Post rares please
GF deleted my racist frog folder
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Dump her
Delete your girlfriend. This is a defining moment in both your relationship and your life.
Smack dat bitch up
Doh Dow Duh Dow
Peep the frog is the worst forced meme to come out this year.
You should end her.
Almost took the bait, but then I saw rhe flag.
>GF deleted my racist frog folder
>implying she is still your gf
wow what a cuck
I came here to post this.
and also retarded. use
The hell is wrong with your gf?
Delete whorefriend
Dude why do you have stuff you don't want your gf getting to on a pc she can roam free on?
Give her a limited privileges user account seperate to yours. Done.
I just lost.
Thank you user
>racist frog folder
You were already a bitch, you didn't deserve that folder
Just use recuva or something like that. Then stick your hand in her butt, liker the whole thing if you can. Make her croak like a frog and maybe yell PEPE with your hand in there, then gently take it out if she's a good girl.
wow thats me 100%
what the ufck
should have made it multicultural
if you are using windows download a software called "recuva" and you can restore them
poor millennial woes
It was the will of kek that you should know this suffering
savor it, don't try to escape
rare masterpiece
Not rare but definitely avant garde pepe painting
>thinking I'm going to devalue my rare pepes by sharing them
Idiot. Gonna sell em on the trading board m80 and make some sheckels
Praise her
Anyone have bowser Pepe?
Standard Pepe. High Quality.
I hope you get run over by a car you fucking nigger.
Honest question
Why does your GF have access to your computer files to delete?
It's not hard to set privileges to 'admin only'
Animated Pepe. High Quality. Rare.