Sup Forums hates castro

>Sup Forums hates castro
>is okay with pic related

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I want to shoot and kill liberals on sight.

>Sup Forums hates Castro
uh no


Castro isn't that bad, at least he didn't let Cubans leave so they can't come fuck up our country. Its kind of the same way Qaddafi kept all of the niggers out of Europe. RIP in peace Castro.

i'm literally shaking this feels like a fucking nightmare i want to actually die

When I was a kid I was told letting the flag touch the ground, get dirty or rest unfolded was a hair short of sinning.

Why are other countries so afraid of flag pride?

Trump is trolling you stupid fag.

He's basically daring leftists who are protesting against him to burn the flag. Once they start doing so he'll condemn them for being un-American.

I shouldn't have to explain this shit given we have infiltrators. But never mind, you leftists fags are so dumb you'll do it anyway.



is this real?

But you're fine with the riots protesting the election results?

Britbong gets it, its basic reverse psychology, Trump isnt going to do shit, he cant and wont

FUCK white people. Castro was an anti-imperialist hero. White people engaging in nationalism is literally causing the genocide of the Third World.

Trump isn't the president of a tropical island.


Liberals are playing checkers, they will never understand Trump's 12d mahjong

yes. it's okay when it's my side that does it, i don't have a problem admitting it


Castro fought Apartheid in SA and racial segregation in Cuba. That's all you need to know

those genes are useless if you let jamal impregnate your wife user

which genocide

i donn't really care about whites in Africa. I care about whites in white countries aka European countries

Good goy. Castro helped anti-racists in Europe too

I don't think burning flags should be illegal, just as burning a quran shouldn't be illegal.
Jailing somebody for destroying a piece of fabric that they have bought for themselves with their own money is retarded.

Now, I would just love to shoot anybody who decides to burn the flag of my country but it's not in my rights to do so.

thats rich comming from an italian


Why is it always a leaf?

>burns your country's flag

>still wants neet bux and muh welfare from the same country.

Trump is right.

if you don't like it here.


>It was Hillarys idea.

>Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Amends the federal criminal code to revise provisions regarding desecration of the flag to prohibit: (1) destroying or damaging a U.S. flag with the primary purpose and intent to incite or produce imminent violence or a breach of the peace; (2) intentionally threatening or intimidating any person, or group of persons, by burning a U.S. flag; or (3) stealing or knowingly converting the use of a U.S. flag belonging to the United States, or belonging to another person on U.S. lands, and intentionally destroying or damaging that flag.

>literally backed by Hillary Clinton


You got any other ideas on how to purge the left and defeat psychopaths like Trudeau?

Seems like a reasonable approach by Trump tbqh.

Watch the fucking video you apartheid-supporting piece of shit.

it's not my fault your friends spend their erasmus in my country ;D

No need for green text. Ofc Castro was a cunt. Have you been in Cuba have you lived in Latin America?
Also burning a flag is a great offense. Doing years for burning it is nonsense. Better getting fined and either paying or doing social work. Fucking cunts should leave the country if they hate their own country so much.


> There's No Such Thing As Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too

Yes we should have voted Hillary

yes pol hates castro because he was a communist massmurderer

No need to know the war crimes and people dissapearing under his regime cuz muh agenda.

You know nothing about Cuba or USSR? They trained all sorts of cultural marxists and imported filth from Africa and Asia to study and learn gommunism
This. Italians are pieces of shit, Attila would have sacked Rome, if not for some stupid slave whore that poisoned him. They are the original cucks, letting niggers into the Roman Empire, and crash it. Let a foreign religion take over, and let it form a state inside your capitol. Let jewish maffia run all your businesses and industries, killing the competition freely. They lost more lands even than we did, being the stinky loud midgets they are, and now they are bracing their anuses for another nigger invasion. They are fishing drowning niggers out of the sea to fill their womens wombs, they should not have a country.

cultural marxism is a literal memes.
I used to believe in the conspiracy myself but when i looked up the frankfurt school they where actually sceptical of ruthless cosmopolitarianism and the identity politics leftists today push.
>Inb4 someone acuses me of being a marxist
i'm a nationalist and im against internationalism/globalism

No. Read up on Kalergi too. Cuba and USSR ferociously supported Mandela and anti-racist groups in Europe.

Flag pride = good
legislating flag pride = retarded


It's true he fought Apartheid but he has some really contradictory laws regarding minorities and LGBT. Apparently he didn't allow Blacks to go to certain colleges for example.

I get what he's doing. But you aren't concerned with all of the retards on here who are blindly accepting this as an actual good thing?

>leaf wants to be respected
>keeps making shitty threads and posts

Only terrorists burn flags

Hillary proposed it first:

oh well if hillary proposed it im definitely on board