All Sup Forums approved quotes, thoughts, motivations will go in here.
Iron Pill posters are welcome.
Share what you want fellow Sup Forumsacks to know.
I'll start
All Sup Forums approved quotes, thoughts, motivations will go in here.
Iron Pill posters are welcome.
Share what you want fellow Sup Forumsacks to know.
I'll start
Other urls found in this thread:
'Sup Forums is for losers, you can't be iron pill when you go to Sup Forums every day' me 2016
Don't project.
Should I also show you a pic of my Evola/Jünger/Schmitt/Camus/Nietzsche/etc pp book collection?
Anyone lurking at all?
I'm out of pictures now and would be fetching some food now. If you're interested in keeping the thread alive, do it.