Its a little crazy to hate abortions, besides >MUH RELIGION theirs little reason to not like it. Most people who get abortions are blacks or poor trash who shouldn't be breeding in the first place. You could probably cut the homeless rate in half you killed every crack baby a woman was forced to have.
Sup Forums has no problem killing a man later in life, why not end the suffering in the start?
Why does Sup Forums hate abortions?
You gotta give a man a reason to kill him, not because of circumstance.
> Thinking easy access to abortion lowers the live birthrate.
It's been shown time and time again that abortion has almost no affect on birthrate and becomes the main method of contraception.
Cf. Soviet Union
I love abortions, less niggers.
the reason why abortions are a plague, is because it is becoming a epidemic. Once more people start using abortions as a cop out rather than raise a baby, it will start to become a normal state of thinking. It isn't natural for a mother to want to kill her offspring, these women are committing selfish, and degenerate acts, and this will prevent them from progressing into maturity. They should strive to raise a child to the best of her ability, not just kill it because of self interest.
I'm alright when it comes to a rape baby or if the child will host some abnormality or dysfunction. But your idea that it is mainly black women who are doing this is incorrect. Not to say that it isn't white trash either.
What do you think then of the man who made her pregnant? Do you think they should be stuck with the family as it men's nature to protect their kin?
No niggers in my country mate and the life of other whites matter me
Murdering people for pre-crime is immoral, murder them after they do something bad.
You could cut the homeless rate to 0 if you murdered the Zionists pushing overpopulation and the exploitation of lower classes.
i think if a men is not willing to start a family with a women, then they should take precaution when fucking the women. If the man accidentally gets her pregnant then yes, that is his child and he too should raise it to the best of his ability. If the women is rapped than that is a different issue, and i think abortion is a reasonable action
Murder is murder. I don't need a religion to know that's wrong I'm not a fucking barbarian.
Now I would love for mandatory temporary sterilization for everyone and require a the filling out a form to have a child, but punishing someone before they commit a crime just cause its convenient to you is the utmost display of tyranny and degeneracy (even if they're black)
The babies haven't even been born yet, so it's not really killing.
It's like cooking scrambled eggs, just toss 'em in the trash instead of eating them.
So? Would you rather have more poor black people around?
White trash or black, get rid of em.
The ones who hate it are mostly pro-white or christ cucks. We should support it since it prevents the black population from growing
I think people should have to face the consequences of their decisions, I don't give a shit about religious or murder aspects of it. Women are right, it's their body - and they decided to use that body for sex when they weren't prepared for the possible outcomes of it so they have no right to simply cancel out what happened because they don't like it. If you are a slut you pay the slut toll.
Implying zionists are forcing drug ridden women to have crack babies or women to have their unwanted children.
Come back to reality buddy
I love hearing from butt hurt virgins who only hate abortions to slut shame. It's truly a sight.
Planned parenthood are temples to moloch
Black women can't afford 500-800 for an abortion.
women that want to kill their children are fucking cancer
in serbian gypsies make up 90% of all abortions
don't ban them you idiots
That's why you lower cost and end all the restriction. As much as I am a right wing republican I can see that making it easier for the population to stop their breeding and unwanted offspring would decimate the black community and the extremely impoverished.
The Zionists are flooding their communities with drugs and crack and pumping their doped up heads with cultural hedonism and funding their lifestyle with welfare.
Serbia knows what's up
>Implying it isn't the government giving crack and drugs to their communities
>Ew on the ID
>ew on the people