Dude weed man has shit the Canadian economy up so bad people are starting to starve on the streets.
Dude weed man has shit the Canadian economy up so bad people are starting to starve on the streets.
>northern canada
It costs so much because they have to fly it in to remote areas and they can only do it at certain times of the year.
That's it
Water costs $83 LMAO
The American has it. This isn't the cost of my food in Canada. This is the cost of items in nkukkimpklukikkmujikk, where some alcoholic ex con with a piper cub from the 1950s has to fly everything in twice a year.
Don't be fooled though, everything is still expensive in normal Canada. I live in NS (please kill me, haven't seen the sun in 4 weeks) and food costs a lot. I make my own bread, buying a giant sack of flour once every few months. I mostly make bannock with dulse from my beach for lunches at work, and that's how you keep shit affordable. Canada 9s just like a first world country but with no justification to exist and no will to die.
The worst part is how much water they take from us for extremely low cost.
Why the fuck would you drink bottled water in Northern Canada though?
Where you at NS bro I grew up in Pictou and live in Halifax
That's way up north where there isn't really any people living there and if they are they're just there because they're natives, working at the oil rigs, or in the military.
The cost of everything is extremely high up there and you'll never find a fresh fruit or vegetable anywhere there. Can get any type of drug for next to nothing though
Why the fuck do they charge your people so much to live this shit is ridiculous. Imagine if Trudeau allowed those prices in the nice big liberal cities.
Canadian economy is in freefall, don't invest in Canada
I live in the middle of fucking nowhere along the shore south of halifax. I don't get into the city often; parking is a shit show and I can't really afford it.
Yup, its official. Canada's whole economy to shift to financials and insurance. Were so fucked, it's all going downhill.
It's always been that way up north also
Dulse is disgusting holy fuck how can you east coast mongoloids eat that shit?
You cannot conceive of the remoteness concerned. This is countries away from anyone else. It's a simple thing; if you live with 10 people, 6 hour plane ride away from anyone else, you're going to be laying a lot for imported goods. Many of these places cannot naturally sustain human life and thus it is expensive to live there.
We make less and pay more but these prices are not found anywhere outside areas that are only accesable by plane
>cannot conceive
we have penguins for neighbors.
It's not good raw, but if you fry it in butter it is good. Tastes like free bacon. But then, what doesn't taste good fried in butter?
I put the dulse into bannock, and it adds salinity to the bread. Since bannock is unleavened, it's nice to add something like dulse, and it's free, it washes up on the shore right in front of my house.
>we have penguins for neighbors
You have neighbours. And by virtue of your country's tiny nature, nothing is really very far from civilisation.
We just have no infrastructure up there. If you were to drive north bound in Ontario it gets to a point that they have check spots to make sure your car has enough gas and all the lights are working or else they send you back because you won't make it.
The reason it costs so much up north is because there's no way to get up there. Building traintracks could lower the cost (usually lowers it by 75%. Southern Africa has been building a ton of them for that reason) but it doesn't seem like anyone cares about that right now.
>cannot naturally sustain human life
well, the natives managed to survive there somehow, no?
you live right next door to the worlds largest super power and have free access to their markets yet can't even build a fucking road to no where but you want to lecture someone from the bottom of the planet about being remote and far away. You are literally niggers.
The natives overwhelmingly lived in fertile lands. They were moved off that land when Canada was formed after the signing of the Indian act treaties. We didn't give them their traditional lands in many cases, but gave them shit land way up north. They don't thrive there. The inuit are an exception, but they aren't related to the natives; they came later. When I say unintended for human habitation, I mean this is canadian Shield land, with nothing but acid topsoil atop an endless expanse of ancient rock, or Muskeg swamps larger than European countries that breed flies in sufficient numbers as to drive the moose to suicide.
We're not an itty bitty little island so it costs more money to supply these areas, especially when the run up to them is just 100s of km of snow and ice. I've been to your land kiwi, don't you dare compare your south pacific island to the high arctic.
I'm not defending Canada. We are largely a failed nation. But the fact remains that the north is untouched by human hands, and isn't accessible or set up with infrastructure. Nobody lives there. It's basic common sense.
>I've been to your isles in summer and walked around a couple of cities.
Dumb tourists like you die like flies here in the winter.
KeK, I can buy Apples for 0.5 europoors for Kg.
I doubt that there would ever be enough of a population to justify a railroad
>South pacific island
That's the weird thing about NZ. Beaches and frozen peaks within hundreds of miles of each other.
There isn't enough population to justify any road. Not even a logging road. Look at a satellite view of Ontario, go to thunder Bay, and then look at how there are no roads extending past maybe the southernmost 1/3 of the most populous province in the country .
noone gives a fuck about northern canada
how do these people earn income to cover these costs? Oil?
Northern Canada is wild and free as it should be.
That's ridiculous we have hundreds of roads to no where so some farmer can sell his sheep at auction it costs fuckloads but is necessary.
Yeah but is there 10 feet of snow in that area 5 months of the year?
so how much welfare are they given to afford $80 dollar water?
>how do these people earn income to cover these costs? Oil?
>because they're natives, working at the oil rigs, or in the military.
>working at the oil rigs, or in the military.
That's why you should grow your own food.
Being so much dependent of others is a shame.
Canada ranks top 10 in overall quality of life. What's your definition of a successful nation?
Huh. I always thought you guys just had one super long road from top to bottom.
If you die, you win
unless you're a black man or muslim, then it's human rights issue
Some places there is 10 feet of mud where the road use to be.
I don't fault Canada for that. It provides a reasonable life. You work, you retire, you die 10 years later. It's a life, no bombs fall on us, so it's okay in that respect. But Canada has no real justification as a nation. I have more in common with someone from Maine than someone from Vancouver. I think Canada is less a country and more a Costco membership. You buy your citizenship, and that's that. There's one emotional connection and no possibility of one because we share nothing in common as a country and have no meaningful culture outside of consumer culture.
Individually we may have culture, and Canada can be praised for allowing the ultimate in individual room to grow, but as a country? We cannot compete with Malta or the USA for identity.
My family has been in Canada since leaving England a few hundred years ago, but can anyone really claim to have deep roots here?
Tldr we have walmart and Tim Hortons and you can work a job till you die here, but I don't call that living.
Shut the fuck up leaf
but how do you farm, any easy guide on nutrient yet easy to grow crops? I've got like 400m square of land
which is 1 USD
Gib Broadstairs pls
I don't think Robin Hood is giving that money to the poor.
Just a thought
There is hope and help on the way for our country, fellow Canadians. A new party is on the way... nationalism for Canada, at last. But we will need your support.
Send an email to [email protected] for more information.
Halifax reporting in. You Dal?
Is Dal a leftist shit hole like UofT or is it based like Queens or Wloo?
Cubans dont have much but they do have rhythm.
Requesting Castro and Trudeau comparison pics.
Just walk five feet and carry it back from Chicago, what's the issue?
>buying a brand named after a man who steals from the rich to give to the poor
>expecting a good deal
Dal is full of athletes so the general feel is fuck feminism. Surrounding universities are very liberal.
There's only one road in Canada, they call it the "Only Road."
Stop being such a Mongoloid, you're making us look bad in front of the other anglos.
New Zealand is a fairly hospitable country, and is nothing like the frozen wastes of Canada where even the wildlife can't live for hAlf the year.
We also have way less ground to cover, so "hundreds" of roads are more than enough to cover the whole country and ate populated enoigh that these roads are constantly used. Canada is fucking huge and there's no way to cheaply build and maintain roads that cover all that land
I don't care what some insecure JAFA cuck thinks if i want to take the piss i will and not concern myself with the opinions of some JAFA like cuck.
>not drinking wah-ah
A. Not from Auckland
B. If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded
C. Youre a fucking muppet
I smell a hitler coming.
Fuck off and go drink a latte you delicate little flower.
D. Don't drink coffee
E. you're too retarded to even understand why Canada and NZ are different
F. I'm not the one getting all butthurt over being told I'm wrong
What the fuck are you talking about Candicuck, Australia has the same remoteness and size but our prices vary very little even in the furthest stretches of the outback.
Run along now since taking the piss out of Canada makes you cry maybe try once you have had your latte.
You can get trucks out to the outback pretty easy brah
G. Not crying
H. Couldn't care less about Canada or her feelings
I. Never once browsed reddit
Oh and I still don't drink coffee
>northern Canada
This isn't anything new, dumb New Zealander. The prices in Nunavut and the Territories have always been absurdly high for decades solely because everything has to be imported further.
>I've been found out!
Hate to be the one to break it to you Kiwi hobbit faggots.
Food has always been expensive in the North. This isn't news
but what about dude weed lmao?
Holy crap. Just drink tap water.
Dont worry, Im sure socialism will fix it!
oy vey goyim its cheaper to eat out! Making your own food should be illegal because it puts restaurant owners out of business!
Dude, weed. Lmao
the snowfall and ice are government property
t. calicuck
>muh tiny island with a totally different climate has hundreds of roads
Dumb kiwicuck
>northern canada
it's always been like this because they're in the middle of fucking nowhere with 200km between 500 population cities
I'm sure all those doctors and scientists weed man is letting into your country can teach you how to build roads canacuck
See now look what you've done! they've noticed and now they think the rest of us are as dumb as you!
True actually, good point.
Idk why we don't let kiwis here, they're so smart.
>drought-struck southern US
at this point im not sure if this is all made up. the south has actually gotten more rain fall for the past 10 years than the previous 10 years. the drought is in cali and texas and nevada and shit aka the U.S desert
Mate our country isn't much better on the immigration front. I know the only other people you see are related to you in whatever hick town you're from, but everywhere else in the country is full of foreigners
The bags of milk have a dollar sign printed on them now
>he didn't look at the date of the linked articles
>he thinks he is very important
>he comes into a thread and corrects opinions of other anons.
Also your thinking of engineers fucktard.
Neither a doctor nor a scientist would know the first thing about road building
God will lay low the state of California for their hubris, and He will salt the earth and there will be much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth, but they shall find no succour to ease their suffering, and their tesla panels shall fail and their Wheatgrass smoothies shall stain the ground green as their insect blood.
>falling for the obvious kiwicuck-b8
It's like Australias younger retard brother that has autism but has some idea of what trolling is
Sacktown standing by
Wtf has the date got to do with it?
Also it's not an opinion if you're objectively wrong
no shit, where else would we turn?
do you people really thinking we have enough people, capital or consumer base to start any meaning manufacturing or technology industry? We just get the spillover from the americans there.
Financial services is the only industry in Canada that is one of the best in the entire world, where anyone can get a job, it's not seasonal (its the most stable in the world), and takes advantage of our good relations with other countries. We're literally becoming Switzerland
Canada reminds me of a cross eyed javelin thrower. Everyone stares in amazement wondering what will happen next
Canada, the bastard child of two failed empires, neither of whom wanted to keep it
>Cross eyed javelin throwers
you probably have a lot of those on your little island dedicated to cuckoldry
I hope a Tsunami kills all of u
How does it feel to know that the only New Zealander that has ever been relevant ever, did so by destroying Tolken's work?
Is this why you're so salty that you need to bash Leafs, when literally every other country in the Anglosphere has earned the right to do so other then you?