just think, if russia and china stopped trying to conquer the world, we could have colonized mars by now
these two countries are fucking up their role as world power
why the fuck havent russian and chinese citizens stopped this shit yet
just think, if russia and china stopped trying to conquer the world, we could have colonized mars by now
these two countries are fucking up their role as world power
why the fuck havent russian and chinese citizens stopped this shit yet
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Because they don't want to be conquered by you.
Fucking Wendigos man!
>just think, if russia and china stopped trying to conquer the world, we could have colonized mars by now
What did he mean by this?
>slendermans daughter
My slender dink is hard
dumb shit
I want to fuck that giant.
>just think, if russia and china stopped trying to conquer the world,
Jesus, are burgers this stupid and blind?
>tfw no giant gf
The one on the left is superior. Brown girls make my nuts tingle
yet at the very least the interest for china to become westernized has been happening for the past 200 years. The only exception for this is their fanatical communist ideologies and agendas.
So they don't want to be conquered by us by it seems they certainly want to be us. Doesn't make too much sense.
> China is the most insular modern power
> China can't stop invading everyone
What even
oh pooting great leader pls rape my face and annex a fucking penisula
w-we were glorious once r-right i mean cmon we have a aircraft carrier, yes it spews smoke and has a ramp but ussr always
wow, those fucking Russians better stop fighting those stupid wars in the Middle East for Israel, fucking Libya war was so fucking stupid, if those chinks just stopped changing regime in every country they dislike we would be in Mars right now.
they want the spratley islands. they will go to war with the philippines and japan over fucking disputed islands. if it comes to that anyway.
china is also colonising africa at the moment.
Portugal is still a country in 2016? Wow. Good for you man.
Yes, but of all the modern powers over the last 100 years, China is the most insular.
How can an American even?
Also you're America's vassal on a strategic level.
>no idea about china building islands in the SCS and claiming the entire SCS as its own territory, and the international community coming together to say it isnt
>no idea about china using fortune 500 companies to try and buy the philippines to create a hole in the containment perimeter to allow access to the pacific
>no idea about tibetan and mongolian annexation and attempts to stop tibet from interacting with neighboring countries
can you JUST
insular? they invaded tibet. they want taiwan. they are not so insular. give them an inch and they will take a mile
oh king nigger pls rape my face and destabilise a fucking peninsula.
W-We were glorious once r-right i mean cmon we have $17 trllion of debt, yes we robbed the young and have a black issue but gob bless america always.
Westernization doesn't mean Americanization
>america's trying into ausposting
> Yes, but of all the modern powers over the last 100 years, China is the most insular.
America, you're the warmongerer, you have no business meddling in the affairs of other nations, keep your fucking hands of all the little ones, you're like a fucking paedophile.
Russia can do whatever it wants so long as it doesn't interfere with American interests. A Ruskie/Yankee alliance could have us on mars in less than a week if we ripped up those nuclear test ban treaties, or at least ratified them to allow nuclear pulse propulsion tests.
Provided China is out of the picture, we could build rockets capable of lifting aircraft carriers to the moon by minimizing the nuclear arsenal. The idea is near identical to a tin can sitting on a firecracker, but with more testing it could help us develop some powerful engines capable of sending us all the way to Alpha Centauri within our lifetimes!
The American system has literally invaded every country on earth.
leafs are obsessed with brown shit
This pic makes me happy. Other than that I have no idea what you are going on about.
I fucking love me some tall women
king nigger- for 8 years
destablilize a peninsula- which one?- to stop global derrorism and gommunism
debt- isn't just a number
other shit- will be solved by trump
shouldnt you be out at the queens front gate begging? i thought it was daytime for you brits
> china
> insular
china is only "insular" when it comes to protecting their borders, other country's borders, they consider those to be mere suggestions
The Phillipines
Turkestan (Xinjiang)
An Nam
etc etc etc
china invades every country they think they can take.
fucking paddies cant into history.
but russia doesnt try. yes russia kept invading neighbours but its only because you faggots kept turning every ex-commie buffer zone country into another nato base.
t. antiputinist
> slenderman
found the homosexual.
not every. not the uk. or china. or russia. or angola. or south africa or brazil or portugal or canada the list goes son.
too bad you're already conquered by us, all that's left is them and we're done with this planet and can begin the purge
>debt- isn't just a number
good goy
Bad goy! Delete this!
putin is pidor and criminal but you have to admit there could be another western fleet after 2017 if russia didnt invade
> country wants to join NATO
Ohhh NOES!!!!! this defensive treaty organization is terrifying!!
> considering NATO a threat to anything but america's bank account
Burger preaching world peace. Fascinating level of cognitive dissonance.
What are Vietnam, Iraq, Palestine, Isis, Syria ....
American interests, what is America isn't interested in? The only thing America should be interested in is Americas, both. You physically can't have any interests in Eurasia, but somehow that's the major interest place.
>tfw no womanlet gf
>tfw no lanklet gf
>tfw you can't make either of them jealous by exclaiming how tall or small the other is while you alternate absolutely destroying their pussies.
oops meant to say 'is' kek
a-are you murican strategic bomber pilot? are you posting from airbase?
nah just a guy in the middle of the island. come vist, based russians are welcome here
>Another hippie "if we all stopped fighting and held hands we would be a magical place" thread
Retarded sharting Burger got brainwashed by watching too much amerikanzki media pls kys OP
> Vietnam
foolish foreign adventure to prop up a shaky local regime of rice munchers
yeah, that one was stupid.
we should have let them wallow in their own crapulence
> iraq
treaties motherfucker.
we had to liberate an "ally" cuz we made a deal to do so.
> iraq 2
same war, saddam didnt adhere to the cease fire agreement, so we had to paddle his ass again
> palestine
when did we go to war in "palestine"?
daesh is a criminal gang, not a country, and we arent at war with them.
> syria
not at war with syria either faggot.
Sindy Vega
America has 1000+ military bases around the world and spends more of warfare than the next 10 countries combined but it's China's and Russia's fault that the world suck right now.
Shittiest shitpost of all shit time.
Even this guys beard is fat.
Thank you.
Oh this should be good.
Yeah, she takes in the pooper and everything in that vid.
Left one is more feminine and fit
right one would be delicious with a little bith of THICC
there were no defensive treaty organizations ever. there are no good guys. human societies will always compete, there are really not so many states left on this planet not cucked by us in military and political way(russia, china, iran and thats probably all). we all know how good guys act when they can stay fucking unchallanged(american-spanish war, philippines, turning latin america into shit with military power for profits of american companies after ww1, intervention in european politicas, italy after ww2, east asia). dont even try this we are good guys altitude fag, i dont mean we are but you should admit if there was no russia or china you could already cuck this planet into ultimate submission. almost did it actually.
Hey look, it's million dollar baby head.
You have to post the rest, user. That webm was made by an asshole.
If everyone just accepted Chinese dominion and agreed to become vassels in the human empire, every city in the world could look like this, and London would have its own spaceport.
Sorry user, the rest would get me banned from Sup Forums.
i dont mean russians are good guys. i mean there are no good guys at all. competition of states and their interests. today russia is losing in this competition tbqfampai
fug I usually don't care for giraffe skellingtons but there's something special about her
Yeah yeah, you are so blupilled that you can't even get blue balls. Wait, I bet you don't even have any.
Where in the bible does it say people are going to be going out in space and visiting these other "planets"
Not in there, NOT HAPPENING
what about south african banana republics?
We already did cuck the world
Russia and China are mere annoyances.
It's Sindy vega. That particular vid is shite though
competition encourages growth
if it weren't for them, cold war + ww2
you would still be reading a book, instead of a tablet
Everyone worrying about everyone else's country is why nobody gets shit done anymore.
OP is an example why people want globalism and the reason why globalism doesn't work. You won't change your neighbor, you sure as hell aren't going to change other countries.
The only way that could be any better is if she had a dick.
You think we want russia or china? We want to save western civilization and populate the stars
Theres bigger fish to fry that none of the other super powers seem to care about
Beware that, when trying to cuck the world, you yourself do not become a cuck...
wew lad looks like swiss madman could be right
Our interests seem to depend on who you ask. If Trump gets rid of all the forgien lobbists, Middle Eastern interests would weaken. NATO members would have to start looking after themselves, but Japan and Germany still have to be under our protection after WWII.
IMO, Germany, Eastern Europe and the Middle East can fall under Russian Juristiction. South America, the U.K., France, Spain and Italy under American.
USA Controls the Pacific and our half of the North Pole.
Africa, Southeast Asia, China, PooLand and the South Pole are neurtral and irrelevant.
encourages, not enables
that's the key 香港, that's the key. but war also focuses attention on warfighting, and not on human projects like colonization of other planets. no wars will be waged on other planets before we colonize other planets
>want to colonize stars
>can't even make a decent rocket, still has to use 70's USSR technology and pays Russia to take their cosmonauts to ISS
Who are you kidding nigger
You surely suffer hard from stockholm syndrome m8.
> cant refute statements of fact
> employ ad homiem!
Not An Argument.
I hear Guams Pretty based, they havnt elected any leftists in ages
russia is not trying to conquer the world because russia has nothing to offer to the world
back then they had communism - a silly ideology, but still something. now they have literally nothing.
russia does weird stuff like ukraine and syria mostly for attention.
and china is probably more complicated than we all think
I don't mind american supremacy but the world still needs balance of power.
>what is spacex's reusable rocket: the post
we are privatizing our spacefaring technologies. it's cheaper to take the soyuz to the iss NOW, but spacex is already sending its reusable rockets to the iss on resupply missions. havent gotten ballsy enough to use a reused rocket yet but that's the plan, stan.
but i guess for you it's more important to win an argument with an uninformed (read: average) american rather than actually understand the issue at hand. that's okay, we have scientists and funding for a reason. where is serbia again? near greece, right? i honestly cant remember
> implying financial support to friendly regimes is war
> by those rules russia has been at war with cuba since 1950
That would be Entirely reasonable really. But it's not gonna happen because we fucked up in the eighties by believeing you want world peace and dissolved the union.
Now you have too much influence worldwide to give up regions that you already have a hold on. So we are stuck in a situation where we will keep undermining your position, and you will keep pushing ours Untill either a dialogue is established or US policy changes.
Because realise this - we don't trust US anymore so long term agreements with you won't work really. Only by baby steps can we restore a working relationship, and that will take time, and quite a few corpses on both sides.
you are gay
>tanks can do anything without air superiority
inb4 muh modern russian air defences
Yeah, it much more profitable to have their masses of people be lead by regimes that care less about them than tissue paper.
>> by those rules russia has been at war with cuba since 1950
this is true lol
soviet union has been at was against cuban people turning their life into shit. but for some reason you dont consider us has been at war with half of south america and its population. thats what ive told before, this good guys altitude is autsim and baby-tier.
>All those butthurt Americans claiming they're not just as bad or worse
>not wanting to be truly Alpha by dominating other males
go away you cuck
>your government is shit so why dont you just give up to great american empire instead of having bettter government and still be sovereign nation. i mean its 2016 xD
are you retarded? where is the logic?
Not sure about colonizing Mars, but I'm sure jewmerica would have colonized the whole world like the hunger games.
>tall girl/short girl
What is this fetish called? I need Moar!
>Where in the bible it says x
Into the trash it goes
>Stopping global terrorism
the us and russia agree that isis is fucked up and should be destroyed. but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it, and maybe the media shilling has been good enough that i genuinely believe russia to be bombing syrian hospitals.
on the same grounds as fighting isis and general terrorism, we fight the farc and other criminal organizations in south america. we fight to instill democratic governments worldwide, because it is genuinely our belief that all countries should have fair representation. democracy goes way back, way before the united states. our battle is to secure the rights of people worldwide, and that means forming opposing postures to anyone willing to harm people. like isis. the cold war was a war fought with this ideology in mind.
our new president believes in peace between us. americans have always believed in peace worldwide, and to FUCK UP THOSE PEOPLE THAT KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS. we share this, russia bro. we share this.