how does this benefit the usa? what in the fuck??? whats the end game??
USA imports 1.2% of Somalis population!!
Other urls found in this thread:
and its religious organisations that are bringing them in using federal money! what happened to church and state separation? you can't pray in school but the federal govt can subsidise religious organisations to bring in refugees??
>The Bush administration brought 49,613 Somalis to the U.S. over eight years, according to the U.S. State Department’s refugee database. They were resettled by nonprofits such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, Church World Services, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the National Association of Evangelicals’ World Relief Corp.
Why are you complaining? They're getting their own medicine
>whats the end game??
it doesn't benefit them at all
hey bro WND is REAL news. not FAKE news. jospeh farrah is legit. just because it doesn't reflect your agenda....refute the facts.
gringos love the BBC, they have been doing it for centuries
their foundations are based around BBC and black bulls, they even went to war to keep them around.
ok but why?? why?? imagine a world without white people. what would that look like? it would look like war torn sub saran africa! who really wants a world full of niggers? eventually they would turn on you and then it would be a wholly black world.
burgers hated mainstream media when they shilled against trump but love mainstream media when they dont cover shit like OP
welp, explains how trump snagged this hole from nowhere
Maine CD 2:
2008 - Obama 52%
2016 - Trump 52%
Somalis and Jamaicans enrich Toronto.
>this projecting burrito
OPs site is American you dumbfuck
dat subhuman east african forehead
>american reading comprehension
Its a parting gift from obammy to trump, a ticking time bomb of weaponis grade niggers he'll have to deal with at some point.
Thankfully, trump cannot be stumped.
>their foundations are based around BBC and black bulls, they even went to war to keep them around.
minneapolis too. they got a huge somali population and a huge somali crime problem. plenty of them had returned home and come back radicalised.
You said burgers hated mainstream media but the OP is also a burger site
Also I'm not American you dumbfuck, read the flag
Why the fuck are u idiots scared of being wiped out when this isnt even true
Your literally STILL here re arrangement of human beings locally does nothing but cause minor to moderate conjestion why the fuck are white men panicing its as if you people have never experienced comfy large crowds before
Introduce lpw priced organic aromaic quality oils and soaps to these immigrants we dont like smelly folk despite race ALWAYS PROMOTE hygiene as a neccessity
Trump better reverse this shit
Her eyes are weird, she looks like an ayy
Only white people are able to see through jew lies. Only white people can succesfully counteract jews. It's a race trait.
That's why (((they))) seek to blacken and encuck white population
>Introduce lpw priced organic aromaic quality oils and soaps to these immigrants we dont like smelly folk despite race ALWAYS PROMOTE hygiene as a neccessity
Tell that to the Indians, nothing works on them.
>Maine, Minnesota
Why do only the very white parts of this country get enriched? It's almost as if it's systematically planned
>his entire continent was literally cucked by spaniards
its not about congestion. its about changing th culture and the depletion of resources. if the usa keeps importing thousands of "refugees" every year that will only deplete resources and change the culture. check out this article: 85 LANGUAGES SPOKEN IN BUFFALO SCHOOL DISTRICT!!!
how is this not a fucking problem?
>Australia's gonna give all it's future refugees to U.S
Somalis are literally abo tier, have fun America imao
lmao holy fuck
The website has a larger investment in putting your eyeballs on the screen that anything else, since no readers pay for their drivel. They want to sap the nationalist enthusiasm sweeping the world with demoralisation propaganda and snatch some easy silver by playing to the grandiose faux outrage the loser liberals and the crayon coalition have over Brexit, or Putin, or Dutere, or AFD, or Modi, or Teresa May, or the identitarians, anyone who sees through the bullshit they’ve been putting up with for years. Everyone’s a nazi. We’re all guilty for things we didn’t do, and we should love people we’ve never met and have no cultural kinship with (quite the opposite). And for what? What good does it do for us or Europe to take foreigners? If they’re of a low quality, it fucks us over for no reason. If they’re of a high quality, it saps the intellectual and moral fibre of their source nations, preventing them from evolving beyond third world hell holes. Which inevitably causes more fucking migration due to ignorant sand people tribal war bullshit. And the nations that should be taking them ins, Israel and the Arab peninsular states, want nothing to do with them. For good fucking reason. even fucking Kenya tires to keep the fucking Somalis out.
Wasn’t the whole moral bedrock of the anti-imperial crusade of the last century that white people shouldn’t be flooding into African and Asian countries and demanding special status? Why is it okay the other way around? This PC, “diversity (division) is our strength”, identity politics shite has been pushed for long enough, it’s crashing in front of the entire world, and this fucking no name wannabe journalist is concerned about the minutiae of a fucking air conditioning factory. Close the fucking borders. Build the fucking wall. That’s what the election was about.
Well im blown away that our government parties have actually agreed on something.
WAIT A SECOND I was going to visit that area with my mother next year, THAT'S NOT FAIR SOMEONE STOP THIS.
religious abrahamic fags truely are depicable cancerous people.
Praise Kek.
mfw i live in buffalo
believe it not he can! he can put a stop to the resettlement program. he can cut funding to the religious orgs bringing in the muslim hordes. read about it here:
It's a one time deal, only the ones we have currently at manus are going to be resettled.
Finish man of telling it like it is.
>nears Bush import record
So Bush was really our Angela Merkel?
The government has also committed to increasing the immigrant intake by about 5k in addition to taking in 20k Syrian refugees.
>whats the end game??
I dont know, out of all the immigrants you can take from Africa Europe and USA seem to take Somalis. The worst of the fucking worst, other Africans hate Somalis, Somalis even hate Somalis.
Why is the walking cancer known as Somali being imported around the world?
Only the globalists can answer.
Exactly, it is very obviously a forced resettlement
I'm Somali and I'm an American.
During the dnc they praised disabled whites. They want to make whites retarded and make them want to kill themselves. By importing huge numbers of inbred buck toothed somali niggers they will further this goal as they breed much faster than whites as they are inferior on every level. Not even raising their young. Wherever the offspring of these somali hordes live they will drive out all other folk. They are that much of a toxic hive whom hold medieval fantasies in higher praise than science.
A truely disgusting phenotype of our race that should be exterminated
Islam ist kein Problem:
You have to go back.
Nice but don't start stabbing people because of your muslim crap ... if you're religious that is.
I've had it. Fucking had it. Words escape me.
>Somali Muslims
It's like importing smallpox and giving it a wage.
Is anywhere safe from this fucking crap? Is there some South American shithole I can move to just be left alone innawoods?
This is really amusing to me, my grandma came here as a refugee from Hungary during the revolution it reminds me of the stories she told me of when she first moved to Canada. Feel kind of bad for the niggers they seem nice
I don't think they'd let niggers into Israel.
Importing votes.
comedy, make a fucking series out of this
It's very obvious at this point that all this vibrant diversity is aside of an ideological push a ploy by the democrats to import voters by the millions.
Someone should do a spoof of the vibrant diversity.
The only thing worse than Middle Eastern Muslims are black Muslims.
These guys seem humorous but ... why are they here? What purpose do they serve? You could get some autistic kid to do any work they could do.
>Somali muslim chimps out at Ohio uni
>imposrt 1.2% of Somali muslim population
Man, Obama must really hate Ohio.
Welp, I'm never going to Lewiston again.
>why are they here?
To destroy social cohesion.
B-but you don't think your country is a NGO?
H-how all those professional class liberals would do all their virtue signaling if they don't give white working class jobs to poor third world people?
You are a monster.
>sees a mall santa
>and how is it connected with the birth of jesus christ
He is right on that.
He's kinds a right though Santa has nothing to do with Christ
We need to put the Christ into Christmas again
thats the point though. jesus was born in the fall. christ-mass is saturnalia. the birth of mithras. has nothing to do with jesus and it never did.
They do. But not fertile ones.
most depressing shit i'll watch this week
I get the feeling we're next and not more boat cunts full on Germany tier shit.
why can't you just take the christians? why does anyone want muslims?
I didn't realize Somalia was a real state?
> did you know its a crime to import people for money?
Because the oh-nose-they-are-so poor do-gooder.
Forgetting than their country is shit even by African standards because they are shitty inbred people even by black standards.
Theyre the exotic kind of oppressed people.
they only get oppressed when they go to western nations, really makes you think famalam
>Ethiopian jews
They do fuck with them though. They sterilize the women without them knowing
Ay, beat me to the punch lad
End game is siphoning wealth through the refugees into Somalia. It's wealth redistribution, plain and simple. It is basically communism in action, with an air of "what are you gonna do about it?"
You literally have an American flag
It doesn't, Obomber has given up on keeping Trump out of office and refocused on leaving as much of a mess as possible.
That's not what happens. The women want to take birth control but have too little intelligence and foresight to take the pills at regular intervals, so they get shots instead which work x amount of weeks.
Ban Assault Knifes!
the west is for everybody. except white people
welcome to haifa
It's fuming the demo and obongo and soros. They've been secretly setting up sanctuary cities to destroy white ares. Google them then look at the map. They are sending the dirty jigger to white states.
P-Puerto Rico? I-is that you..?
It's a nightmare. I live in the most concentrated population of them. They hate us, and just use us for gibs. I noticed that even before I came to this site. They cause crime and rape and just in general are pretty stupid