This is the level of "well educated" college studnets

look at the redditor at 0:30

Other urls found in this thread:


to be fair that's a shit school

>human sciences (??)
>sports management

>Poll: Most-Educated Voters Favor Clinton Over Trump


These fuckers can't even have audio in both headphones.

Jesus fucking christ. These have to be cherrypicked idiots or something right? Also
>All of those useless majors

>All of those useless majors

Its what happens when you make education as a market.

Aside the gossip news i know all the the fuck is even possible i know more about the U.S. than college americans???


Isn't the whole >American education system based on learning this stuff by heart?
Not knowing the names of politicians seems quite ok to me though.


this is the level of (((well educated))) Finlnads

>to be fair that's a shit school

Kek look at the good ones

I didn't know the answer to the last question desu

captcha: perez

Because youre a autistic potatonigger

It's a party in the usa

Holy. Fuck.

I knew who won the civil war at five years old. Liberals really are autistic. It's no longer a meme.

I know more than USA history than USA college students

And their fucking college cost at least 10k a year!

>Took American AP History courses in highschool
>Took gilder lehrman class too.

None of you know the level of rage I have right now, it's incomprehensible.

finland cant into english because must-sweden

>mfw I know more about American history than most Americans

shit i feel better now. even with my shit education i know more about USA than their current students.

I don't understand how they have no knowledge of the most basic information. Maybe it's because i'm from a different generation, but we were taught most of these in first grade, then every year subsequently for 11 years. These people can vote and they don't know who Joe Biden is?? SAD

I wonder where they were exactly when this was taught to them. Did they skip the class or just replaced the knowledge in their brains with useless shit?

>mfw knew all questions
>mfw i am jobless neet here in serbia

i used to work with americans online, i swear to god, they are literally retarded, even the "high skilled department manager" ones

Gotta cool it with all the flouride you put in your water 'Murica..

You are destroying the brains of your youth.

well they are sluts and are designed to trap men so they basically are studnets

>Courtney Plunk

Claps have some of the most random names

>bigbrain so big hes sitting on brain rageface

Seriously when I watch things like this I lost faith in mankind



i'd pump her plunk if you know what i mean

>Mellianals screaming they want a civil war.
Do you know who was in the civil war?
Who won?
Why do you want one?
>I dunno like EL O EL

it's vids like these that make me believe that immigrating to the US of A would make me an instant fucking millionaire

>but truth be said, the vid is probably biased and they cut off many who got those answers right

Probably the latter.

I could understand not knowing specifics about the war but FFS everyone should know who won.

"Who needs to remember names, dates and facts if one can look up them in wikipedia?"

That's probably the reason argued if ever confronted.

Turboliberals will even argue that nowadays it's more important to have skills like emotional intelligence (whatever it is), group management and tolerance than remembering cold facts.

yes boston and most university towns in general are liberal, what was the point?

were u just trying to throw me a sick hillpunch?


The only one I got wrong was partially wrong, the year of our independence, I said 1876 for some reason, was 1776. For some reason date or year questions throw me off.
>I still keep thinking we bombed Japan in 19522 when it was 1945.

Also Dyslexic as fuck.

But that nig asking if confederates won it's so satisfying...

my left ear thoroughly enjoyed this video

OV VEY!@!!
Americans ;earning about there history, we can't have that!
Here watch some mindless TV you filthy goyim

That girl is kida cute desu. If only Texas wasn't so hot.

>And their fucking college cost at least 10k a year!

it's way more than that, most top schools (ivy leagues and alike) are around 50-60k/yr full tuition

OSU Students

Do USA have any kind of control of people who get into university?

Any? a test? these people can't be above 80 IQ.

Notice the voice of these girls. It's that stupid whore accent. They sound like they just smoke a joint. A mixture of nasal and retard.

Even the jap girl at 1:15 seems completely stoned but when you realize it's just brainwashing....

>paying for college
>not getting full financial aid with living stipend
My research uni pays for my food and recreational drug usage senpai

wtf is human sciences??

Understand colours. It's a pasta nigger you snownigger

See pic.

To think that is slightly above average too (and 80% of niggers have scores BELOW!).

>Turboliberals will even argue that nowadays it's more important to have skills like emotional intelligence (whatever it is), group management and tolerance than remembering cold facts.
One of my professors once told us
"You can't think without knowledge"

The tolerance stuff is bullshit, but it's not really a stretch to say that social skills are just as if not more important than actual knowledge in the modern (((economy))).

Americans are idiots, it is known

>t. Denbts

>t. Denbts

I'm average slav with college education and already knows the north wins from childhood. From a fucking holywood movies.

Brad Pitt isn't married to Angelina Jolie any more.

>teanigger doesent get bants

the polls were VERY accurate for the election

>Supporting Banking ponzi scheme
>Being anti-jew

Pick one

I answered every question correctly, including the one about Jersey Shore even though I've never watched it.

Why are these morons allowed to vote? This is fucked.

oh boy those are the "higher" education students who voted for hillary and say that the less educated are dumber , TOP FUCKING KEK !

Honestly... I think the situation in europe is just as bad. We are living in a society where the majority of people are zombies. Literal zombies.

One day it will come to a point that if you know more about world history than about Kim Kardashian you'll end up in gulags.

Cool meme, ahmed. Wanna bring it over to Trump Tower so I can take you on a helicopter ride?



France is a thousand times whiter than you.
Know your place, thrash.

I'm talking about the narrative. And lest face it, most college junkies voted for Hillary.

It will always be the college student (((elite))) who is full of experts and analysts against the peasant who is not illuminated by the values of progressivism and gay sex.

How do these people get in the universities? Do they not have entry exams?

>Poll: Most-Educated Voters Favor Clinton Over Trump
I had doubts that college liberals are severely retarded, but apparently it's completely true. Those degrees are worthless.
>54% of male college graduates voted for Trump

lol fucking burgers

Do something, America. It was painful to watch.

>How do these people get in the universities? Do they not have entry exams?

THAT'S exactly what I wonder.
I know in Brazil it's even worse but really, 30,40,50 thousand dollars a year and these people confused Ronald Reagan with Bill Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with all the chinks and indians in there, this is no surprise

Note it's mostly niggers and women in that video.

Not 100 times but 15-30% whiter xD

I'm guessing in Texas they're taught the War of Independence was in 1836 and not against the British

>what are gender and race quotas
>what are nigger and womxn studies degrees

this is relevant.

hey don't bully DUDE

He won the white male college-educated vote. That's all that matters. As well as the electoral college vote, lol.

That's why is so easy to trick the american people

I find a miracle that Trump won to be honest.

And if you think about it there is a high probability the 29% of whites are 15~19% illiterate mongols and 9~10% actually with an IQ that is not two digits.

you didn't know who won the civil war , who did you got independence from , and you still had the nuts to answer snookie question ?
seriously if i was in that situation i would have just played dumb and say i don't know who the hell is snookie

I legitimately knew the answers to all the questions except the "pop" ones.

Are you saying neither Sweden nor Britain has these sort of majors, where education is more socialized than in the US? Even if the problem is more severe in our case, making education less free-market oriented would not improve our educational system. It would actually make it worse because it would subsidization encourage students to take less lucrative career paths without a concern of maximizing a monetary investment in their education.

Sometimes you have to question whether these people are self aware or not

College isn't for learning anymore, its for brainwashing.

>ivy leagues
Well you can bet you're fucking ass that they aren't this stupid. I'm pretty sure this is a shitty school, even for Texas.

I think in the end Alex Jones was right and Sup Forums wrong

There is something wrong in the american water.


I cringed

Daily reminder that normies like Chad and Stacy don't give a fuck about politics.

Only autists care.

>yfw Frankfurt School was not a conspiracy after all

Jesus. I know this is cherry picking but still
Thank god the americans posters are actually smart and knowledgeable
This. Psychology and human sciences are extremely popular in France as well despite education being free.
The real problem is the major inflation going on. When going to college was seen as the ultimate life goal for to move on the social ladder, everyone flocked to university and went to the easiest, research focused majors like psychology, because staying in uni as a professor pays more, unlike engineering majors for example.
It's like Keynesian economics. If there were less professors to meet the demand, less people would go to uni and actually work useful jobs.

>mfw I know American history better than most Americans and I'm American

Me neither, who the fuck cares about brad pits ex wife?

I don't get the passion for Psychology. It's literally "I failed med school but want to be called doctor" tier.

drooly an insbiration :DDDDDDD

America's memories of Jennifer Aniston can be very prominent.

there's been a movement away from pushing eote memorization in american primary and secondary schooling in favor of teaching "critical thinking"

but as someone above me pointed out, you cant really think if you dont know some basic information. it's a fallacy brought about by an obsession with funding based on standardized test scores

Look, these liberals want everything that psychology can offer: easy cliches that work every time with dumb people and you don't even have to convince them. You just say "Freud said so."


No. It's what happens when the government creates a situation where most of the people who can afford college are either:
1. Spoiled rich kids who don't care about working hard for a valuable degree, because they don't have to worry about the future
2. Those stupid enough to get student loan, because they're incapable of thinking clearly about the future
The disgraceful situation in your country reflects another unfortunate effect of free government eductrination facilities. The funniest thing is that you're unironically implying that people would make wiser choices if it wasn't even their own money spent on useless degrees and they could count on the government to provide for them. Swedistanism is a legit mental illness.