What are your top 5 most hated groups?

What are your top 5 most hated groups?


That looks fucking disgusting.


1. Muslims
2. Muslims
3. Muslims
4. Blacks
5. Jews

>Poos (they just smell like shit)

Your uncooked toothpaste dog looks horrible.

Jews are pretty shit tho

its your flag on hard meat bruh. where did OP get a pic of that hard meat

> Implying I don't hate all goyim equaly regardless of their race

>South asians of any description.
>Middle easterners of any description.
>Both black and north africans of any description.
>French Canadians.

>Obnoxious faggots (you know, the ones who parade nude and wave dildoes in children's faces)


Once in a while you come across someone that fits all 3 of those. Oh man do the primal urges to kill start flowin'.

>internet feminists/SJWs
>anyone left of right-leaning democrat

>he doesn't eat hotdogs with toothpaste

haha oh wow.




1. Mudslims
2. Gypsies
3. Niggers
4. Autistic poo's
5. French/Italians

>bluepilled ignorant fags


> Freemasons
> Scots
> Protestants
> Americans
> Jews


I hate niggers but surprisingly I hate these groups even more. Learned something new about myself.

>SJWs/Marxists/Libtards/Commies/Antifa etc

>putting toothpaste on a sandwich

> jews
> muslims
> niggers
> liberals
> commies

>College students
>Knackers (Irish gypsies)

1. Muslims
2. Jews
3. Commies

others are ok since they stay in their country


found the muslim

>>Knackers (Irish gypsies)
Insurance faggots definitely come before them




>'whatever I am'- supremacists (also known as brain cucks)

that's it


There is no one on these boards that loathe the Irish as much as I do.

Your shallow attempts at bait fall by the wayside as your people will, oblivion awaits you, you are not forever.


I don't really have one. I hate everyone equally

Shart in marts
Bog hoppers

What The fuck have we ever done to the west? If you are mad about those h1bs then blame your spineless politicians.
>inb4 poo

>assorted liberals

I understand that they're a jew creation but I hate them so much that this time I don't want to go for their boss until these lapdogs are exterminated first



Sup Forums posters

Since I live in Niggerdelphia

2.black muslims
4.bernie supporters (I live on campus)


1. Abos
2. Abos
3. Abos
4. Abos
5. Muslims

can't be accused of racism

>invaders of europe

everytime i hear an indian speak i get really angry, especially when they bobble their heads

Emus ?

I take it you don't have Muslims in Argentina? Are Jews part of your assorted liberals?

>Irish travellers

why atheists? don't like people smarter than you or...

found the second muslim

Islam would be BTFO if it wasn't for you and that Beast.

You are the Protector of Islam, you give power to it.

No because atheists are retarded liberals. Religion is what holds together a moral society the rise in atheism is linked to multiculturalism, liberalism, perversions and other degeneracy
>Muh atheists are smart meme
Neck yourself btw you clearly have not met any atheist or are one yourself and it clouds your mind.

>liberals/ race traitors
>dot indians(disgusting accent, food, culture, looks)


Thank you for the compliment. I am however a catholic.

the left and jews

Tea-baggers & Emo raging kids
LARPers and/or Fantasy fair folks
Women who believe they are witches
Wiggers and other race traitors
Vegans who say they have no problem you eat meat but when you take them out and order the shrimp, start ripping them apart with your bare hands and throwing their carcass with the beady black eyes on the side of your plate suddenly look at you disconcerning and then tell their mother you are a horrible person around your back.

>Niggers from any country


>No because atheists are retarded liberals

No, you've mistaken atheists for agnostics. Almost every SJW is agnostic. Atheist are way more moderate. And yes, they are smarter.

Going by Sup Forums flags:
"Germans" get an honorable mention here.

Going by real-world perceptions:
>immigrants of any nationality

Wanted to reply to this guy

And that's why they put the blanket over it.

>Backdoor Boys
>Jackson 5

Not a racist, in fact I shit on racists and think they are childish idiots who can't compete with minorities, making themselves even more pathetic...

But god damnit I am learning to hate Indians. My company has a bunch of offshore "developers" who are supposed to be able to code for us but they SUCK. They have NEVER been able to complete a task I assign them without me basically holding their hand and telling them exactly what code to write and how to write it.

Any time I give them a problem to solve they come back to me THREE DAYS LATER saying "i've worked on it, but here is my problem.." and then present me with the EXACT PROBLEM I ASKED THEM TO SOLVE.

God damnit why are Indians so useless?

No atheists are liberals by and large. They are dumber especially if they are conservative. A moral society can not survive without a religion. Fuck off slav

Racist fuck
There's nothing wrong with being racist

There are smart, reasonable, debatable individuals on every side, including theists.

Some would argue that communism is moral, and that communism is atheistic. But there are also some who would argue that atheism is itself a religion, more or less.

Do you see where this is going?

Absolutely retarded points atheism can not be a religion it's just a bunch of close-minded fags. No beliefs, no organisation, no morals. How is communism moral.

>think they are childish idiots who can't compete with minorities

Go tell that to the Boers, sheltered flower.

>single moms


Also worst posters on Sup Forums are

Only 5?

> SJWs
> Mudslimes
> Jews
> Niggers
> Communists

There are way more but these are the worst

All Non-White peoples except the Japanese.

>obese fat people

What I am saying is that there are arguments for these points.

>atheism can not be a religion
>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
>alternatively: the belief that God or gods do not exists
>i.e. belief in the qualities of the supernatural (existant vs. non-existant)

>No beliefs
See previous point.
>no organisation
There are many humanist and atheist organizations around the world. Some governments, such as the PRC, the DPRK, and others, make it an ideological imperative to disprove the existence of the supernatural.
>no morals
That is entirely dependent upon the individual. Many notable Christians throughout history gained infamy for their lack of empathy. Muslims and Animalists have religion, yet are widely renown for their barbarisms.

>How is communism moral.
Communism is, at its ideological core, the highest function of egalitarianism. According to Marx, "From each according to his ability. To each according to his need," should be humanity's maxim. In theory, this "global mindset" would reduce waste, eliminate starvation and poverty, and potentially elevate humanity to the point of collective godhood.

These are not my particular beliefs. I believe that equality in any manner but the theoretical is impossible and communism is a vicious lie. I'm just saying that there are more-or-less valid arguments for and against any position.

Bosnians, Germans, Albanians, Swedes, Americans.


ANGLO master race post right there

Are you buy any chance an Australian Muslim Chinese Jew?

Ireland has been pretty gay lately.

>serbia slightly higher



> Muslims
> Pakis
> Arabs
> Faggots


A lack of belief is not a belief.

Those atheist organisations do not unite atheists or teach them morals most atheists would not even know an atheist organisation. PRC and DPRK great countries there right? Known for their empathy? Quite the opposite actually not very moral.

The culture creates the man and in an atheisic culture there is an increase in depression, suicides, perversions including faggots, marriage and other things lose meaning, the people do not feel united with each other so they invite people not compatible into their countries. Atheism is suicide.

Well that communism would be great in fantasy land. Doesn't work in reality. Real life communism in immoral.

Ireland is fucking awful. Norway has been pretty shitty lately too, honorable mention.

But why, greatest ally?


That's it really







1. blacks, lets face it, BLM is akin to something i expected from my fellow whites TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO
2. jews cause they control everything
3. even if all the american muslims fixed themselves, theyll never stop doing backward bullshit in their country and continually immigrating it here
4. china cause they just do too much bad shit and smoke too much
5. canadians cause theyre smug assholes


>cisgendered people
>drumpf supporters


Not in any particular order

I would agree with you but I don't want to be further associated with black people

>German hate thread
Nah m8 fuck off

nonokosaged af [spoiler]I know this doesn't work[/spoiler]
