10 reasons why Japan need immigrants

Here is ten reasons why Japan need immigrants

1. Japan's birth rate is around 1.39. Japan should accept people who is capable to make a child
2.Japanese labor market suffer from lack of labor force. immigrants are needed to boost economy
3.Japanese culture is too homogenous and need some enrichment and we should embrace the diversity
4.It is duty for Japanese to accept immigrants and refugee. this is moral issue.
5. immigrants will increase social liquidity. This is what Japan need
6.We have tokyo Olympic in 2020, Japan should appeal to the world that Japan is opened to everyone
7.Japanese people are too ignorant about out side of Japan. They should know the world
8.Accepting immigrants can be good start for reform of our education and social system.
9.Our official language would be American or something. This is far better than Japanese. since Japanese is totally useless outside of Japan
10.It's 2016.

> when you see it sounds like a troll, then you realize that's the actual narrative in EU countries.

t. proxy

I can show you my Japanese passport if you want

japanese are ridiculous xenophobic so they probably don't feel the same way you do

How about accepting the white devil who come to visit or teach english or sport? Stayed in japan for 6 months, cuz i have glorious western civ. Tattoo i was shunned if i took my shirt off at the beach. Xenophobic cuckrace.

but younger generation like me(early 20s) do not hate forein culture.

We like abroad. we like gaijins

No proxy but i bet its an english teacher or a western loser expat

Nice try Levy Cohen.

I like your country but why would anyone go to live in Japan?

Many people from Brazil dream about going to Canada or USA, they don't even think about Europe anymore, imagine Japan then. Total different language and cultures. It would be hard to adapt and assimilate your people.

everyone is welcomed.

We will open the border toward everyone but Korean and chinese

k i l l y o u r s e l f

Is antinatalism like a thing in Japan? Why don't you fuck your women?

>everyone but Korean and chinese
Yeah it's like not you don't have those already

Honestly japan should focus on promoting middle class Australians, Americans, White French, Brits. To move to Japan because we love physical labour as long as it pays fair. We wont rape your women or kill your kids. We may offend the old people with tattoos and being less proper. But a white workforce would build glorious Nippon into the ultra developed Korea crushing nation you deserve to be.

but We don't care white or not.

Black, muslim, asian and white. all welcome.

>It's 2016
you had me until there, well done f.am, 10/10

Japanese people are militantly racist, subhumans.

Bring in north korean refugees then. You allready look the same and eat rice

>Japan should accept people who is capable to make a child
Can you explain how the fuck is someone except Japanese can produce a Japanese child?

How many immigrants do you need? We can import them to you

Thats the problem, you havent experienced what a muslim wave will do. From a mutlicultural country, muslims will set up scocietys and kebab shops, they will then squirrel away money and i internally distribute it using child prostitution and favours to devalue your money, only the youngest of large familys will work for money and the rest of it dissapears from your economy.

other people have biggerf cock

Same way your merkuckl calls syrians "german"

Nice copy pasta. also I think you're not japanese.

>Our official language would be "American" or something

Mate you should go back to school.

why you so mean...

American is not a language. Do they speak american in Australia? Pls dont say 'australian'

Funny that Brazilian is one of the larger demographics here.

Tripfag calling people fake.
Man reddit must be lonely tonight
Chile is argentinias bitch and a 3rd world country.

Im going to migrate and demand Canadian values like wearing shoes around the house.

It is unacceptable.

fuck you

You guys keep making these fucking threads from a proxy at least 3 times a day. It's annoying. No Japanese believe in this bullshit. They already got raped, murdered.

Yeah, I agree. I was at Asakusa recently and I thought "oh boy, you know what would make this place a whole lot better? Suicide bombers!"

Hi Japan. Can I immigrate and take your waifus? I can bring American values such as "talking to other human beings" and "not being socially retarded".
Thanks in advance Japan

yep it's a proxy indonesian.

Sadly the who pay to them show their real face.

Where do you live in Canada where it's not customary to remove your shoes indoors? Fucking savage.

Well mannered, exceptionally virile white guy here. I'll help you and your birth rates.

Finally back to shitposting about Japanese immigration. I was kinda getting worried when you posted that other thread yesterday about some other stupid shit I've already forgotten about.

Is this your week off from toilet duty, Private?

Pleade kys ctr shill

> Not enough labor force
> Not enough jobs

Pick one.

Then why not just leave them in Syria, let them work and send the earned money to us to pay for our pensions?

t. Davido-kun Jamal Alberto Muhamed, professional anime watcher, 300 pounds, 5'7", english teacher and proud owner of a Katana from the O'5 series.


>It's 2016

that's a shit reason

I honestly wouldn't mind moving to Japan and fucking some Asian chicks since they're obviously so lonely, problem is I think Asians are unattractive, their culture is weird and food smells like shit.

Probably some cuck white faggot living in Japan

Do it. You won't.

I dont believe you have one

I'm coming bby, don't worry.

>tfw Swiss and have no way of working a part time job even if I speak the language
Why Japan why

Wasn't the murderer a nog anyway? Whites barely do this shit unless they are drunk or are from the shit part of the USA.

no it isnt. and it has never been (argentina's bitch, that is)

Do it you proxy fag

OPさんは日本人ではありません. 彼はくろんぼですけど