Stop being atheist.
Stop being atheist
How do I do that Mr. El Rato?
it's literally impossible to regain faith Ezekiel Ratto Comstock
I already became a nice Christian boy this year
But now I don't even want to celebrate Christmas because it's a dirty pagan holiday celebrating the birth of Nimrod, not Jesus.
Also I have to buy my homosexual brother a secret santa gift, I was thinking a box of assorted Chick Tracts.
This is now an Arthur thread
Stop being a monotheist, just one more imaginary sky-man to ignore. Be strong, your family will understand and still love you.
Kek. Please continue.,
No problem. I have no emotional commintment to my atheism. Provide valid evidence that a God exists. Won't say I'll worship it but I'll certainly stop being atheist.
I'm not a faggot atheist.
> uses the term "sky-man"
> opinion instantly discarded.
You forgot "bearded magical"
le ratteaux is comstock
Wanting eidence for a claim is rationality, not euphoria dipshit. I thought your country was finally becoming uncucked but I guess I was wrong.
How do those hats not fall off?
some kind of 4d space magic?
cmon saffa bru..jasliik papa wont like it eh.. totzeins mon
>That hebrew text
el oh el