Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
Proven to be both fake and gay. Sage
They're not making sense.
Smoking weed isn't in any way productive.
is it true that cops are more into cocaine than pot?
I heard you like drugs
wtf i hate cops and guns now
i am now a #weedmissile
Bob Marley died from foot cancer
and then weedlmaos tell you weed cures cancer
How? we all know if it was a real life scenario the dindu would be splattered across the floor
How is he levitating?
member when art was good?
who cares if it gives you cancer? the sun gives you cancer too, you gonna stay inside the rest of your life??
taking weed to cure cancer, instead of pursuing more effective means
it's not really weed he's smoking but dmt and he's having an out of body experience
fucking junkies
what I mean is that potheads insist their plant cures cancer, when it factually doesnt
I found it fucking hilarious how OP says "Sup Forums BTFO" Like it's the ultimate argument destroyer but it's just a shitty drawn single image that doesn't even mean much.
I don't know why i laughed at that so much
no i am saying the cancer part is irrelevant, just do whatever makes you happy. if you die young then you die young. it's not like you can complain about being dead once you're dead
>inb4 slow painful death
still worth it
He ate a bunch of burritos.
> Expectations
> Reality
junkies shoot up, not smoke bongs
i'm not taking this bait you australian fuck
actually i could easilly kill someone when im stoned
paranoia and shit
yeah i am a stoner and i never bought into any of that shit. pretty sure lung cancer is pretty common among stoners
trumpfkins btfo
>I could easily kill somebody
says the edgy faggot who has never killed anybody
BTFO alt right!
What would possess someone to draw this? I'm trying to imagine what he was thinking but I'm coming up blind.
What, is this some kind of new slogan? " only you can prevent forest fires!" But instead " only floating shirtless niggers can prevent police brutality"?
ok, more easilly
because weed does the opposite of calming me down
shit drug
You didn't socialize with enough idiots.
Just forget about it, it's better.