How do we solve the white trash problem?
How do we solve the white trash problem?
What "problem"? I'm pretty sure (((they))) are the only ones that see a problem in a healthy white sense of pride, following of the second amendment and actively trying to preserve genetic purity within the family. White trash is a term made by nu-male cucks to demoralise TRUE white people.
White trash are pretty friendly, as long as you're white. So ... I guess the problem is you.
Pic not related?
I think we should flood working class white neighborhoods and still keep me comfy and safe from them in my 100% white gated community and I dont do anything to contribute to helping or integrating.
Then calling all the whites that dont suck their cocks and give them everything I will violently zerg at them and call them racist.
Pic totally related
>baseball cap (all curved too yee haw)
>pickup truck (jacked up probably has loud exhaust, too)
gas the hicks now!
I don't see white trash chimping out and causing crime.
The true question is how do we deal with the nigger problem?
Join the EU.
>you realize city-dwellers wreck nations
How do we solve the nigger problem?
>jeans too big (no belt so they sag as well muh dick)
>no car (gets in fights on the bus, too)
Top banter cunt
You sound like a faggot.
and as long as you aren't a limp wristed city dweller.
You are the white trash problem.
large metropolises are where most of the economy occurs in most countries. Small towns and the people who live there are just relics of a past that is dying fast. Sadly, these people are obsolete and to cope they choose either alcohol, meth, or oxycontin. It is sad in some ways, but the future is in the large and mega-metropolises, of the world, not the rural countryside.
>How do we solve the white trash problem?
Easily! Send them all to University to get properly (((educated))).
In no time, they'll blanda up or turn transexual. Problem (((solved))).
I live in rural louisiana in a town of a 1000 people and the only problem we have are drug dealers coming from outta town and hocking their shit, and since purcpolicr force has such shit funding it's hard to find and Chase down these creeps. Now besides that, the rural life I'd the best. Niggets got their areas, whites have theirs. Hell we even have a rather large Vietnamese populous that can do dome mean finger nail work. All people are ice and genuine when they ask 'hey how ya doing?'
So white trash? Naw. White CLASS!
Yeah because you met every single rural dweller right or just the cherry picked boogeyman shown by the MSM to scare you into staying in your gilded cage of the city.
if nothing else, this is what Sup Forums is all about. When is this site going to die, anyway? I thought An Hiro was talking about running out of money. Is he just a lying shill?
It's true there are bad pockets of every large city, but it seems every small town I have been to recently is devastated and the people there look horrible. I think what happened is the smart rural people moved out of their small towns and went to larger cities where the jobs are, and the less intelligent and lazy ones stayed behind and decayed along with their towns.
Whit trash is superior to all other trash.
whats with women and posing in such a manner that makes their ass look big?
White people won't mix with Asians tho. So it sorta leaves you hanging until you could find a 21 yr old white girl that doesn't afraid of Japan
white women love yellow dick dude. find a nice weaboo girl and enjoy your personal hell.
because they have no boobs or everyone else in the photo does it.
>Normal guy
>White trash
Kys the white trash are the liberals
You wouldn't understand. Your women are all dead fish
Fuck no. I need a girl that likes guns and diesel trucks. A girl that can shoot and likes to go camping and shit.
OP is just mad that some guy in a lifted truck fucked his gf.
why the fuck are you in japan then?
Here you go
Nice truck.
I don't see a problem
Well Jap you're welcome in Wyoming so long as you are like those scum sucking chinks that fuck up yellowstone every year. Don't be a tourist. Act like you're from here and we'll all be fine.
1. Destory the (((media)))
2. Put people like you into "re-education" camps to recover from being jew'd into self-hatred.
I'm 1 month from leaving and ending a 3 year relation with a Jap. Feels good man.
Going to sign up for college for the spring semester.
Rebranding time?
SJWs = white trash
>implying that pic is white trash
That's just a dude who looks like he has his shit together. Though it's easy to understand op's jealousy at such a thing
>pic related
Actual white trash. Also pictured OP and his family
I'm like totally American but Asian
We remove nigger and nothing will complaying.
>((City Dwellers))
i would love to be white trash in america.
patriotism, drinking, mudding, hunting, fishing, big cars,....
pretty awesome desu!
White trash needs to be preserved as they are the last bastion of defense against niggers and peasant invaders..white urban pillsbury dough fags wont be much help in the trenches.
Bad pockets? You must live in the burbs if you think their are only isolated pockets of violence in cities.
And you wanna know why rural folks are lazy? Its because they work 12 hour shifts 5 days a week because pur education is so shit because rural areas get the scraps when it comes to school funding because the fucking city nigger schools get it first. I can go on but you missed me off with that "bad pockets" line.
A lot of them are racist but they are friendly. It's a weird kind of racism. They would make stereotypical jokes of your culture.
What, are you gay ?
t. Sénégal
those are hillbillies, not white trash.
Get rid of Jason Aldean
t. Somalia
Farmers are bro tier.
it's because of the desire to have a 'ghetto booty' that attracts black men. Once white women get a taste of the massive african shaft it's like the first hit on a crack pipe; they can never get enough of being B L A C K E D
Ha I need to create this thread once a day.. it always gets funny replies. I try to post a picture of someone who is white and looks like they live in a rural area, but is not really trash. This gets more interesting responses than if I just posted a fat ugly hick that was clearly white trash.
He looks like one of those country kids that would go to a Florida Georgia Line concert and have keggers on his grandpas farm.
As it should be.
t. beta orbiter getting cucked by cletus
>how do we solve the white nigger problem
>how do we solve the nigger problem
Stop buying into the (((Agenda 21))) bullcrap, kike.
Well I think I could handle the banter and I'm as white as can be
>tfw you will never noddle catfish with a Southern belle
What "problem" you fucking kike? They cause no trouble, they're just poor. That guy in the picture looks like a decent dude. Kill yourself.
You sound like a fucking sissy.
The rural countryside is what feeds the city you stupid chic metrosexual dicksucker.
The city is 80% retarded ghetto niggers and immigrants who don't speak English forming their own ghettos, then the last 20% is all the rich white people shoved into one corner. I should know I spent half of my life in Philadelphia. Everyone is concerned with helping stupid, violent niggers and setting up funds for them and they still suck and they still fail. Rural whites are the ones who get just about NOTHING from pompous pricks like you yet they still survive and manage to feed your dicksucker at the same time. Not to mention they still breed at above replacement rates unlike city whites who are so full of self-hatred and selfishness they refuse to make children and let the shitskins breed out of control and import more third world immigrants. Rural whites are the ones who won Trump the election.
tl;dr = KILL. YOUR. SELF.
You don't. Faggot.
A fudd pickup truck militia could raze every libcuck city in a year
God I wish I was one of them. just brewing my own moonshine, hunting, fishing, farming for food and having county fairs, NASCAR racing, hiking,... for fun
Best life possible
best of all no political correctness, casual racism, no socialism, no hate speech, no liberal whining,...
Incentive based eugenics.
If you cut off your balls you can go crossbow
hunting with Ted Nugent.
The inbred stereotype is a Hollywood meme. The only reason inbreeding ever happened in rural areas was because some populations were so small you ended up with smaller gene pools after a few generations.
The Amish have the same problem but way worse because they are cut off from the modern world. I assume injins on the reservations and niggers in the city also have the same problems after a few generations.
Kill all the niggers
why would you want to fix this?
>a nigger
>owning assault firearms isn't a crime
>polluting environment with truck isn't a crime
>being religious extremists isn't a crime
>being homophobic isn't a crime
>being racist isn't a crime
>being sexist isn't a crime
>voting Republican isn't a crime
African American crime rates are understandable because they're poor and systematically oppressed and have to turn to crime. Whites on the other hand have no excuse.
>bring back manufacturing jobs
>send illegals home
>instead of enfranchising illegals (100bn p/a) use that money to subsidize farm labor wages back to fair rates
Rednecks are the nicest people you could meet.
t. urban gardener
>Rednecks are the nicest people you could meet.