>American Intellectuals
American Intellectuals
I'm literally shaking and crying. I can't get out of bed to face the world.
Sounds good, if you don't like country leave, staying and disrespecting it only means you are there for to exploit it.
>taking citizenship away from fags and niggers who hate this country anyway
>Tolerating scum burning your flag
>being this cucked
Why do Americans like to suck cocks??
>Sup Forums loves restricting freedom of expression now
He's right, it should be considered treason.
Who doesn't?
G-guys... I'm crying.. I can't even control my bladder and sphincter muscles because I'm so scared.
I'm literally pissing and shitting all over the place.
>American Presidential candidates that already proposed this?
Who is Hillary Clinton?
Well avoid pissing on the american flag and you'll be fine.
>hillary clinton does something
>that makes it okay
Sup Forums is getting really shameless with their trump cultism
He's fucking trolling them at this point
If actions are ways of expression, are killing, murdering, raping, etc too? Should we have the freedom to do anything and everything we want because our actions constitute our way of expression?
serious question, your comment really made me think
I don't get it.
It's just a flag?
Now Clinton supporters are worried (and criticizing him on twitter about) that he'll implement a policy that Hillary Clinton tried to do in 2005.
that some communist shit right there
i bet China would be proud
Flag burning should be punished as a hate crime against the nation.
Free speech offers plenty of ways to protest and express your discomfort.
All these idiots ITT that don't know that burning a flag IS the proper way to dispose it
Truth hurts leaf..
Now fuck off back to your own country and fix it first.
In turkey they go jail for that 1-3 years.
raping and murdering are direct act of aggression on a person's physical body. While you could argue that these aggressive acts are "expression", the part where they harm another person's being is where conflict arises.
If you burn a piece of cloth, there is nothing being expressed. If you paint an american flag on it and start burning it, you are expressing some sort of dissatisfaction with that symbol.
stop larping.
I don't like it when people within my nation have contempt for me and that nation.
If we didn't have a history of communists subverting us at every turn it wouldn't be a big deal.
McCarthy did nothing wrong
Go to bed Mrs Clinton
I don't see how this makes it OK. If Hillary supporters throw a fit, it makes them hypocrites, but why should Trump supporters be ok with it?
Let the retards burn the flag, it only serves to undermine their cause. An outright ban only emboldens their agenda.
Good. Leftists that aren't patriotic are usually only parasites that live on welfare because they don't wan't to help the "oppressive regime".
Careful, according to your comment I'll name a few actions that should be legal
>shitting anywhere
>destroying anything
>stealing anything
>shooting randomly at things
and others
Because as long as you don't directly harm another person's physical body it's ok to express yourself with your actions
>trump has the same position as hillary
>this is a good thing
Ya about that
flag burning commie scum deserve worse than jail or citizenship loss
they deserve helicopter rides
None of them is equivalent to burning a piece of cloth you goddamn retard
So it's ok to restrict freedom of expression sometimes, that's where i was trying to get
Now the limits to when it's ok and when it's wrong become a subjective matter
nice argument, going out of the scope and context of my post, and being a pendantic fuck.
>shitting anywhere
>destroying anything
>stealing anything
>shooting randomly at things
oh yes, in your omnipotence you were able to sense that my position is somehow against property rights. fuck off
Why stop there? If everybody gets a vote, there's no reason to allow criticism of the people elected into office. It undermines the ability of politicians to focus on governing.
They are totally different things. If I burn a piece of cloth with an american flag on it that I PURCHASED AND OWN, what have I done wrong?
Every example you have given is an instance where someone is infringing on the property of others against their will.
There's no way you can win this, by accepting that being authoritarian is ok sometimes you accept it is subkective and relies on abstract point of views, so now when you try to tell others that your opinions on when it should be right and when it should be wrong is the one correct and not theirs you are becoming authoritarian and trying to impose your ideas with no particular fundament
>trump breathes oxygen
>hillary breathes oxygen
wtf i hate drumpf now
It's not my fault that you can't understand what property rights are, and how they are at the foundation of society. The things you described earlier, as in the ability to steal someone elses property as "expression" IS AUTHORITARIAN.
>hillary supports authoritarian bullshit policy
>trump supports authoritarian bullshit policy
neither are good things
>desecrating Stars and Stripes is legal
Even Germany isn't that cucked.
What is property? what is ownership? who said this is yours ans this is mine? You?
The comcept of property is authoritarian by itself
Again, this is the point I0m trying to make
The second comment speaks about foundation of society; we live in societies that hold national symbols to create a sense of unity among people, is it ok to attack that sense of unity by disrespecting its symbols, since this means you are directly harming the fundaments of your society and trying to break its strengh
>American flag to Americans is just a "piece of cloth"
This is what happens when you make it pop-culture symbol and blaster it on everything from bikinis to trucks.
That's the point, dipshit.
It's everywhere.
You can burn one flag and there are millions more and its image extends far beyond our country.
It's not like your shit tier country where there are maybe 10 in all existence. Our flags number in the millions. Our flag is fucking invincible.
lets go further.
what is "you"? what is "authoritarian"? what is a "concept"?
Your entire muh subjectivity argument is a never ending rabbit hole that leads to some bullshit metaphysical conundrum.
At the end of the day, all we as humans can do is come to a consensus about the terms and definitions of things, and build a framework around that. If one retard wants to sperg out and reject those structures, there is nothing we can do about it. Until a consensus of individuals sperg out and reject societal structures, you aren't going to get very far living outside of them.
>spick is assmad because if he gets a green card, he isn't allowed to desecrate the flag
I'm not trying to do anything other than make you understand that all this social norms and laws invented by people to gather and live in society means little when you allow the members of that very society to disrespect it and damage it, you have people that hate your society trying to destroy it living among you and leeching from you because they can't past their own selfishness
But this is just wrong. People break social norms every day, and they are punished for it by judgment of their peers. Go to work tomorrow and start screaming and yelling at everyone around you and see how well you are treated.
You don't need to legislate what is socially acceptable, so long as it doesn't interfere with the rights (aka property rights) established by our societies.
>If one retard wants to sperg out and reject those structures, there is nothing we can do about it.
Yeah, you can. You send a faggot who disrespects either your property or your national flag to jail. That's the consensus.
So is private property. It's literally enforced by police, you fucking autist.
>all the lolbertarians getting triggered
>your national flag
yeah sure, if he steals your flag and burns it. off to jail.
if he paints a flag with paint he purchased, onto the cloth he purchased, and proceeds to burn it, YOUR flag is safe and sound, and your rights have not been infringed.
Consensus is not the same thing as majority.
The problem arises when the social norms are broken and nobody cares because the peers act the same way, then you get groups getting bigger and bigger at the expense of this society and it will reach a point when this group of people will become the majority, with the original society being unable to support them the whole society will collapse due to conflict among it's members you can choose to let shit happen and hope it doesn't harm your society or try to prevent the things that put it at risk, but i guess only time will tell this
>literally enforced by police
Enforcing property rights is a defensive action. Authoritarian actions are not defensive.
We could get into an ancap argument about whether states can exist without being authoritarian, but don't you think thats beyond the scope of this issue?
Your whole existence depends on American success. It has since the moment a Spaniard first dropped his load inside a South American subhuman. Nothing has ever come out of Mexico that wasn't wrapped in a tortilla or stuffed into a dashboard. You wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for greater men allowing you the crumbs off their table.
Your entire species is parasitic. You're like a hookworm latched onto the inside of a dog's asshole. You're all 5-foot-nothing, neckless, smelly pieces of shit whose highest prospects in life amount to nothing more than mowing my fucking lawn. Nobody on Earth cares for a Mexican. Think about that for a second: The entire world knows what you are, and they're repulsed by you. You're allowed to live out of pity.
Your country has never been great. It's never been noteworthy, except for the times we had to round up your drug pushers for you, because you're all too chickenshit to wipe your own asses. Your women turn into bearded little dwarves when they hit 28, and your eyes are perpetually blank and bloodshot. You smell like swamp ass and grass clippings. You haven't contributed a single good thing to the world since you became a nation.
Go ahead and laugh it up, since you "people" can't fathom into the future beyond your next joint, but a wall is going up, and it's going to trap you in with the cartels you've spawned and thin you out. A simple wall is going to undo your existence. That's it. A 35% fee on all money transfers from the U.S. to Mexico means all those goodies you've been getting at our expense will dry up, and you know why? Because, worst of all, your people have no loyalty to yourselves. All those wetbacks already here aren't going to suffer that fee. They'd rather you starve than surrender delicious American dollars. I've seen it, myself; you run out on each other like it's second nature. You're lower than dogs. There's no saving you, not even from within your own ranks.
Chew on that, you fucking beaner trash.
If it gets to a point where a consensus surrounds destroying a particular social norm, then that social norm was never good to begin with.
My point is that if the sense of a national identity is a good concept, it would never get to a point where you need to force compliance to retain that identity. You fight these people with ideas, not force. Why do you think "memetic warfare" is so effective?
As soon as you start silencing these people with force, all you do is embolden their position.
>muh NAP
Just fuck off. I get it you also don't like borders or military because they are authoritarian.
>Consensus is not the same thing as majority
Let the society decide on that, all right? Just don't whine about your rights later like leftists.
Fucking anarchist hippies.
He's going all out! Spics BTFO
great pasta
upvote my bread, get it to the front page of rebbit and trigger libs
You don't silence them, they can complain and whine all they want, but the symbols of the country should be held in a higher pedestal, because the idea of that society is that the whole is more important than the individuals, and the whole is represented by these symbols, if the society is fine with being abused by it's emember you live in a shit society, or at the very least this "society" is a lie, which I believe this is the case of the US judging by all the conflicts and issues you guys have, although I have to admit it's a good job keeping it together so far
>Just fuck off. I get it you also don't like borders or military because they are authoritarian.
You were the one that said enforcing property rights was authoritarian. Not me. You were the one who was beginning to take the ancap position.
>Let the society decide on that, all right?
No, I'm saying that the two words are not the same by definition.
Society has reached a consensus about property rights, or the abolition of murder, it's why our society is able to function they way it does. Society has NOT reached a consensus about who the next president should be, or what the tax levels should be, even 55% of people support one or the other.
Not pasta. I just fucking loathe Mexicans and have no idea how they summon up the stupidity to bite the hand that feeds them.
It means he's trolling loke he always does cunts
The symbol is just fine. It's located in all buildings of government.The vast majority of American flag owners have the flag on display in a respectful way for all to see. Just like the vast majority of people are willing to respect social norms in a public space. The outliers who choose to disrespect these things will be dealt with accordingly, without the need of the justice system.
And as I just said, a world where the majority of American flags are being burned is a world where the ideals of America have lost, and in that world, a stupid ban on burning flags isn't going to stop any of it.
Maybe that was the point of the tweet. He's a master baiter that loves fucking around with the media.
Isn't illegal to raise the flag upside down on the mast?
I'm willing to consider that. But that doesn't excuse the retards on here who are blindly agreeing with the position.
even if 55%*
It's pasta now user.
Good thing I didn't vote for Hillary then.
I see your point, I probably could change things in mine, nice conversation I enjoyed it.
I agree.
If you hate a country enough to burn its flag, you don't belong in it, period.
Couldn't be happier, then. All wetback garbage needs to know their fucking number's up.
I mean, I like trump but he is wrong
No. An upside down flag is a distress signal.
>insinuating violence against the state
>protected by the constitution
Pick one commie
There's nothing more cucked than allowing the state to tell you what to do with your property.
freedom is overrated you liberal cunt. national socialism wasnt about freedom to invididuals, but to nation from jewry and banks. NIGGER
I've been an isolationist nationalist for awhile now, Trump was basically my dream candidate and I'm so happy it's crazy.
>You were the one that said enforcing property rights was authoritarian.
And being authoritarian to some extent is fine by my standards. That includes both enforcing property rights and punishment for desecration of national symbols. Where do you think you are, at an amazing atheist subscriber convention?
>Society has NOT reached a consensus about who the next president should be, or what the tax levels should be, even 55% of people support one or the other.
Do I give a shit? Society reached the consensus on the desecration of national flag whether you like it or not.
False, on both accounts.
Maybe if lefties weren't burning the flag every chance they got, while waving the Mexican one proudly at their communist safe space lgbqzy lives matter protests Trump wouldn't be tweeting this.
The Master is at it again. Like a human manifestation of Bugs Bunny he's about to make his opponents look like total shit.
>Normal Americans despise flag burning
>Liberals will now want to burn more flags to spite Donald
>Flag burnings make the news, the left and Donald's opponents look Anti-American.
If the left is smart they won't take the bait but dammit we all know they will.
Is this a joke? We have the first amendment you orange nigger. As long as you bought it and it's legal to burn shit where you are you should be able to do it.
I'm starting to not like this guy. Why does he have to be so god damned muricun all the time? What if I wanted to burn the flag to celebrate the fact that I have the legal right to do so? I fucking love America but I also love burning shit and blowing things up in the desert. Fuck off and let me play with my guns and fire in peace.
>Society reached the consensus on the desecration of national flag whether you like it or not.
That's obviously not true given how controversial a topic it is. If society reached a consensus, why is this such a controversial tweet? Why are there 50 threads on Sup Forums about it? Why is the media going to have a field day with it?
If Trump said, "murder is bad.", what would people say? They might make fun of him for stating the obvious, but at the end of the day, nobody would take issue with that statement on any side. That's consensus.
And it lasted how long..? Doesn't seem like much of its ideology judging from its merits.
Fuck off, stormweenie. Sup Forums is not for unironic nazis.
It's a fucking tweet you deranged jew
It's a piece of cloth. Get over it.
This is just right-wing "muh feels".
if you burn the flag of a nation you reside in, you need to get deported to shit. if you burn a mexican flag in front of me, i'm going to run you down in my car or fucking stab you. Hell i'm pretty sure any mexican would fucking kill you right there and then. So go ahead and try it pinche naco.
It's a tweet communicating intent retard.
Only a fucking jew would censor free expression. Ffs HRC already proposed this.
> if you burn a mexican flag in front of me, i'm going to run you down in my car or fucking stab you. Hell i'm pretty sure any mexican would fucking kill you right there and then.
So why do we need it to be illegal again? Your statement attests to the fact that citizens of a nation are able to effectively police such vitriolic acts without the state getting involved.
I doubt anyone in America would kill someone over it, but you can be sure they would be completely ostracized socially, which is the point I think you were getting at.
Goddamn, I found one I like. Blessed digits, too. Get your green card already.
Exactly! Fuck right wing SJWs and their pitiful feelings.
>That's obviously not true given how controversial a topic it is.
Literally 1 vote short from being in the Constitution.
>If society reached a consensus, why is this such a controversial tweet?
Because it's Trump. He posts a McDonald's lunch and it's suddenly a controverisal topic.
>Why are there 50 threads on Sup Forums about it?
There are at least as many racist threads. Do you want to tell me that Western societies don't have a consensus on racism?
>If Trump said, "murder is bad.", what would people say?
Lefists would probably start talking about how firing squads are all good as long as we're the good guys who will abolish the concept of violence when all the enemies are dead. Happened to my country once.
You can do it on your own. Desecration laws only affect public displays.
Nigger, don't tell me what I can and can't post a video of to the internet. This is AMERICA. Go back to getting wasted and eating ice or whatever it is you people do to pass the time.