Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Actually Hillary will defend it.
You wouldn't?
I'm literally shaking so much. i cannot believe Donald fucking trump is America's president. omfg.
how many more are coming?
>hillary clinton does it so it's okay
Big thinking there Sup Forums.
Fucking six threads about this tweet right now.
Burning the fag is an attack upon a nation. Not an expression of an opinion or believe.
You have a mouth and tongue for that.
there is literally nothing wrong with this tweet and if you disagree you should be gassed
>Burning the fag
welp I meant flag
Well that was the wrong image.
Really makes you think..
>Trump suggests making flag burning illegal
>proposes the same punishment as Hillary dis in her FAILED law
>stupid libshits burn the flag in protest, driving moderates to the right
>progressive articles about it are forces to include The Flag Protection Act of 2005
>leftists btfo again and again and again
This guy is the greatest political mind of the 21st century. Truly nth dimensional ping pong
>Burning the fag
>The American flag, then, throughout more than 200 years of our history, has come to be the visible symbol embodying our Nation. It does not represent the views of any particular political party, and it does not represent any particular political philosophy. The flag is not simply another "idea" or "point of view" competing for recognition in the marketplace of ideas. Millions and millions of Americans regard it with an almost mystical reverence regardless of what sort of social, political, or philosophical beliefs they may have. I cannot agree that the First Amendment invalidates the Act of Congress, and the laws of 48 of the 50 States, which make criminal the public burning of the flag.
This is nothing compared to children being raped at Comet Pizza.
>Burning the fag is an attack upon a nation
What are you fucking gay?
This really puts the media and liberals in an interesting position. They now can either agree with Trump, or they can attempt to defend the act of burning the American flag. If they choose the later - which no doubt, they will - it makes the liberals and the Democratic Party look unpatriotic and that they hate this country and what it stands for. Similar to the Kaepernick protest (not standing for the national anthem), the American public despise Kaepernick and those who refused to stand for the anthem. NFL ratings have plummeted since; ESPN who supported this protest is now in big trouble financially. Overall, I'd say this is another calculated move by Trump and his team, further alienate and make the Democratic Party appear as if they hate America.
You idiots.
He's bringing this to (((the medias))) attention.
Its B8
>B-but Hillary wanted it as well!
I cant believe you cucks are okay with this because of that alone.
Swede... your country is being destroyed. How credible is your opinion when you do nothing?
As a follow up to this, libshits are predictably gonna burn flags in response.
Fucking genius move, people are gonna associate flag-burning with anti-Trumpets, automatically associating Trump with everything pro-American.
>mfw Trump proposing stuff I've wanted to see for so long I'd stopped ever hoping for them long ago
jailtime for ALL flagburners.
Pence why are you on Sup Forums
Quads calls for burning the fags
Watch the communist pigs scurry like roaches when the kitchen light comes on
And they fucking would.
burning your country's flag should be equal to treachery
Well I mean if the God Emperor says...
Trump's [tweet about punishing those who burn the American flag] (
It also has the potential to:
1. Bait progressive campus activists into mass flag burning
2. Bait progressive journalists into obsessing over this at the expense of more important news
Both outcomes would further drive the wedge between these groups and mainstream Americans.
>constant bitching about liberals destroying the first amendment
>this is fine though
Holy shit it is real.
What spurred this comment?
What is the problem? The respect for country, laws and flag is a common feature of all democracies.
>What spurred this comment?
Oh I don't know, weeks of commies burning the US flags while screaming "TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!!" "FUCK TRUMP!" "THIS IS OUR COUNTRY -MEXICAN"
liberals have actually passed laws and gotten people in trouble on campuses.
Trump is just shitposting. If he actually signed a executive order on this I'd flip out.
Fuckin' flag burners should be set on fire.
End of story.
>Burning the fag is an attack upon a nation.
What did Kek mean by this?
Liberals BTFO...
>Flag burning hippies fresh out of college will attack this
We are a republic!
Yes. Flag burning is tratorous imho
More like expose that they and the coastal elites hate america
24D chess
Someone get Pence on the line
No one cares if you flip out.
Cigarettes confirmed treason
It's about symbols and tribes.
So people are literally defending this? Seriously?
Going to jail for burning a piece of cloth with a certain pattern on it. How fucking absurd. What if I need to burn it to stay warm? What if I need to burn it for some other reason, possibly a life saving reason? Do I get a pardon? What if I burn another piece of cloth that happens to have the same pattern? What if I burn a non-current version of the flag, or a similar looking flag?
You guys are moronic for even contemplating this as anything other that ridiculous.
>Trump quotes Hillary.
>Liberal media attacks him.
>Trump reminds everyone that the stupid idea was a liberal idea.
6D Quantum chess. Will the media ever learn?
Burning flag, disrespecting the flag or calling for revolt is considered sedition and treason and often follows capital punishment.
Nothing unusual.
Yes. We prefer you die in the cold.
Its illegal in a bunch of countries, including developed ones. One year in jail is too much. Most will just jail you for a couple days and fine you.
Love how mad you are so it's ok
There's nothing wrong with it too. Only a Muslim or false flagging jew would be upset
>b-b-but Hillary did it so its fine
Oh boy. Kiss them AR15s goodbye.
Did you prep the bull yet, Bjorn?
>Dumb Hillary supporters are unaware that Clinton made this proposal
>They call Trump an idiot for suggesting something like this
>They expose themselves as retarded hypocrites
Don't see a problem with this
i wondered what his 11-d chess move was this time!!
Its also a crime in many developed cointries to deny the Holocaust.
Shut the fuck up nigger. This is the USA. We have freedoms you couldn't even dream of. Your argument is fined for chcked nations but that does not fly here. Trump fucked up here and there is no defending someone when they fuck up, even if you enjoy the taste of their dick.
>Don't worry, Hillary tried to do this 11 years ago
Am I in bizarro Sup Forums?
If he basically agrees with all the policies and position of Hillary, even if ironically, then who exactly did you elect as your leader?
>trump legislates from twitter shitposts
i fucking love this
More then 1 American life died defending that flag. I don't care if other countries or Americans in that other country do it. If they don't like the U.S fuck off then.
He doesn't, Trump couldn't care less about this sissy stuff, he is baiting.
checked and kekd
We don't need to.
Hillary did it for us.
He is just B8ing liberals. It's glorious. They keep walking right into it.
Shut up you fucking misogynist.
I want to be angry, but I am super excited to hear the liberals suddenly act like they care about free speech again and reee.
>trump wants people to respect the flag again and also remind the people that the media and their brainwashed college cultists hate the country
>he puts up his opening bid to become the leader on the topic so he can dictate actual terms later
>Sup Forums collectively says WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS and start whining
You guys are idiots if you haven't noticed his pattern yet
hes citing the flag protection act of 2005 a law passed by hillary clinton
The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can
Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the
Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights
They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right!
I know, dave mustaine who is guided by God, called it
i will defend that, just as i will defend the right to have a debate about it. the flag burning types seem to think there is nothing at all wrong with that, since it's free speech, but it's somehow it's not free speech to say that flag burning is nothing more than a crime known as arson.
this one is seriously the FIRST completely idiotic thing I've heard him saying.
What matters are the ideas of freedom and not the symbols.
>Trump baits liberals into burning flags
>moderates are disgusted and swing toward Trump
>journalists cover this at the expense of bigger news
>Diehard Hilldawgs get even more cognitive dissonance when they find about about Hillary's Flag Burning Act of 2005
N I M B L E. N A V I G A T O R
>media attacks trump for being anti flag burning
>media backed the candidate who tried to make it illegal to flag burn
>media shown to be hypocrites yet again
How have you all not realized that Trump is playing 300D intergalactic chess yet?
i love this gif so much
Cozy frogposter
>Trump won because liberal freaks actually did go too far
Pacing and leading baby, pacing and leading.
Race war when?
The only war is between good and evil, and you need to choose good, and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and reprent of thy sins.
At first the tweet pissed me off but now I see the genius in it and I'm laughing.
This man has an otherworldly genius.
Hilary hasn't been running for president for some time. Get over it guys. Defend Trump, which is what you should have been doing from the start.
fuck off newfag. lurk more
>Burning the fag
>Burning the FAG is an attack upon the nation
>you have a mouth and a tongue for that
Include me in the screen cap.
He is my king.
If any of you cucks have any honor you would willingly follow him until the end, into the darkness and uncertainty.
When hordes of radicalized leftists come for our heads, may we stand with our king; follow his command without question.
When he says he wants a wall, we say how high.
When he says refugees and illegals have to go, we are his eyes and ears on the streets.
When Trump says don't burn the flag or there will be consequences, we DEFEND OUR FUCKING FLAG.
Fuckin commies
He is right you know? What are you coming for to a country if you can't even respect it's basic heritage? Do you like seeing Germans (for example) being abused left and right? Do you know that it will come back if you laugh at that matter back to you at twice the misfortune?
>Not using superior webm
>came to post this
>already been posted