Why did you guys vote for an authoritarian?

Why did you guys vote for an authoritarian?

You guys are making such a shitstorm over the infringement of the second amendment, but are fine with the infringement of the first?

Being able to burn the flag of the federal government of your country without persecution is what freedom looks like.

Do you guys even want freedom or just another authoritarian but this time a populist instead of a socialist?

Honestly this is one of the best Tweets from Donald Trump.

The constitution is a flawed concept written 200 years ago. It doesn't work, that's why it has so many amendments.
We need authoritarianism to make America great for the first time.

Thank ia going to be 'taco bowl' huge

where do u think u are toothpaste

drumpf is going to end the world

good job USA,you picked the apocalypse as president

good fucking job

That's a high quality bait. Trump is a master fisherman.

burning the flag is treason. we historically have always had limits on first amendment protections (you can't yell that you have a bomb on an airplane or incite people to commit murder, for example)

I know what you mean. Trump's game here is to unite and give rise to Patriotism.
Obama never did that

>Why did you guys vote for an authoritarian?
before Trump the most popular character on this board was Hitler
so what the fuck do you think, newfag?

I want a decent job, a gun, and an economy with a future. You can fuck right off liberal commie scum.

>I love america and all it stands for! the first amendment is the most important thing ever!
>you need to go to prison if you offend me by burning your own property though

because Hillary would be have made it a requirement to burn the flag every month so that we would seen more welcoming to immigrants.

Go suck a dick you libertarian dog


Go suck a dick you libertarian dog

>most popular character on this board was Hitler
>he fell for the meme
very few like socialism here

If they really wanted to piss people off they should burn money in front of the white house

you mad bitchboi

His twitter needs to be taken away he tweets the dumbest shit. He doesn't understand what he's even saying.

Not when niggers are burning the flag as a threat against Americans who don't support them.

We ain't gotta explain shit, bong

Shut the fuck yellow toothed subhuman, your free market meme is dead.

Because he didn't say this during the campaign. The only argument the Chicken Littles had for him being an authoritarian was "He says mean things".

In other words, you want Trump to turn America into a giant safe space for jingoists, because burning flags trigger you and hurt your feewings?

They are weak and the demand the state and daddy trump protects them and their millenial feels!

how about we remove 2nd amendment then?
stupid americunts

It's disrespectful.
I bet you two girls have never burned a flag in public.
Go to your local mall and try it!

I am literally shaking and crying This is terrifying.

Patriot smallcox

Take IQ test and think 70 is about a C

Your gay "friend" tells you 70 means you're an autist.

Confused as to what they taught you in school, and why all those years of football didn't pay off.

Go home and tell fat wife you're a patriotautist.

>Being able to burn the flag of the federal government of your country without persecution is what freedom looks like.

You sound like a terrorist to me.

>trump is laying the groundwork for anyone disagreeing with him to be stripped of citizenship

This isn't about flag burning. Read between the lines folks.

> feewings


Lol fag

Hillary proposed it first:

You forgot to green that text, moron.

> Spencer does Nazi salute
> Gets shit on by media for hate symbol
> People calling for him to be put in jail, natsocs to have free speech removed etc.
> Trump tweets about classifying flag burning as hate speech
> Libs lose their mind, go on rant about freedom of speech, strengthen free speech laws
> Libs are now first amendment supporters, even for 'controversial speech'
> Spencer and the alt-right survive to become Trump's einsatzgrupen
> 85D under water patchouli confirmed

hahahaha holy fucking shit toothpaste

Burning the flag should land you in jail. You idiot

opdokken kutrandstad


Explain to me how a reasonable person would want burn their countries' flag in the first place.
I have all the reasons in the world to hate my banana republic, but I would never burn it's flag because it has a much deeper history.

I just love this guy I'm so excited for 4 years of shitposting and wall building make america no make the world great again desu.

Beady eyed hun, pls go.

the first amendment says nothing about flag burning

the second amendment explicitly permits an armed populace

Because it's treason, cuck

Implying the other candidate wouldn't have people put into White Male Camps.

Stop acting like this guy is going to do this shit. He's just pushing the Overton Window back towards the Right. He's a soft hearted New Yorker deep down.

freedom of expression in the first, and absolutely no permission for an armed populace in the second. learn how to fucking read you less than trash

Sure hope Europe, Asia-Oceania and South America are ready for an influx of US refugees :^)

You're stupid for not realising this is bait for the liberal media to side with flag burning. Stupid faggot.

not an argument slanty eyed fuck

A few years ago, if you tried burning the flag, you wouldn't get to leave the hospital the same day.

Something has to change, you two's cancerous language is the sign of cultural apathy.

Did you think it was a good idea back then?



>arson is covered under the first amendment
oh i didn't read that section.

Only liberal cocksuckers burn the flag and it should be considered treason. By burning the flag they are saying they hate their own country

Is this real? I'm creaming myself, fuck these flag burning libtards


It's more like a warning sign that they're a retarded terrorist or that they're planning something dumb, even as little as a hate speech rally with 5 other people on a street, it's still a sign.

VERY few people would just burn their flag outside their house for others to see without trying to get a warning across. The people defending this flag burning being a right thing aren't thinking straight. The """normal""" citizens just burning the flag for whatever reason should do it in doors, but guess what, they don't! It's almost like they want to be noticed. Either to start something with bystanders or like I said, send out a warning.

I mean Hillary is authoritarian as well but not quite to this scale

Thanks for your input, tumblr.


He's not going far enough

If you ask me, this is Trump playing 4d chess again.

He's sending these controversial tweets out by the dozen, and the media keep throwing a tantrum. In the meantime, he's doing actual work on his administration behind the scenes.

Lol what the fuck Donald


What has our flag ever done to anybody?

No one carez enough about the netherlandz to burn thier flag.

It's not proper expression if Sup Forums disagrees.

More proof of the horseshoe theory in action.

>Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
>Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech
Notice how it's not
>Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech except if it's hatespeech
>Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech unless it's yelling fire in a theatre

no more refugees pls


>People unironically defend a 1st amendment violation
What the fuck.

Actually aiding and abetting enemies of the country is treason.

Such as with uncontrolled immigration.

Burning the flag is extremely distasteful and should probably land someone in a drunk tank for a day or two, but it still falls under free speech.


Opressed people with civilization n medicine n sheit

A fucking libertarian norwegian. lol



Okay NOW I get the joke.

the people burning the flags are niggers

so it's a good way to target niggers

Maybe to that scale kek

>Poltards think burning a piece of textile should throw you in jail

Not sure to be quite honest.....

what I do find disturbing is that she proposed it and there was no outrage... Trump does it and people are losing their minds.

>- Winston Chruchill
Churchill actually never said that.

Doesnt matter. This is a dangerous start to an erosion of the 1st amendment

If you don't love america then go back to mexico you spic

I want you in a gas chamber don't care how. the kikes must go

This is the thing that pisses me off about right wingers and moderates like hrc. They say they want to protect the Constitution in its entirety but then they propose disgusting shit like this


The flag does not represent the federal government, it represents the people. We, the people. So yeah...I take fucking offense.

>Why did you vote for an authoritarian who is on your side instead of an authoritarian who hates you?

Gee, what a fucking hard choice to make.

How goddamn stupid are you?

>Do you guys even want freedom or just another authoritarian but this time a populist instead of a socialist?

We want to see the left destroyed.

We originally wanted freedom - But you wouldn't let us have that, and you introduced us to the world of "Post-Truth" and "Identity Politics".

So now here we are.

When we told you to stop fucking poking us, you said;

>lol, what are you gonna do about it whitey?

Well, this.

Well done, comrade


The Young Turks and Salon told me the constitution was a living document, that should be amended to stop people utilising Hate Speech and Guns.

I was but a simple meme farmer before they opened my eyes to the possibilities of statism.

Thanks leftists.

When did tripfaggotry become so common? I see you cancers everywhere. Is it redditors who think you have to sign up for a Sup Forums account? There can be no other explanation for why anyone would engage in this long-hated bullshit.

We want to purge the left.

I guess you could call that a safe space.

Just like the left wanted to kill all Straight White Men, and call the ruins a safe space.

Not liking these two way streets are you?

Shouldn't you be hiding in the Secret Annex right now Anne?

It's a fucking tweet you weak faggot

Wait a fucking second, there are a few americans here REALLY shocked by this?

Do you really think you should have the "right" to burn the flag of your country?

I mean you guys have flags literally everywhere, I thought a law like this wouldn't even be questioned by american people.

Even here in Brazil it's a crime to burn our flag and the average person is not even that patriotic compared to americans.


>Do you guys want another authoritarian but this time a populist instead of a socialist?
