Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't race mix

Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't race mix.
Asian women are better than white women in literally every single way.
Face it, the white race is doomed, and its the women that are the problem.

You have my permission. It's great, user. Fuck white women. They made me do it.

Why the fuck would you want the white your women?, you fucking cuck.

No wonder the Japanese women are so dissatisfied with the men.

White women suck. Fuck the white race. I agree.

Stop using this meme

Asian girls are the same as white girls

Chill out, if Japanese dudes want to dip their wick in white girls its fine

East Asians are acceptable, considering that they managed to be civilized on their own and aren't repellent like most other diverse groups.

All others are haram.

To preserve the white race.

Learn a bit about women, you will soon understand they are all the same.

OP: "I'm a weeaboo faggot too cucked to get a white girl so I settles for those fish faced fucked!"

Once you go Asian you never go back. I know there are white supremacists stormfags who disagree. But let's face it, Asians and whites are the perfect combination. Asians have narrowly higher IQs than whites and whites have an imposing physicality that Asians don't. Perfect mix to create the dominant hybrid race.

Cute hapa girls


Fuck off pedo.

that fucking face


if you have to come on this board and ask permission.

You don't have an asian girl that would fuck you.

twins??!! niceeeeee

>running away from the problem
>not trying to fix it

No wonder the white race is doomed.

hafu kids are the future

Racefuck, don't racemix. Just don't cum inside. Simple.

> try to fix it
> get shunned as an alt-right white nationalist, lose all reputation, weep at the hilariously small numbers of your movement, get arrested for hate speech
There's just no way to save our race, and you know it.

Kys, race traitor

Racemixing is how we were left with
> latinos
> finns
> Obama

Please stop the madness

But cuming inside is my fetish
And I am not giving it up

>implying he's not a English teacher in Japan
it's pretty obvious famalamarino

Asian girls superior in every way.

Then use a spermicide douche, you douchenozzle.

It's not difficult. I dated a Japanese girl who refused to be fucked with a condom. After she got tested and was clean, I just bought her a few boxes of this stuff. And made sure to use them every single time. Problem solved.

fk you and your fking piece of shit hockey country leaf suryp yumyum we gay haha thats canada lol usa would burn you every fucking single second they'd want to. suck my aryan western coast Finn 20cm dick.

I might be wrong but I heard the reason for this is that in Japan using condoms is seen as slutty.

> Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't race mix.
Because you're a fucking nigger in white body.

One day we all are going to die and in a billion years the Earth will not exist anymore

Who gives a fuck about who you want to breed with?

Be happy.

I'm mixed and there's nothing wrong with me.

inb4 amerifats calling me monkey

Yeah, i learned your language, english, when i was 12 years old and i bet there are grown ass men here that only speak one language.

Yes, she said condoms were for prostitutes.

dying generation's belief.

Shouldn't they not have an aging population problem then?
or did they literally just give up sex completely?


>Poland is an eastern European country on the Baltic Sea known for its medieval architecture and Jewish heritage (Source:Wikipedia)

Go ahead kids! Race mixing is fine so long as it's with eastern Asians!

If you can find a woman who is smart with money and isn't mentally ill you should marry her regardless of race

You're an idiot. I hate race-mixing, but asian girls are superior in every way.

I can literally only give you reason's why asian women are toptier.

Western roasties btfo.

White men ruined white women, so now they come to ruin Asian women.

How about you white cucks fix your women first? Don't ruin it for the rest of us.


>Asian girls are the same as white girls

I'm yet to see a caucasian who is like this.
Still not advocating race mixing.

the jews ruined them

Ill give you 3
Mixed kids are more likely for mental problems
Mixed kids have trouble getting bone marrow transplants
Mixed kids often struggle with identity issues


This. "Face it, goy! Your race is dead! Why preserve it xDDDD marry a non-white today, like any good goy does!"
Can't believe people still fall for these threads.

Youre just bad at fixing problems

>who is like this
like a 12yo?

Nobody has any good reasons here, because Sup Forums's "racists" are obviously SJWs trying to race bait.

Post moar titties.

>Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't race mix.

if you were a Japanese man, you wouldn't want your race to be watered down and washed out the way it's happening to your white race as we speak. Show some respect, hypocrite.

>Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't race mix.

weak male children

lmao the kid with the gun
10/10 pic


its elliot


Asian women are usually very materialistic.

They aren't blessed with western traditions

They don't speak proper English

They wouldn't get along with my family

wew those kids are weird looking

they have asian moon face but every other feature is white its freaky. Piercing grey eyes too.

I'm not that care of racemixing, but I don't want any breeding involving a less than IQ 100 race within my country.

Everyone goes through phases. One day I really like Asians but I'm currently in a majority Asian college. I think you guys get tired of white girls since your around them all the time.

she's 59

It's kind of like this. Most people won't notice the problems until it's too late, and even in Sweden most aren't there yet.

> he thinks that it's laudable to speak multiple languages when in reality he only speaks them because his native tongue is worthless

>like a 12yo?

did I say age? It's about their demeanor.
Here a white female of all ages. They are all worthless degeneretes. No exceptions.

>white women

When the 4th reich comes your impure spawn will be "deported".

Mods do your fucking "job"

We are getting raided by those ugly awkward yellow fever cuckposters for days

My gf is an exception. She practically worships me and buys me gifts and food all the time. She's also a gun owner and into /out/ stuff. You just suck at finding women. You're probably ugly.

In the south literally the only non mud Asians you are at chinese restaurants. I don't think I am exaggerating to say that I haven't seen a decent Asian (flips don't count, some of them clean houses) outside of a restaurant since college.


>jap women

Go ahead, just don't bring your pet gook home. Infact, why don't you just fuck off and live in Asia?

Half breeds have conflicting loyalties to the west. They almost always choose non-whites and globalism over us. They will fuck shitskins are your bloodline will be forever ruined.

Best advice is date an Asian girl if you really have the urges. But white girls will always relate more with you culturally. The whole race mixing thing is a tough red pill to take. Life's short and most people will do whatever makes them happier.
I would hate to see European culture and people gone. I think any normal person who studied history would agree.

Atlanta is filled with Koreans

asian women suck at sex

Thanks for sharing. How was your day?

only one, sex with more than one person is degenerate.

>western traditions
What traditions?
Getting drunk and clubbing?

yeah i'm planning on becoming an english teacher and marrying a woman and living there for a long time on a spousal visa

at least then my son/daughter will have two rich cultures and histories to learn about

How are you even able and allowed to look at pictures like that?

Nah, sailing across the world and arse fucking curry munchers

That's gay.

jesus what an awkard little spastic.

A lot of Asians at my college are attractive but it's not like you're missing out too much.

>subjective thread
>anecdotal responses

Yet you're shocked by my personal reply?

It's only gay if you take it.

White women look like men, that alone is the biggest turnoff. The most I can take is Slavic women with Finno-Ugric genetics.

Jap girls are the best of the best. But they should stay pure.

Idk maybe we should invest in Indian culture like Bollywood

I found a safe sex method

Creepy fat autistic murican mongrel

Is that supposed to be impressive?

Strayas know well, huh.

Asians are better at pretending that they are not horrible. Also do you want a son that doesnt look like you?

Free markets
Meritocracy instead of nepotism
High-trust societies
And many more good things

pay debts

Sauce please. I been a good boy this year

If you decide to marry an Asian, you probably don't have the testosterone to create a boy.

>Indian culture
Pick one.

Asians are disgusting kill yourself autistic permavirgin weeaboo loser