Germanbro's, how do you feel about Australian's, American's, Canadian's and people in general who have German heritage that left Germany 100+ years ago but still feel pride and connection to their genetic heritage? Do you think we are weird, retarded or some other discrepancy?
German Heritage
Germans outside Germany are the only Germans feeling pride. I'm glad you still are.
Thank you bro, I feel like it will take the Germans outside of the homeland to revive the spirit of the Deutsch.
I am 1/4 German, but I abstained from this part of my heritage due to recent habbenings.
What recent habbenings happened that made you want to Abstain? Doesn't turmoil in your homeland strengthen your resolve?
Its posts like this that almost make me sad that we slapped you guys hard.Almost.
but we're getting our own penance now thanks to the mudslimes
I am only quarter German by blood.
I've grown in Moscow, I speak Russian and I identify as Russian.
I have more Russian blood in me, more Russian culture, thus Russia is my actual homeland.
Still, I was interested in Germany, but seeing the way people out there react to immigration, how they go full self-destruct mode doesn't quite encourage me to get in touch with this part of my heritage.
I still adore oldschool German philosophers and certain bands though.
depends on how you feel about the country you live in.
but generally speaking, since I hate it when roaches here claim to still be Turkish and that's what they're proud of, I'd say that you either go back home if you're so proud or stop try being something you're not really.
As long as you avoid multikulti shitholes like Berlin or Hamburg, there are still many many places where you can experience a normal Germany.
I envy them.
what about mexican germans?
forgot to add:
of course you're not a roach and thus know how to behave.
what I hate most are roaches and other mudslime that don't even try to adapt.
as long as you're useful and don't try to change the country, be from wherever you want to be from
I never had contact with any of these Auswanderer so I cant say much.
muh heritage fags should be gassed
there is nothing to be proud of
germany is a shithole and germans are cucks
Yes I understand what you are saying. I do honour my host nation but I must admit that my feeling are most strongly associated with my blood.
Well said my greek brother.
that's what they're thinking of themselves, basically.
if they took pride in their heritage again, we wouldn't have all those problems
as in Mexican living in germany?
I don't care where you're from. contribute to society and don't try to change anything, you're still a guest here.
same if you're a German on Mexico, unless they wanted you to actually help them change
Why post to self?
Ich bin preußischer abstammung
Last time germany had pride was 7-1
Finding out Benny Hill was a homosexual kinda ruined my childhood.
You realize that there are IDs?
>left Germany 100+ years ago but still feel pride and connection to their genetic heritage?
Most fled because they were followers of religious sects, deserters, criminals or subversives.
Russlanddeutsche are closer to me.
I don't mind that.
neither in roaches nor anyone else (just that roaches know no such thing as honour)
just, like I said, be aware that you're a guest, so don't trample all over them like what's happening to us right now.
I hate the fact that so many people are okay with that...
Sorry Burger, didn't know that fat guy was Benny Hill.
I am a quarter German and am disgusted by it. I have allgiance only to the Queen and the Empire
and horse-semen.
B-But the Queen is German?
She even opens her christmas presents on 24th december like a true German.
I think they should learn german and go to germany. if you're gonna be german, do it in germany.
I get what you are saying but ultimately there is no respecting a nation and peace. There is only the competition of life. It is in our interest to subvert others and protect our own.
Why? Europeans always say this sort of stuff because it helps them entrench their justification to hate on other ethnic groups in their own nations. Why not just hate them because you hate them though? And let me colonise the rest of the world.
>B-But the Queen is German?
only her great grandfather
You are always welcome here.
Heim ins Reich and all that.
Gratulation zu ihrem Sieg Herr Drumpf.
true, which is probably why muzzies behave the way they do, but I believe that the west should not try to conquer themselves while there are still greater threats to them.
Your Australian, not German.
Don't feel proud of something you have never been apart of. If you want to live up to your German blood go live in Germany.
why do you assume that i hate anyone based on ethnicity? What i am saying is: When in Rome, do as the romans. I'm part english but if i wanted to speak english and live like an englishman i'd go to england.
Yeah and what? Drumpf is a massive idiot. Germans in general are autistic, ugly, inbred and absolutely deluded. They think they are something better but in fact they are the worst .
Also 92 percent of the germans would habe voted for Hillary.
>Germanbro's, how do you feel about Australian's, American's, Canadian's
What the everliving fuck are you doing with those apopstrophes? Jesus Christ....
Yes I am Australia and yes my heritage is German and yes I lived in Germany and yes before and after that fact my heritage has affected my family and I. So why can't I have both? German =/= Germany fagggg Germany is some nation, to be German is to be apart of the ethnic and cultural tribe.
No one cares Ahmed, fuck off.
Well I don't necessary assume you hate another ethnicity but I often hear this complain but why do someone do as romans when in rome? I want people to do that but why should they?
>So why can't I have both
Because then you will have not assimilated and cannot be a full patriot
If they had heritage from that long ago they're probably more German than the Slavic rape descendants in Germany
Who gives a fuck if you've lived in Germany, I've lived in Japan but I'm not Japanese, I've also lived in the states and I'm white so guess I'm American now?
Your'e either a pure blooded fucking patriot Australian or you can fuck off, your as bad as every other young cunt over here who claims to be Italian, Greek what ever the fuck else people their grandparents came over.
They came over for a reason, because this country out strips their own by a fucking large margin in quality for life. Being German is nothing to be proud about anymore and if you feel German get the fuck back to Germany.
We only need true blues here cunt.
Blood and soil faggots.
If you left the fatherland like a cuck you have no heritage
Ihr seid nichts weiter als das rechte Gegenstück zu den linksgrünen Schwuchteln die sich daran aufgeilen 1/18 Cherokee zu sein.
hey ahmed
Damn Benny Hill is dead since 92
show some respect
(expected he was a kiddie fiddler like jimmy saville)
Jawohl, komm doch hierher, wir brauchen stärken Weissen. Dein Land ist Abschaum. USA ist der Land der wahren Deutschen.
Hahahahahahahaha halt die Fresse du Hurrensohn der Fatima. Ich sag immer, die wahren Deutschen haben entweder sich nach den USA umgezogen oder sterbten im Krieg.
Blut und Erde... und wer hat nun die Erde genommen? Mohammed. Wer lässt jetzt den Blud flüssen? Mohammed.
Wenn ihr fertig seid, ihr land zurückzunehmen, da wir werden antworten Alter.
Fucking deluded island inbreds.
How's a 4v1 slapping someone? Was it before or after the Luftwaffe raped you in less then a week?
Also grapes.
I met people with German heritage in Australia, the US and Uruguay. Those in Uruguay were the most based and closest to "real Germans". Those in Australia were nice but not really "german" and those in the US just claimed to be something that they were not.
But that`s just my personal experience.
Well fuck off back to Germany and let your wife fuck BBC then your a true German.
German Americans abandoned their heritage and went full 'murican
Daily reminder that if your heritage isn't a combination of British wit and German work ethic, you are literally an inferior white