Auspol first contact
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gonna get drunk and play overwatch yeaaaaah boi
why don't you tell us how you really feel
>playing a children's game
Aussies have no shame.
hey dad
that is the worst fucking southern cross i have seen
Shouldn't you shop that mug onto shaggy vera?
>not watching based Mark Latham and Ross Cameron on sky
Lmaoing at your life famalam
check out all the white cunts right now on #defineaboriginal
How did you guys lose to a bunch of Turkroaches in Gallipoli?
Led by the British.
How the fuck did you lose against a few french bread shop owners?
The British command
>shaggy vera
What is this exiled criminal talking about? Surely we must have a translator who can decipher his pidgin script
The Aussies slaughtered the turks so hard at Gallipoli that the Turks retired the regiment or battalion number in honour of how hard they got rekt
It was the Brits and maybe Canadians who got rekt in the rest of the Dardanelles and withdrew as a whole
Why would you make such a defeat a holiday?
Yeah you killed a ton of roaches, but you failed in trying to retake Istanbul.
This nu male ((((((((((comedian))))))))))) is doing my head in.
Trudo's dad cunt show some respect.
It's about the lost soldiers
Also fuck this Tom Bellend cunt, give us more Dicko
We went down the pub while the dumb fucks were fighting empty trenches
gave my wife's son a good and proper licking
>Land on a mountainous beach due to a fuck up by the British.
>Get slaughtered while coming off the boats
>Still put up a great fight against the roaches despite having the lower ground and living in horrible conditions
>End up destroying the turks anyway
Your flag is nice because it has our flag on it and our flag is nice so therefore your flag is also nice because our flag is nice and our flag is on your flag.
Can an australian user tell me something in aussie language?
Get fucked seppo.
Neck ya self cunt.
Ay that be one fine bird you got there ay mate
Fuck off this thread is full
thanks mate
Dave doesn't wanna take his shirt in front of the native women because of the color of his nipple.
fuck of we're full cunt
conshitchewshan is raycis
Would out banter any of you cunts
You should put our flag in the top left of your flag. Then you can say you're part of the shitposting empire.
didn't get no spuds for dinner because they sprouted, so fuck off, were full
Hows your night going cunts?
Wogs can't banter, they can only surrender. Go pick some more fruit.
Man i miss getting drunk with Australians.You guys have the best way of insulting people.
We only have like 10 public holidays a year faggot. India has 44.
Nice fucking cuckstamp you penal colony bastards
Enjoy your early death from skin cancer you abo cunts
Shitting your pantaloons in the ar15 Isle of a Walmart somewhere.
some quality shitposts this week boys
and the classic greens drug decriminalisation shilling
Get fucked potato nigger, your flag looks like one of you alcoholic shitcunts vomited on the French flag.
>Be abo
>Enriched with melanin
>Cant get skin cancer
Sure thing cunt
>mfw burger kun can't into 5d stralian chess
We commemorate a tragedy because the boss man will look like a shit cunt if he complains when we show up to work with a hangover the next day.
>tfw lose $700 bet
>remedy the situation by placing a $500 bet
Fuck the packers and the eagles, can't even cover a 47 spread.
Australia doesn't exist. Begone, jews of the south.
>this potato nigger is bitching in 2 aussie threads at the same time
Fuck mate you got no idea, down here we make fun of jews, a cheap cunt gets called a 'jew' here
Mate your skins darker than mine in a generation all of you cunts on your prison island will have skin darker than the abos.
>10,000 miles away from UK
>still have the cuckstamp
O I am laffin, Stockholm syndrome at its finest
>Mr Thwaites vehemently denied he used the phrase "ITT niggers"
Can't fool me with your Jewry.
Jokes on you 2 generations from Italian grandparents and I'm white as.
you've already out banter'd the locals in my area without doing anything
your m8s were contracted out to help build a highway upgrade and as a result the company brought a heap of potato niggers over here. they are everywhere for fuck sake.
Noel Pearson is a bit of a cunt hey?
Yeah no shit cunt, turns out that the sun gives you a fucking tan if you spend enough time outside of the pub you fucking drongo.
Ireland is a child that ran away from home for no good reason and then tries to sully the very name of its parents instead of facing the fact that it fucked up. Face it cunt, youse have done fuck all. Ever.
If you want to insult me at least spell it right cunt
lol isnt north ireland still a thing?
should i work for the dole?
Why are Kikes superior to Australians in every way? We will wipe the fuck out of Australia, you faggots should prepare for the biggest can of whoop-ass you filthy Criminal, you faggots were so useless your ancestors couldn't deal with your shit, so they sent you faggots to the biggest shithole on Earth, an abbo infested shithole.
It's over dickhead
He says, hiding behind his big dumb footballer friend America. How many troops would you commit to that effort? Same as your other wars we're in?
ive seen you post this b4 m8
if you're going to get shit out of it like useful skills for a trade i dont see why not. keeps you occupied for the time being instead of shitposting on a mongolian tapestry wall all day
if they insist that you have to work 25 hours a week you might as well just get a job rofl
Settle down mate or bondi council will reject the eruv development plan, then your mob will be in trouble on saturdays (you have to push the button for the pedestrian crossings).
Aren't you still a part of the EUSSR?
Oh shit mad max: euro road is on. Hahaha islamed in the ass raw.
Jizzrael calling Bestralia a shithole.
Our abbos chuck boomerangs, you're original inhabitants chuck booms 'n' bangs.
so i should look for a job is wat ur sayin
Nice nothing stamp you irrelevant bastard. I know people who own more land than your shitty country.
to be fair they at least shoot them when they get aggressive
How are you posting? Didn't you galahs somehow manage to burn your desert down a few days ago?
That's soft. Why shoot them when you can ruin entire generations by getting them hooked on the most expensive drug known to Dravidian man. Petroleum.
The real kicker is that israel isnt doing this when they are in the middle east. Where all the fucking oil is.
a waste of tax payers money.
It was a ploy
Jewish news was more interested in the arab socials than the fires
fuckin wont do shit cunt
Your mum's a slag and your dad's a dumb cunt.
Chuck us a beer, mate.
>44 public holidays
>plus weekends = 148/365 = ~40%
>the entire countrys productivity is contained to >60% of the year
Get a dog up ya you mongoloid
Yeah, nah, you're a shit cunt
Haha throw another shrimp on the barbie! But seriously neck yourself ay though, ya fucken mutt
>Yeah you killed a ton of roaches, but you failed in trying to retake Istanbul.
at least we tried, yank
what the fuck were you doing at the time?
First time we fought as Australians rather than a bunch of separate but closely related colonies/states
The holiday was built up as a memorial day for all our fallen soldiers
Come visit my thread please mates.
I got really good digits:
Why the backflip?
i heard that the crime rate has been increasing in melbourne. i'm guessing that the whole "Apex" gang bs is just code word for rapefugees.
Did anyone watch the show on SBS afterwards about people from the Middle East trying to get into Europe? Absolutely disgusting.
He realised he had over-egged his pudding.
>Absolutely disgusting.
What was so bad m8? (Other than the obvious).
Well mate, the Apex gang is a Sudanese crime gang.
while europe was fighting the biggest war in history of mankind, all you were able to fight was a bunch of emus you cunts
The fact that these people think they have the right to go to any country they want to; but can't even be bothered going through the proper legal channels.
>all those useful skills
>6.5 hour day
>40 mins break
Fuck me, when they put me on the WFD they made me work 9-5, with a 10 minute tea break and 15 lunch, all of this while being at Vinnies.
Shit was the most useless use of 2 months I've ever done.
bunch of them are niggers born here to refugee parents or some shit
but removing the non-citizen ones is hard because it requires the immigration minister to step in or some shit
they'd be automatically fucked off back to niggerland if they were sentenced to more than 12 months imprisonment for a crime but our cuck-infested courts always let them off easy (probably for that reason, desu)
No, refugees would be generalising too much. The Apex gang is 99% made up of Sudanese refugees. Most of them are too young to prosecute for any reasonable length of time (they get caught pretty much every fucking time because they're dumb as god shit) so they go to court, get a slap on the wrist and go straight back out and steal another Mercedes.
Cunt can ya chuckus nother bushchook?
This ol cunts got flys in it.
Fuckin bumped into ol mate gaz out on the shorey last week, ol geeza flyin around on an old twinfin he got from his old man who use to live in mags.
go doggies
>18c protects jews and abos and fags from harassment
what a fucking coon