-2 cups
>now scared to consume
>drinking diet cola
I second this. It wouldn't be hard to kick for good but I don't want to. I enjoy the beverage too much. I am considering getting 1/2 caffeine beans.
>sweetening coffee
Are you gay or something?
It's laughably easy to stop drinking coffee though.
You can sleep off the withdrawal symptoms in about three days max.
prepare to be swarmed by the black coffee master race fags who think being like their great grandpa is enlightening or cool
It actually takes a month for your cognitive abilities to come back entirely.
>scared of bean hormones
>literally eats the flesh of female animals and drinks their secretions
Leave it to white people to ruin a drink.
Coffee should be drunk hot and thick, with a lot of sugar or delight, and with cool water as a side drink.
>swedish actually put butter in their coffee instead of sugar
I nearly puked when I first heard it.
What if you work third shift?
i've been drinking coffee since i was 9 years old and unfortunately i still ended up being unusually manly
your masculinity is safe, user
i drink with a splash of milk to cool it off out of the pot
hello nigger
Only fresh ground brewed in a plunger for maximum antioxidants.
Quitted daily consumption of caffeine and now sleeping and being awake at morning better in week. Just dont be addicted thrn it becomes more effective
I've tried coconut oil in my coffee and while I do not enjoy it as much as plain it does sooth your throat and give you additional energy to start your day.
Nice double doubles but being redpilled is not a lifestyle that comes
>Oh I know who's behind This shit so I must live my life completly different
It is natural that If you now disgusted by pizza bc of Pizzagate but don't make a trend about it. It will become like this:
>Oh you don't drink coffee and listen Classic music like I do? You must be a libtard bluepilled jew
>Is x redpilled?
These fucking threads are so Reddit tier. Why do you need someone to tell you if it aligns with redpilled living?
coffee is a known nootropics, so it's pretty dam redpilled.
>3 cups
causal as fuck.
>drinking black coffee
The only manly way to drink coffee is to stir it hot off the pot with your finger.
Therefore you have to add milk or sugar to give yourself something to stir.
And so in 2016 red-pilled became the new hipster
>Leave it to white people
the less sugar the more redpilled.
I drink tea with little sugar
also green tea master race
coffee is a nootropic, it helps your cognitive ablitiys
>falling for sweetener jew
Truly you are our best ally
desu senpai sanpai if you don't liston to classical once and awhile you. are pretty pleb tier
I like my coffee how I like my women
I don't like coffee
Sorry, I thought you were Ireland. How fare thee, my swarthy brethren?
It is the only drug I still use.
I would classify it as degenerate but less degenerate than any other drug. Not redpilled at all.
Coffee is the caffeine jew.
I feel only pity for people who "need my morning coffee XD". Same feeling I feel for smokers.
They come to work with their stupid Tim Hortons cups (Canada thing) and then go get coffee at least once more during the day.
>Hey I'm going to get coffee you want anything?
The mark of a weak individual.
Twice a day. Switch it around with tea. Drink lots of water between tea and coffee sessions.
fuck you, the most manly way to drink coffee is to make cowboy coffee and slup the grinds.
sweeters or milk is effenitie teir. I bet you don't even use a rock as a pillow, might as well cut your balls off
It does not, all it does is push your subconscious to the front. Which is confusing and annoying. Erratic behavior, irritability, a lack of patience and concentration problems are common in people addicted to coffee. I used to be a heavy coffee drinker. Sure, I get about 2 hours less "active" time in my day now, but I can think much more clearly and get more mental work done.
If you're a bluecollar worker, it's fine since the job is physically demanding. If you're fucking around with neural networks and artificial intelligence, not so much.
Get a cinnamon stick and a grater shit's great
Anyway, bretty good
How's life in Bulgaria right now? Stable politics?
not making your own coffee is pleb tier. You only go out if you want espperso drinks with foam milk so thick it has peaks in it
Caffeine comes from over 60 known plants and is now also available in manmade form. It is ingested primarily though foods and beverages by 90 percent of the global population. While caffeine is used and abused worldwide, it is a growing and serious problem in America specifically. Americans consume a staggering 170 liters of soda annually, a number that is 16 percent ahead of Mexico, the second leading country in soda consumption. With variants of 16 to 55 mg of caffeine in a given 12-ounce soda, that can mean a lot of caffeine. Of course, soda isn’t the only culprit; Americans down about three cups of coffee every day per person on average. One 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee contains anywhere from 95 to 200 mg of caffeine.
When caffeine enters the brain, it affects nerve centers that are responsible for neurological reward systems. In essence, caffeine makes you feel good and the releasing of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex of your mind reinforces the behavior, consequently making you want to do it again and again.
83 percent of US adults drank the brewed bean concoction in 2013, a five-percent increase from the year before. Regular consumption of caffeine has been associated with cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.
>not using unpasteurized maple syrup &or honey to sweeten your teas
step it up your game bestally
It is a literal physical addiction. As in I get a severe migraine and feel sick if I don't have it.
i'm a nurse, i work nights so i sort of have to
if i was a NEET i probably wouldnt drink it
it's pretty much agreed the world over that caffieee is a effeitcie nootropic at the right doses.
caffiee in the form of tea or coffee has been a part of human life around the world for an Age. Dismissing it is like those people that dismiss casual wine or beer even though it's been a staple of human life sense prehistoric times.
Have a glass of wine, relax
Nah man the most manly way to drink coffee is to shove a fistful of beans in your mouth then drink boiling water as you chew them.
You can also spit the grounds into your tulip garden to serve as a decent compost.
No. We just got snow too, hasn't stopped snowing in about 15 hours.
Continental climate must suck
I mean, I live at a higher latitude than any place in bulgaria, still, we maybe get 1 day of snow per year.
>yes, you do. but the symptoms are about as mild as it gets when it comes to addiction.
true but coffee is not a drug in the same sense that heroin is or something.
so is coffee redpilled?
only good answer: who the fuck cares. it's delicious and proven to be beneficial for your body. just don't overdo it with the coffee meme.
>The mark of a weak individual.
that's the cigarette meme, not the coffee meme.
smokers are indeed dogshit niggerfaggots.
Tea and water are the only redpilled drinks
>you don't get addicted to caffeine
stick to yogurts, bulgaria. biochemistry is a bit out of your mental league
No. Merchant vodka is.
>let me insult your flag while bringing nothing to the table :D
Stick to your being fat and shot at, Merika.
Caffeine causes only the very slightest physical dependence, and it is gone in a day of not using it.