can you redpill me on nikola tesla, ideally I'd like more info on some of the stuff he built that got destroyed and some conspiracy tier stuff please
Can you redpill me on nikola tesla...
He's gonna get us to fuckin mars, dude.
He was in love with a bird, no?
any more info on how he would have gone about doing that ?
pic related
He never married and he was a virgin, he lived 100 years before our time but the meme wojak stems from his behavior.
what do you know about the conspiracy tier stuff though ? (there's a reason I'm asking on Sup Forums......)
Well, I don't know much, but I'll tell you this.
NASA sabotaged their test launch because the US Government has realized what a boondoggle the space program is, and has been looking to privatize the entire industry.
Idk but he made a machine capable of cloning people just so a magician could 1 up his rival.
This is pretty fucking interesting lol
Check out his turbine.
He claimed it was upwards of 97% efficient.
nikola was just a typical lazy serb with a big mouth and lived in a fantasy world.. he produced nothing ofvalue used in today's, or tomorrows societies..
I will never get over Tim Kaine's wife being a beta-Pence from an alternate timeline.
>what is alternating current
Have you ever tasted alternate current?
>alternate current
decent name for an alt-right news publication
Lol go figure nobody likes your people.
name literally one thing the Philippines has done to better humanity
Well, the MAJOR thing you need to know that croatians say that he's croatian, because that's what croatians do.
Elected Duterte
consider yourself "redpilled" on nikola then.. i see it was hard for you to take!
Let me try
>has good ideas about electricity
>is picked up by thomas edison(faggot)
>improves his tech
>is fired because Edison is literally a homosexual
>small theories and invention go by
>Tesla is allowed to build perpetual energy by using the energy of niagara falls
>Tesla is now kicking ass and chewing bubble gum
>Edison buttblasted
>Tesla picked up by J. P. Fucking Morgan(illuminati)
>is allowed to build big as energy tower
>told Morgan this is just a big radio tower
>secretly wanted to create a tower that transmit energy wirelessly
>Morgan finds out and pulls budget
>Tesla lives alone in NY apartment getting progressively crazier
>died with a few pennies
tl:dr wanted to create INFINITE and FREE energy, to this day we still can't recreate his tower that 'transmited wireless energy'
True mate.
But why would you want free energy when you can make money out of it :^)))))
He was terrible at monetizing his inventions.
Fuck, the patent for Alternating currents was created by his friend because he cared so little about money
Pretty sure he identified as an American when he was asked later in his life.
He wrote about the event of his American citizenship with glee and happiness.
>perpetual energy
>hydro electric
Tesla's patent for the a/c motor would have given him $2.50 per Kwt from Westinghouse. Tesla gave it back, saving us all a fortune in royalties and ultimately making himself poor instead of being the richest man in the world.
What a loser for not liking money.
it would explain how trump was so financially successful, but nothing obvious time traveler like huge stock/futures picks/lottery.
Humanity wasn't rdy
Did you know that Tungus explosion was not actually a meteorite, but a test of this technology?
And they managed to transmit this much energy back then. With today's power sources, one man having this tech could sterilize the entire planet without lifting his butt from a chair in his bunker.
So Tesla realized it and destroyed the prototype and the plans himself.
But what a winner for progressing humanity
Overrated idiot-savant.
>muh ether
>muh 2phase>phase for realz, fuck you stupid retardz and your analytical, experimental and factual proofz I know bettar
I was kidding, thought the Idiocracy related pic would tip it; of course Tesla was a badass, he rebelled against the highest authority on the planet, know that.
Who do think would win in a fight? Tesla or Chuck Norris?
Also not Sup Forums related so I'm going to report his thread.
Greatest croat to ever lay foot on this Earth.
He was an engineer, not a scientist per se. He invented cool stuff and got cucked by Edison. Became a posthumous meme since then.
Westinghouse and Morgan too, all Rothschild butt-puppets.
I dont see what the big deal is I mean its all energy and frequency combo he essentially created magic that's why we cant duplicate it because everyone is trying to make something that goes with logic/science but in reality true science is akin to magic .energy frequency vibration vacuum long object deep in the ground .imagination is needed not new alloys or chips or software ..everything we need exists all around us.
the present is theirs but the future is mine
He's count du saint Germain.
tl;dr newage shit
>nikola tesla
His name is Nikolas Tessler and he was a German computer scientist who discovered the QuickSort algorithm.
you do realize that that is EXACTLY what they said about his tech and when it worked they just said it louder but in the low down using it/buying it
watch some youtube videos. He basicly created the alternate current engines, and also all the alternate current systems we still use nowadays to transmit energy through high voltage cables. He invented wireless electric energy transmission and a bunch of other shit.
Tesla realised that it was the 'on/off' aspect of a/c that created magnetism, and that all things that stop and start created a field , I think he transposed this theory over the Planck length, the smallest unit of time, and realised it could create a 'third state' by the same 'on/off' effect.
Orthogonal to the Planck length.
An omnipresent , omniscient field.
He found Gods house.
What's this man's name again?
It can't be that hard.
One day I'll free us from the Jews and tap into the electromagnetism of the universe.
Wish me luck guys. I decided I'm going to be a wizard
dont do this to me pls
>that that is EXACTLY what they said about his tech and when it worked
Except it never really worked.
His proposition for AC energetic system was 2-phase system with phase 2 being shifted by 90 degrees forward of phase 1. As obvious as it is in that kind of system the power output isn't constant, while in 3-phase systems, with 120 degree shifts between phases gives you constant power output, which increases efficiency of electrical machines.
His other shit is just as bogus. Ether doesn't fucking exist and this is something every single fucking idiot with a multimeter can check by building simple radio transmitter and receiver, transmitting sine wave and measuring voltage and current of the received signal. Multiply them by each other and You'll see power output. You can do the same on the transmitter side and compare the differences. If ether existed, the output wouldn't be much smaller than the input however, it is much, much smaller, for the reason being - ether doesn't fucking exist, it all behaves more or less in the way Maxwell describes it.
>Tesla realised that it was the 'on/off' aspect of a/c that created magnetism
DC also creates magnetic field, just static one.
I love how people with 0, no knowledge of the topic masturbate over this hack.
My own theory, the Planck length would have been a buzzword at the time.
Bulgars are officially the saltiest cunts on Sup Forums
Mr longest tongue? Thank you, now everyone knows.
but what im trying to say is the way he did it and the way people are attempting is not the same. he was essentially a kid with dough building things and when people asked how to build it he had to try to reverse engineer it so that people who know could try to understand not even his help understood how
what is it so hard to understand that someone built a device that does nothing and looks like nothing without one essential piece missing.
Tesla was enlightened and understood how the universe functions.
He tapped into the universal knowledge for his inventions.
He was trying to build a tower that would emit energy at specific vibrations and frequencies that would kick start human "spiritual" evolution
>but what im trying to say is the way he did it and the way people are attempting is not the same
You can literally do everything he did in the exact same way, it's not like it's secret and it won't work if it did work for him. Except none of his shit worked so here you go.
Oh wait, outside of the rumours he started to get publicity. Here he always had mysterious miracle devices that he never wanted to show or share with anybody.
We exist in "God's house"
Tesla knew.
He was also granted the wireless radio patent in 1943 I think, shortly after his death.
Go to FBI records vault on twitter and look at the Tesla file. It has tidbits like "Tesla was brought by the Space People from Venus". and "Tesla had plans to build an energy barrier around the entirety of America"
OP I know you wanted a red-pill but I'm gonna have to give you the fucking bombshells
what we are talking about is 2 perspectives
1. you believe everything that mainstream science says or does essentially meaning that you believe govts have no control over what type technology is allowed to the public
2. I believe that the tech he had would have spread all over the world making it impossible for america to be the powerhouse it is.
its like if you built a time machine with a bro but soon after bro goes crazy with it so you back in time and build it wrong with him they do the test it does nothing they move on. the missing piece was something that did not make logical sense to input
Here's some good red pill
>Nikola Tesla's assistant was George Herbert Scherff Sr.
>George H. Scherff Sr. had a son, George Herbert Scherff Jr.
>Name changed to Bush
>41st and 43rd Presidents and endless deep ties to state and shadow govt and CIA black ops and weapons
>also energy weapons.
Lol forgot link
Please elaborate
/x/ tier fantasy
The coolest stuff is still not released. You can find blueprints and notes on the deep web if you check the library but nothing about time travel or teleportation which are things e was rumored to have been workin on. The short of it is, direct current can be drawn from the atmosphere with a large enough inductor high enough above any interference. This sort of thing is going to become obsolete in the near future anyway, prob why it can be found. The time travel and teleportation shit was almost definitely confiscated and advanced.
>>I can make fire guyz!
>>no you cant
>>Ill show you!
>>shows him how to build fire
>>guy kills inventor
>>rumors about a guy that could start a fire
>>killer gets the a bright idea
>>tells people the guy was /x/ tier fantasy
>>the truth is fire comes a hole in his land
>>you must pay to use
>>he becomes a god
>>someone eventually kills him
>>takes over land
>>fire goes out
>>they try everything to make fire work
>>they cant
>>they cant because the missing piece is not a logical one.
>>cant build advanced science with logic
>>what we are talking about is god tier tech ...just like low tier tech to monkeys makes no logical sense to them high tier would make no logical sense to even the most learned individual . it would make more sense to a kid
>muh aether
Some (((scientists))) are revaluating the theory to explain the EMdrive
It's just another "dark energy" mumbojumbo anyway
>The time travel and teleportation shit was almost definitely confiscated and advanced.
>yfw tesla was john titor
>You can find blueprints and notes on the deep web
Had no idea, I know nigger had blueprints for satellite laser or some shit.
I always wondered if playing with electricity the way tesla did in someway affected his health I always liked the idea of letting electricity flow through my body
Earth once had giant trees. Oldest trees today are only 2000 yrs at the most. Saplings compared to ancient giants.
Ask Pence for that, maybe you can weed out some faggotry
Little brown fucking machines
Damn it, does the shitposter have to be you?
Sticking a metal fork into an electric socket worked wonders for me
he proved that gravity is real and we live in an electric universe
he also designed HAARP and though subhumans should be gassed
*isnt real
He was part Venusian
As above so below
Wow, no-one on this thread has mentioned the Philadelphia Experiment?
For humans, teleportation is ... messy
"Never trust a jew!"
Had plans for wireless transmission of free energy but got cucked by jewluminatti
Philadelphia experiment and time travel bullshit is disinfo psyop
OP wanted conspiracy tier stuff
meme created by 9gag and reddit
his contribution towards electrodynamics is literally non-existent compared to the greats like Maxwell, Ampere and Faraday
Listen to what you're saying
The man who worked out the ultimate worldwide electrical distribution system is not worthy of being mentioned in the same page as the inventors/discoverers who made incremental steps toward that same goal.
Give the guy a break.
except he didn't
nigger made his discoveries by pure chance and sucked the cock of the religious establishment. electricity was a gimmick at the time, he had practically ZERO competition.
>nigger made his discoveries by pure chance
but that's how science works dumbass
Patent for polyphasic a/c motor says otherwise
Hillary is still being considered the winner according to popular vote. Will we learn something on the 21st?
he was an ethnic serb, nobody denies it.
go fuck yourself, you brainwashed child. don't believe everything the (((serbian media))) tells you to believe:
>oni žele da kolju srpsku decu