Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I didn't choose to be gay.
Why don't you want me to get married?
Don't you want me to be happy?
Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I didn't choose to be gay.
Why don't you want me to get married?
Don't you want me to be happy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, uh, can I get an order of sliders to go with that thread? Yeah, uh huh, and a side of fries.
>Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
you answered your own question
faggots don't take marriage seriously anyway look it up monogamy is non existent with these perverts
What? Please just give me my change so I can leave.
That's a sexy pic.
yeah because were doing terrible injustice to the sanctity of marriage implied by a thousand year old book, how bout all those heterosexual divorces and adultery huh sweetie :^)
>That's a sexy pic.
Yep. I guarantee this topic will get scrubbed.
If it's not suitably unappealing then it's got to go.
Because you're posting shit like this. Fuck off.
That's why people hate you
Delete your account.
Or post lewd pics
what sorta leads
i dont hate you
but fuck off with pics like these if I want to see gay homofags I'll just attend art class
Hi newfag
>sanctity of marriage implied by a thousand year old book
Um... marriage predates Christianity by a very long time.
The marriage ring comes from the Roman slave band. It's the same thing, only gold now, and worn in the same spot.
In pre-Christian ancient Rome men married women for their property because only women could "hold" property. They had pretty much no other rights, though.
They are saying the AIDS virus is becoming resistant to the drugs they have been using to keep it in check.
Soon people with Aids will start dropping like flies again
I don't hate you.
I hate what you cause.
Stop spreading so much disease and immoral justifactions.
Why do your people feel the need to prance half naked in the streets to celebrate your cause?
No other minority does this for their "cause", not even black people.
I guess the more heteros who are getting it worldwide will be unhappy to hear that.
Meanwhile, the red herrings who know what rubbers are...
I didn't hate you last thread faggot, but you've overextended your welcome by posting two threads in 2 hours. Now, I hope you get raped by a fucking moose.
Gay is a choice faggot,it's the wrong choice but it's a choice none the less.
gay women have lower STD rates than heteros
so hetero men should cut off their dicks and become superior gay women
Why do you want to shit on an ancient reverence of a fertile union between man and union? Make up your own gay marriage religion or just get an actually meaningful personal union or whatever it's called. You get all the benefits of marriage right? If not then yes I do think that's wrong.
>immoral justifications?
name the immoral things I do that straight people don't do tenfold
>prance around naked in the streets
only in the bedroom
Don't breed. We have a low enough collective IQ
What do you mean? Homosexual males are notorious for using Aids as a women would use getting pregnant. The second they thing the boyfriend is going to levee them the get pregnant or Aids in a desperate attempt to keep their boyfriends
Just like a brainwashed robot would say.
Buttsex with men.
gay women have lower STD rates than heteros
so hetero men should cut off their dicks and become superior gay women
sex changes for male infants
the penis is, by far, the best conduit for STDs so let's get rid of them
we'll keep just enough teenage boys around to stockpile the sperm banks and then cut off their dicks, too
STD transmission, after all, is the true measure of a person
this is why lesbians like Rachel Maddow are far superior to heterosexual males
What made you gay was an older man diddled with you when you were a kid,and you diddle with kids because you think it's your faggot birthright to spread your homosexual values
Don't breed. We have a low enough collective IQ
I never met a lesbian that didn't secretly fuck men on the side . Especially the bull dykes
No one hates you for being gay. They hate you for being an obnoxious faggot that posts threads like this.
That's saying is so last year ,you SJW's need new insults
I hate that pillow bitter for being gay ,don't assume you speak for me
because you're an obnoxious promiscuous faggot who posts shit like your pic. you base your entire identity around your cock-sucking habit, and are about as interesting as the average leftist, weedtard, or ponyfaggot.
get some hobbies that dont involve putting penises in orifices and then maybe people won't care as much
>hobbies that dont involve putting penises in orifices
What's funny is, gay men don't even care what sex a person they fuck is. As long as they are sticking their dick in something,they are the epitome of perversion.
They all try and deny it
What the fuck are with these shit tier /b threads here, i swear i see 3 a day
til gay men are indians
Every so often Reddit and Tumbr queers think it's a good idea to try and spread their filth here. Thankfully most of these fucks that do this tend to commit suicide in the end and can't warn the next wave of fairies that decide it's a good idea to troll Sup Forums
if you're going to shitpost at least try to make it entertaining
Since when is posting fact shitposting?
not backed by evidence
honey... I
OP I think you need to pay a visit to Mike "like it in the crapper, you get the zapper" Pence
because that's fucking gay
too bad that three recent studies at three different universities done by three different teams of experts found the same thing:
repressed bisexuals make for big homophobes
while actual hetero men don't get their panties in a twist over gay dudes existing
cute how the repressed bis denied being aroused by the males, too
No evidence
I'm just going to let you find that evidence
You're mentally ill, go get therapy.
Why do you guys hate me for liking little women?
Because you annoying faggot who pushes his degenerate shit on others
>Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
I don't hate you. I just think you're an unfortunate sufferer of a congenital illness.
>I didn't choose to be gay.
Yeah, I know.
>Why don't you want me to get married?
Sure. Marry a nice girl and have babies. Homosexuality is only partly genetic, so your kids could come out normal.
>Don't you want me to be happy?
Your happiness is irrelevant to me.
because false equivalencies are boorish
How little?
I don't give a shit about gay people so long as they don't try to exist through their sexuality and throw it in my face every second of the day. Hell, the more of them there are, the more women there are for the rest of us, so whatever (most dykes are ugly, violent bitches so that's not a great loss).
However, the gays that participate in the Gay """pride""" piss me off.
>I'm gay, respect me!
>Look at how prideful I am showing my ass on fancy wagons, how progressive!
Fuck those people. That's the reason I hate trannies too, all of them are exactly like that.
11-13 =)
say no more famalam
Cool story bro
The insane don't choose to be insane, none the less they are not to be intergated into society less we all fall to their madness.
I only like white girls though. I'm still a Sup Forumsack you know =)
Don't hate you.
Couldn't give a crap what you or anyone else does in their bedroom.
say no more famalam
>Why do you guys hate me for being gay?
Who the fuck cares about you?
This is the sixth time I've seen this thread on here. Please fuck off, I'm a lesbo and don't care that you're a faggot so kindly take a dick up your ass and stop shitposting and shilling here on Sup Forums.
Why do you need a paper from the state for stickin your dicks in your pooper. You guys cannot reproduce therefore the need for marriage is non existent. It is just a farce, because you pussies watch romantic movies all day. No one NEEDs marriage to be together.
Damn right. I'd punch his throat right now.
I don't hate you for being gay, I hate you for being a degenerate.
If homosexuals just acted like heterosexuals with reversed preferences then whatever, but most gays are promiscuous mentally insane annoying fucks, not even self-aware enough to realize they're broken and should stop pretending everyone else in the world to act like what you do is normal.
I hate there are people subverting you from getting treatment for your mental illness, and for you I feel nothing but pity.
Please consult Mike he might help
Because you act like an obnoxious tard.
Being gay is a choice though, it's a fetish and it's no less a choice than say, a woman who visits gloryholes or one that fucks black guys, or anons who fap to anime.
If gays admit they just let a fetish run their lives they'd get the proper amount of respect (ie the same they get now, none).
>but it's NOT a choice, I don't choose to think about dick and sex so much every day that it controls every aspect of how I represent myself and how I interact with people!
I like you my roach friendo
I don't hate you ... just ... just stay away from my butt.
Seriously i don't care about someones sexuality it's the religion that's the problem.
A world without religions that would be amazing.
We would be a space faring civilization already if it wasn't for all those setbacks in the past because of religion.