Why are nerds such crypto-fascists?
Why are nerds such crypto-fascists?
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Anything that is "Too White" especially "Too full of White males" will eventually be targeted and demonized. Good, the anti white cunts are overplaying their hand.
This display of assholery is sure to wake up some more of our people.
Keep it up, leftards
Also (((Willie Osterweil))) hmmm
>"Trust us goys, not only are green frogs a hateful racist symbol- but vidya is 100% the next Hitler."
Is it any wonder that the left is losing credibility?
>Sup Forums still ignoring this amazing topic
WTF Sup Forums I thought you were based
Juiciest quote
>The myth of nerd oppression let every slightly socially awkward white boy who likes sci-fi lay his ressentiment at the feet of the nearest women and people of color
>The nerd appeared in pop culture in the form of a smart but awkward, always well-meaning white boy irrationally persecuted by his implacable jock antagonists in order to subsume and mystify true social conflict — the ones around race, gender, class, and sexuality that shook the country in the 1960s and ’70s — into a spectacle of white male suffering. This was an effective strategy to sell tickets to white-flight middle-class suburbanites, as it described and mirrored their mostly white communities. With the hollowing out of urban centers, and the drastic poverty in nonwhite communities of the ’80s and ’90s, these suburban whites were virtually the only consumers with enough consistent spending money to garner Hollywood attention.
PROTIP: this myth was actually generated by beta Jew Hollywood script writers, true story
But guess who gets the blame- White gentiles oy vey
>Of course, there are outcasts who really are intimidated, silenced, and oppressed. They tend to be nonwhite, queer, fat, or disabled — the four groups that are the most consistently and widely bullied in American schools. In other words, the “nerds” who are bullied are being bullied for other things than being a nerd. Straight, able-bodied white boys may also have been bullied for their perceived nerdiness — although the epithets thrown often reveal a perceived lack of masculinity or heterosexuality — but the statistics on bullying do not report “nerdiness” as a common factor in bullying incidents. Nevertheless, the myth of nerd oppression and its associated jock/nerd dichotomy let every slightly socially awkward white boy who likes sci-fi explain away his privilege and lay his ressentiment at the feet of the nearest women and people of color.
Oy vey goyim White straight males don't suffa like the POX and pervs!
because they revel in unwittingly promoting the very things they claim to be against
like today in the "women to avoid" thread that made them all sound like their pining for Islam
of all the relationship practices between men and women in the world, fundamentalist Islam is the closest thing to Sup Forums's ideal
They really can't stop bullying even now that they're older.
i remember a few black kids portrayed as nerds in media
malcom in the middle comes to mind
let's say that white males shouldn't play games for some retarded reason and let's say that pwediepie is nocive beacuse hitler appears in some of his videos.
>not realizing OP is being ironic in the face of BS
>implying "fascism" is bad
>implying any of present day western sexual standards are going to last in their current form- at all
anything that creates sympathy for the dreaded EEEEEVIL Hu-wyte male must be smashed, comrade!
>Across the ’70s, right-wing graduates and former brothers began a concerted campaign to fund and strengthen fraternities at their alma maters to push back against campus radicalism and growing sexual and racial liberation. Decrepit frat houses were rebuilt, their images rebranded, and frat membership began growing again. As the wave of social upheaval receded in the late ’70s, these well-funded frats were left as a dominant social force on campus, and the hard-partying frat boy became a central object of culture.
Another lovely quote
>The films celebrated as 1980s camp colluded in the Reaganite project: Hollywood worked hard to project a stable white suburban America whose travails were largely due to bureaucratic interference
Fascism is medicine with unpleasant side effects but it will cure society of its terminal disease
Jesus, they're now telling white CHILDREN that they're not allowed to say they're bullied
At what point do people wake up and realize this shit is pathological? Shouldn't it be around the time that children become your enemies?
I know. I honestly feel emboldened to fight like hell against these sickos. It's no longer just some academic bullshit, this is, for lack of a better explanation "Nazi like" level propaganda.
This is like some History Channel shit about Hitler on Jews. Swear to God.
>The jock is forever cool, the nerd perennially oppressed. The nerd exists to deny the significance (if not the existence) of race, class, and gender oppression
Why am I not surprised that this ant-white scumbag lives in Brooklyn?
I wonder what his lefty ass feels about gentrifying a poor working class neighborhood? I'm sure he has mental gymnastics to explain his bougie virtue-signaling life choices
I hope he falls feet first in to a sausage grinder
>The “change the culture” movement has manifested itself in many ways and has taken on different efforts as well as groups that are loosely aligned towards fundamental change. On college campuses it has largely taken on the shape of the movement to end sexual harassment and sexual assault. As one professor from a prominent campus told me recently, “It isn’t really about ending sexual assault; it’s about controlling people and changing behavior. Men have the advantage in almost every way, so we have to find ways to cut into that advantage. Making traditional male behavior something that is socially unacceptable will cut their advantage. We have to make it unacceptable for men to talk the way they talk now, act the way they act now, and interact the way they do with women now, and have traditionally.” Hyping sexual assault statistics, making women fearful of men, and building a system that finds men guilty until proven innocent are simply means to the greater end of “cutting male advantage.”
Another mindblowingly twisted comment
> Eventually the nerds’ rapey insouciance and smarts win their hearts, and they steal the jocks’ girlfriends.
Yea nerds are totally rapey...... mhm......
This is making me want to reopen the camps. holy christ
White privilege is at it's core actually jewish privilege and nepotism 100% of the time.
>...these nerds see themselves silenced by anti-intellectual politically correct censors, cool kids, and hipsters who fear true rational debate
Through hyperbole he states unequivocal truth
I adore hearing lefty rhetoric about how they are totally NOT the party of censorship these days. The point is so easily rebutted
>14 posts by this ID
This isn't MSM, this isn't even a real magazine. It's a literal blog by literal whos circlejeking over pseudo intellectual topics that no one cares about. I know its pretentious and sanctimonious liberal whining, but so is my University newspaper and thank god no one reads that trite either. Its not even bad enough for cathartic enjoyment.
Another "gem" from this willfully dense polemicist
"In defense of looting"
I shit you not
They really fucked up by forcing diversity in video games. Science fiction was always pretty diverse, to be honest, but even that wasn't good enough and they went overboard. Gamergate blew up and the nerds have retaliated by jumping aboard the Trump Train, with Donald Trump, the ultimate jock.
>demonize you for being a nerd
>infiltrate nerd hobbies
>ruin them
>say "nerds" were never real to begin with
>demonize you for thinking nerd bullying was real
what did they mean by this
these people will take over media in the future and drive their insane views as far as possible
so it's not no big deal
Every now and then they admit it.
People who play PlayStation are the reason DoTro got into power and Brexit went through, sure... When will these people realise it's a popular movement.
this isn't to give woman an advantage either, make no mistake feminism isn't for women. It's to control men (thereby controlling women) and vice versa.
Sexual frustration is a hell of a pain fueling hatred
Nigga you are ten years behind. This is washington times op ed material today.
>shitty meme videos
nerds were Sup Forums and /vg/ they were happy. Then a fucking cultural marxist saw a fucking opportunity of exploit society using gamers as her scarecrow.
Long story short, nerds fought back and now trump is president. And all the left is pissed. T. anita sarkeesian.
lmao Sup Forums nerds btfo
t. NewZealander
The fascist millennial is a pasty nerd watching shitty meme videos on YouTube, listening to EDM, and harassing black women on Twitter. Self-styled “nerds” are the core youth vanguard of crypto-populist fascist movements. And they are the ones most likely to seize the opportunities presented by the Trump presidency.
Who /fascist millennial/ here?
> Willie Osterweil is a writer, editor and agitator based in Brooklyn. Willie is an editor at the New Inquiry, and is the author of In Defense of Looting, coming out from Verso Press in Spring 2017.
> In Defense of Looting
> For most of America’s history, one of the most righteous anti-white supremacist tactics available was looting.
Freikorps did nothing wrong!
This desu.
They kept poking the beehive that is Sup Forums until they got stung and now they're crying about it.
>male-dominated interest
>discipline and perseverance required to succeed
>playing to win while learning to cope with losses
>rewards analytical, strategic and focused thinking
Vidya, if used correctly, is rather based.
>goose-stepping shit-posting scum
Is this me? I don't think I've ever actually goose-steeped...
Hitler was a sensitive man
He went to art school
He was a vegetarian and non-smoker
He hired gay and handicapped officers
If Hitler were alive today, he would listen to The Cure, The Smiths, and Depeche Mode
>Gamergate, the first online fascist movement
Wait, what?
what's the sauce on this quote? I know I've heard it somewhere before.
>In the nerd’s very DNA is a mystification of black, queer, and feminist struggle: As a social character, the nerd exists to deny the significance (if not the existence) of race, class, and gender oppression.
Who /generation zyklon/?
>one of the most righteous anti-white supremacist tactics available was looting
What the fuck is this real life?
This guy is a troll, right?
'Hitler was a sensitive man'
By Anal Cunt
> Willie Osterweil is a writer and an editor at The New Inquiry and the frontman of the punk band Vulture Shit.
> Willie Osterweil is a writer and punk singer based in Brooklyn, NY. When he's not overseas taking part in revolutions, Willie edits the A/V section for The New Inquiry and fronts the band Vulture Shit.
>on bullying
these people