Yuri Bezmenov
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The guy proclaimed that he fell in love with India so it's not so surprising.
Regardless of his personal affiliations, his claims of the subversion process are becoming more and more overt as the days pass by.
Mass media brainwashing and public school/university indoctrination is blatant, all you have to do is wish to see it for what it is.
>dude conspiracy theorists are so dumb lmao
>but race is a social construct, what bigots believe are conspiracies, but we are holier-than-thou so it doesn't count.
dis nigga woke as fuck tho
sounds alot like isis
stop talking like a nigger, it's very cringy
haha that make me le cring xD does anyone else get the cring feeling by this post???
hello gentlesir :) may i have your utmost permission to post this fine cring on reddit.com/r/cringe for maximum karma????
Nigger detected
You even beat that cringe
He was trying to make black people and hispanics be patriotic because he was seeing the millions of immigrants from SA that went to the USA in the 80s.
He was correct 100% on this
He was trying to make a patriotic movement to counter 60s brainwashing.
pull the stick out of your ass.
he was trying to appeal to pothead liberals you dummy. That kind of pantheon works for people that go to college.
Look at the level of people that is found in USA universities
And he married a Philippine.
a, da? esti roman?
So? He had a jungle fever, that's not a bad thing nor is it very common. At least he practiced what he preached and lived in black part of the city unlike liberals.
Dude, he was a commie. And peyote doing his kind of work often go native. But it was Soviet practice at the time to arrange kgb marriages so that husbands and wives would spy on each other for the party. No wonder he wound up hating it.
Plus she's a qt.
People doing his line of work. I hate auto correct.
Hello Vee.
God do you hate that guy's voice as much as I do?
My phone auto correct people to peyote.
Reminded me of the old Onyxia wipe video, so I subbed.
Never heard of it, but he's got a voice for newspapers.
no, i mean the woman he was to marry was white. he had a kid with her.
but he married that brown asian afterwards.
Yeah, the Soviets forced him to marry his first wife to control him, and he divorced her as soon as he could. Dunno about how many he had after that though. But he definitely was a xenophile.
I think we should flood working class white neighborhoods and still keep me comfy and safe from them in my 100% white gated community and I dont do anything to contribute to helping or integrating.
Then calling all the whites that dont suck their cocks and give them everything I will violently zerg at them and call them racist.
This, still dropped massive red pills, long before anyone else did.
That's not yuri bezmenov.
That what KGB, jews and white traitors within can do to you
>52% """"white""""(30-38% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
Every single one of those things (except the last) is the result of cultural Marxism pushed by Soviets to fracture and destabilize society.
Yuri knew that the elites want to use non whites against whites to destroy them, so he wanted to counter that by creating bridges. Personally I think it was a mistake, the idea that we should tolerate non whites is what got us here in the first place.
and yet the man was right abought everything
>That what KGB, jews and white traitors within can do to you
>Every single one of those things (except the last) is the result of cultural Marxism pushed by Soviets to fracture and destabilize society.
why u just confirm his thesis?
I don't know about Jews and so on, but it's a proven fact that the kgb was doing it.
>muh civic nationalism
Fuck off
Dude it's ridiculous if you go into the heritage tree threads you'll see so many Americans with nigger or indio admixture and then when you tell them they're not white they get pissed off and say they look white enough.
I'm convinced that PURE Europeans in the United States is maybe around 20% at best. Almost every white person I know in real life is like 1/8 or 1/16 Native American.
>I don't know about the Jews
You know now
A traitor on so many levels
I can believe this. A lot of 'whites' in the states look off. I'm not saying ugly but just features I've never seen on a European and I've been to most European countries by now. The most common I saw was a smooth but hooked nose that is probably from the natives but on white people. It certainly isn't Anglo/Germanic or Scandinavian is all I can saw.
>based Yuri wasn't a raging racist
wow what a surprise