Is he going full fashy?

Is he going full fashy?

already 100 posts about this you shillington shit poster
>scroll down

nope, just talking common sense as usual, it's only a shock to people that don't have any


the flag is a symbol for the country. an "incarnation" of the country and everything it stands for.
if you burn it, spit on it or whatever you basically are commiting treason

is she /ourgal/ then?
I'm not against this law at all


You can't straight up strip citizenship or jail undesirables in the modern world, so you have to invent reasons to crack down on them.

trumps coalition of libertarians,nat soc's and low enegry conservatives is going to collapse at this rate

the only people i've noticed pissed about this are like ben shapiro

Hillary proposed this first!

nope, just casting some bait

It's just another 9d chess play like the birther thing. Say it and get wide conservative sport. When they really hammer you for saying it, turn the narrative upside-down by saying that Hillary started it.

It worked beautifully with the birther thing. Although I fail to see why he is doing it at this point - maybe it has something to do with the recounting. Or maybe he just finds it fun at this point.

4D chess.

Its a law he actually would want passed.
If he gets it. Sweet

If the backlash is too strong, he'll just say "well its good you have me as president cuz that was HILLARYS proposal i tweeted"

>Although I fail to see why he is doing it at this point

Goading leftists into burning flags in protest en masse, and the media into reporting positively on it.

>Goading leftists into burning flags in protest en masse, and the media into reporting positively on it.

This is actually a better hypothesis.

Even though its legal, it doesn't sit well with anybody non-marxist. So he's gaining support

does this one tweet need 12 concurrent threads

holy shit, he really has next level shitposting

Do you consider Poland "full fashy"? We have law against defacing national symbols here too

The fucking mad man

If they take it thays one hell of a trollportunity

tfw you see american "nationalists" trying to make america as cucked as any european country

He's using her statement against her own voters

No it's not like he can just declare a law

This was a dumb thing to say though

Yes then you are.

What is the United States Flag Code
Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8(k)
>The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

no, basic laws protecting national symbols is not fascism. Many countries have them.

Trump actually won't try to implement it. He just wants to troll leftists by brining up a law Clinton once proposed and have them post videos of them burning the US flag and crying about fascism like retarded children.

It says burned in a dignified way you fucking smartass.

I don't think our leftists will "fall for it"

No way is anyone going to burn flags just to spite Trump

> no way anyone burns flags over trump

Except for the dozens that already have...

>symbolic protest
the American flag is a symbol of the sacrifice SJWs take for granted. I don't get how people could burn something that means so much to so many veterans on an emotional level

Those were just Mexicans being mad

White Americans know Trump tactics now. I don't think they will be so easily trolled. They're not going to burn flags just to try to prove Trump is bad or something

Which runs against the unilateral ban that Trump put up.

The world isn't black and white.


CTR is really trying to push this as a buzzword. It's not even subtle.

Kill yourself you fucking moron

What about the veterans that burn flags? What do you say to them?

>Making it a crime to use the flag to stir shit and ONLY stirring shit

That's like a Jew who doesn't want to enslave all the goyim. That's like 1/10000000 people


so trump should pass one of crooked hills anti freespeach policy's now

he's trying to discredit Hillary and to extent the left itself as hypocritical

Burning an American flag should be a crime. Country exploiters GTFO

>Making it a crime to use the flag to stir shit and ONLY stirring shit

because of all those other times it wasnt.............

He is just too good at this.

you mean effay?

Implying this isnt 5d interstellar checkers




Still people burns the flag without any consequences. Really makes you think huh?

>a fucking tweet is a legitimate bill proposal

>hurr durr what the army gonna do when we ban guns????

Are you fucking retarded?

Please don't use the term fash

It sounds exceedingly lame

I hope so.

Crush cultural Marxism. Hopefully, pornography is next, followed by considering campaign money as "speech" protected by the First Ammendment.

This is all cultural rot that must be excised.

Why is the left so fucking defensive about their rights to burn the American flag and abort unborn babies but nothing else?

>ban pornography
>lose billions
>rape skyrockets
not happening
of all the fucking things you target, why the fuck would you focus on porn.

Attack on the flag is an attack on the country. Traitors must pay.

liberals are single issue voters

t. porn addict

>not wanting to ban something that literally does nothing makes me a porn addict
are you autistic by chance?

There is a ceremony involved pedro we don't just toss a bunch of flags into a burn barrel

>Jews who own the porn industry lose billions
>Western women are no longer paraded around and degraded for the world to see
>Men stop seeping testosterone and willpower
>women find other ways than sex to be vindicated

If anyone is going to rape it's going to be blacks, who already rape disproportionately.

Porn is degeneracy.

Don't be fucking cucks. We have the first amendment for a reason.

However, Johnny Cash has a great way to handle American flag burners.

>women find other ways than sex to be vindicated
I will take "shit that doesn't happen" for 500

It's a good idea against liberals who love to desecrate American heritage.

You mean retiring flags that are too ratty to fly?

It already was a thing before sexual anarchy, housewives and traditional women were the norm.

Stop being such a fucking degenerate if you're on Sup Forums.

>making dems openly support flag burning at a time they're also questioning the constitution
lol i love this guy

It boggles my mind. This guy can say or do anything and it will be rationalized away by Trumpdrones.

I don't think it should be illegal.

It doesn't mean the person burning the flag deserves respect.

and they still had to rely on their bodies to get anywhere you fucking idiot
women have always used their bodies to get what they want
and trying to ban porn is impossible anyway, it's literally existed for thousands of years in one form or another, your wasting time on a losing battle instead of shit that actually matters like deporting the fucking shitskins

Helicopter rides when?

>banning pornography

As long as it's only 3DPD I'm totally down with it.

I just happen to agree with him on about %89 of the shit he says.

Usually, only porn addicts get so defensive about such a reprobate indstry and profession....they start to sound as desperate as drug addicts and alcoholics if you threaten to take there fix away.

Photography was invented in the 1800's and Motion pictures in the 20th century.

Humanity lived without porn on film for almost the entirety of its history. It is a cultural pox the must be purged.

Cooking, cleaning, emotional support, raising children, etc. You sound like a MGTOW faggot, women and men compliment each other's strengths.

Porn in its modern form has never existed in history. Google Tedx "The Great Porn Experiment".

Not only is it bad for Western guys, but it makes Western women look like sex objects to foreigners.


This. It's a plague that is having profound societal impacts.

Burning is the proper method of disposal of the flag, though. This law is stupid, and Trump's statement on it, though it sounds as though it's an ignorant opinion, is actually brilliant politics as usual. He's getting plebs to talk about a sore subject, and getting normies to run against the libs yet again.

>unironically listening to tedtalks
nigger are you fucking high?
at least post a reliable source and not lefty bullshit, these are the same people that defend 30 gorillion genders and claim weight is genetic

tell me, what are net negatives, compared to it's positives that make you believe it's worth banning, i'm genuinely curious what they are.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell the screaming liberals who are saying this is Fascist.

The 48 states that anti-flag burning laws prior to Texas v. Johnson were not fascist and the the 4 Justices that sided with Texas were not fascist. There is nothing fascist about flag protection laws, most countries have them, even Mexico.
>Al que ultraje el escudo de la República o el pabellón nacional, ya sea de palabra o de obra, se le aplicará de seis meses a cuatro años de prisión o multa de cincuenta a tres mil pesos o ambas sanciones, a juicio de juez.

>>unironically listening to tedtalks
not an argument

>Hillarys bill is different because it only prosecutes people trying to intimidate or incite violence!!!
That's the response I got, Hillary can actually do the same shit as Trump and her supporter don't care.

The TedX talks are random people, Gavin McInnes did one.

The video references multiple studies on the effects porn has in the minds of young men, none of them are good. It doesn't even delve into the psychological aspects of it, it just shows biologically how it fucks with your brains pleasure receptors.

Banning porn would be a good first step to reclaiming masculinity, making Western guys stronger, not to mention the effects on women and society as a whole.

>ted talks are viable when they talk about something I don't like
fuck off, they've always been dogshit and every single thing they say should be taken with the tiniest grain of salt

Shouldn't this sentence have an indefinite article before 'year' ?

You know some of the same people here that are defending Trump here would be the same ones totally agreeing with him if he said flag burning is freedom of expression and he had no problem with it.


>tfw Trump's baiting libshits into advocating flag burning
lol retards


If you follow the proper procedures, you aren't really burning a flag

There are copious studies showing the deleterious effects of porn on the consumer. In every aspect from brain function, addiction, the development of more and more extreme fetishes, interpersonal relationships, infidelity, and emotional health (isoltion/depression) to productivity and violence. Porn is bad news.

Additionally, the performers also suffer gravely emotionally and, in many cases physically. Less attention has been given to this.

1488D chess

>muh freedumbs

Nobody is burning the US flag, they're burning their own flags.

Trump isn't running against Hillary anymore by the way. He doesn't have to try to expose her.

Tweeting this would have been really clever prior to November 8.

Fleg ?

Show in the few people study did they try to control for other factors in their lives? It's fiction, just like any other form, and people who have problems are using it as a form escapism, the same thing as those who lose themselves in any media. We know this is due to other things in those people lives, but instead of trying to fix that everyone would rather you look at the symptoms and fix those, thus not really helping anyone and allowing those people to just use something for their escapism. Adjusted people are able to consume media of any kind without it being an effect on them because they know it's fiction and that it does not reflect real life. Saying porn is a problem is like saying other media is a problem (porn has been in media in some form or another for ages).

You know japan has been making porn well before that right? they have folk stories that are pretty much porn, but no we mad that shit in the 1800s...

>So in the few people

The problem with "science" today is they hold findings as facts that you are supposed to take, when the whole point of science is to keep trying to find new info and new ways we might be wrong about the things we think we are right about. Too much do people go "but scientist said!" and quote them like they are the word of God when that is no where near the case.

Fuckers have turn "science" into a religion.

And this comes down to really being about the fact that people have to look everywhere under the sun other then at themselves for something or someone to blame for why they are not happy with themselves. You have the power to walk away from anything you thing is causing you problems but weak cucks would rather have someone babysit them and smack their hand when they reach for things instead of practicing self discipline and restraint and responsibility