ITT: We predict how the anti-SJW right will mental gymnastic their way out of this one
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quit making new threads, this one tweet is half the fucking board right now you upside down fag
the first amendment to the constitution of the united states specifically protects the right of free expression
Sounds about right to me. Traitors deserve death. Stepping on the flag and flying the flag upside down should also be considered crimes.
>says flag burning should be punished
>liberals react by burning flags en masse
>videos of them all over
>veterans get pissed off
>liberals get rounded up
>criminal destruction should count as """speech"""
I mean I don't care personally, but lighting shit on fire in a public area should at least be punishable due to negligence or something.
>burning a piece of polyester
>criminal destruction
yes, as has been consistently held by the courts, destruction of one's own property, especially for the purposes of political expression, is explicitly protected
How is it criminal destruction if you own the flag you burn?
A bill proposed by a republican and a democrat
Its almost like the American flag represents both and shouldnt be burned
>hate speech should count as speech
Treasonous speech is not free speech.
If he's actually being genuine here, then no, I won't defend him on this. I have no obligation whatsoever to agree with him or defend him on everything he says or does.
>You're not allowed to burn the American flag that you bought with your own money.
hilary promised to concede if trump did one thing for her
it's almost as if it was bad that time, too
It's almost as if people on both sides of the aisle opposed that bill and it died in comittee
No, that's free speech as well.
> I have no obligation whatsoever to agree with him or defend him on everything he says or does.
Sup Forums's certainly acting like they do
treason has a legal definition in the united states criminal code, and burning a political symbol does not fall under that definition
>pol is more triggered by free speech than a gender fluid feminist anti-racist color blind tranny in gender studies
The alt-right is just as bad as SJWs
If thats going to be your definition of treason we could expand it to include insulting the president as well
Burning the flag is an expression protest. Its your property (maybe no intelectually, but neither is your iPhone) so you should have the right to have an opinion and display such on something that you paid for. It gives me such a hard on to see so many authoritarian cucks that can't handle other peoples world views.
Burning is just oxidation, just like breathing. You wouldn't forbid people to breathe?
Im sure the founding father didnt intend for the first amendment to justify a terrorist act
Flag burning should be punished we all agree, especially since most flag burners are college liberals and black lives matter retards. Kick them the fuck out or put them in jail. whats the problem? Hilary Clinton had the right idea on this one.
>Burning my own property in self-expression, and causing no harm to anyone
There's nothing to defend at the moment. All we see is a short comment on twitter that's an obvious jab to get retards to expose themselves. The hysterics don't work anymore, it just makes you look foolish.
Free speach means you can say whatever you want
Its actions that speak louder than words which is why burning the flag shouldn't be allowed.
Flag Protection Act of 2005
Introduced by Hillary Clinton.
Punishes flag burning with a steep penalty and jail time.
Introduced by Hillary Clinton.
you lost you faggot get the fuck over it
JIDF fuck off
But we,re on the right side of history.
Water is wet. This isn't new news.
Why would you burn something you bought?
Thats seems like a waist of money to me.
And what are you expressing if youre burning the American flag?
Nah lets worry about a few places on a few college campuses where some fat women will harass you if you say something they find offensive as well as occasionally no-platform some speakers.
Nothing to worry about with the president suggesting that we jail and deport mostly his political dissidents for one year who burn the flag as a symbol of protest or otherwise
>All we see is a short comment on twitter that's an obvious jab to get retards to expose themselves
Hillary advocating for a no-fly zone over Syria was just her trying to trigger cucks who are scared of WW3
Good, this would make kicking out the sandniggers and angry spics that get riled up at the mere mention of the US actually enforcing its laws
Then why does it almost never get enforced?
>burning a piece of polyester
>burning polyester
b-b-but human caused climate change creates terrorism
because it didn't pass
Why do you care ? Let (((them))) show themselves . They live is not just a movie , user
>The most recent attempt to adopt a flag desecration amendment failed in the United States Senate by one vote on June 27, 2006
"Anyone who would rise against my new America, will be impaled upon the spires of Washington." -Trump
Mental gymnastics are only needed when you try to play the role of a victim. We are conquerors.
Honestly Hillary Clinton has alot of good ideas she just took donar money so she had to due what they told her. Just me shes actually pretty red pilled.
>you're not allowed to burn your puppy that you bought with your own money
The leftist pawns are dumb, but their jew chess masters are not, the right counter move would be for them to start burning confederate flags in protest. I expect to see this, as I am a very smart man and this is what I would have my paid protesters do if I was jew soros. It would be making the same statement while at the same time not burning the American flag, which is what Trump wants them to do.
It's about what it stands for. You just like to act smart and all.
Why did they even try this so long after Texas v. Johnson made it legal?
>Government should tell me what I can do with my legally purchased private property
Hm really gets the neurons going
Fuck off reddit nigger you're retarded. More rapefugees is not a good idea.
Because if you're burning the flag in an expession of hate twards America its a terroist act.
False equivalency my dude.
Why is burning a piece of cloth a crime?
There is nothing wrong with this. I am a rightwing-fascist myself. I completely agree. Commies should also be put into concentration camps and Jews should be removed from the banking and finance industry / deported to Israel
Hillary just supported "right" policies when Bush was president. When she lost against Obongo she went left so she could be Secretary of State and following the next DNC candidate. She's scum on earth and only do what her masters say.
Burn in hell with your huge witch, you piece of shit.
Friendly reminder that jews have been expelled 109 times since 250 Anno Domini.
This can only be a ruse to force the lefties into burning flags. An originalist supreme court would never allow this.
But he's absolutely right.
Holy fuck, so many jews
This doesn't make it any better. Why do you always say "b-but the other person wanted it too!!"? Okay, cool, Clinton wanted it. But it didn't pass, and she isn't the president-elect. She doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter what she thinks or what she has done at this point. The subject of the matter is what Trump himself, the guy who is on his way to becoming the official President, said. I know I'll get called CTR, but oh well. I still like Donald but I think he went too far with the loss of citizenship part. I don't believe anyone should be able to burn the flag, it's a hair short of sinning to do that when just 70 years ago our grandfathers were fighting for their freedom in Europe. It's something spoiled children are doing at every corner now to "protest" government, saying "it doesn't stand for freedom anymore", instead of going the right route which is to fly it and say the government themselves don't understand the flag anymore. The flag never lost its meaning. But you can't just take someone's citizenship away for it. I believe you should be heavily fined at least, however that still is against the First Amendment. Despite liking Donald I can't back him on this one. He went too far with that statement and I think a lot of others can see that.
not if trump makes it an executive order
We don't have to support everything he does.
He's a President, not a dictator.
While I hate it when queers, niggers and betas burn my flag, I refuse to deny them of their free speech. Not because I am in favor if them opening their mouths and flooding the surrounding area with nonsense, but because one day I may have to talk some sense into the people of this nation.
Ah ok got it, it's refined sarcasm
For toothpaste, we think a lot alike.
He's clearly trolling. He knows about the Hillary sponsored bill. But why?
He's not the president yet, and shit like this makes it just that much more likely that the electoral college YOLOs in hillary or someone else.
>introduced by hillary Clinton
He really is the chessmaster isn't he
>hurrr 20d Chess amirite??? xDD
It's inanimate property and should be treated however the owner wishes to treat it.
If Trump is serious about this, what he's proposing is a Europe-tier cuckening of America.
It's pretty easy to imagine her a republican candidate if not for her stance on abortion.
Someone post that article where some mudshit choked to death on the fumes of a burning American Flag.
It isn't. A flag isn't a piece of cloth. It is the reflection of a nation. By burning a flag you publicly say that you hate this nation. So you should not be able to live in it / benefit from this nation. Thus you should be deported.
Trump is making every single leftist attacking him look like utter overreacting fools. Glorious.
Christ, his baiting is legendary
They'll cite freedom of expression.
Then call Trump a fascist cause fuck freedom of speech.
this is so stupid. IT'S A FLAG. WHO GIVES A FUCK.
any loss of freedom of expression is a fucking terrible idea. you want to limit our freedoms even more? give the government the ability to broadly interpret flag burning as a threat to public safety? are you fucking daft? does trump even understand the first amendment? jesus.
It waz decriminalized in 1989. Really makes you think
Why do you hate freedom so much?
This honestly m8. It's time.
She dropped out she is not eligible for potus
Its not overreacting if your advocating to essentially jail political dissidents if they undertake a certain form of protest
>what is persuasion
I don't see it as a big issue. If you want to burn your flag, thats fine. I don't think you need laws to stop that. However i think its highly uncivilized.
that looks pretty obviously shopped
She hates niggers
She hates gays
Without the kike she is pretty redpilled
You canget convicted for a hate crime
By burnjng a LBGT flag, why not the american flag? They both representatives of a group a people
And yes ppl have been convicted for burning THE LBGT
If you burn the flag, you obviously dont want to be an american citizen, so it should be revoked.
Too much freedom leads to degeneracy. Liberalism is utter cancer. Too much of it harms the nation and its people. Freedom should only be in those area's in which the nation benefits from it, largely in the NATIONAL economy.
Nah, her concession isn't legally binding. She could still legally be POTUS.
I hope they put in Biden or Bernie or even Romney though. I bet the repubs could get behind putting in Romney over Trump, actually.
You dont think if someone comes over hear and burns a flag they shouldnt be sent back to wear they came?
>muh polyester
I get it. You don't REALLY know what flag of the USA is.
>muh 1st amendment
yes it was argued that burning the flag in protest fell under the 1st.
If you wonder why so many people get upset about it, go actually learn about what the USA's flag is.
The flag is an embodiment of every human soul (from around the world)that went into the creation, the prosperity and defense of (arguably) the Greatest Nation on this planet.
To burn the flag as a symbol of your little protest is burning a representation of Freedom itself.
It is the most Anti-Freedom and seditious act a person can do, short of bombing the statue of liberty or something similar.
>whats the problem?
The problem is that authoritarian laws like this can be used to enslave and restrict people's rights.
What happens to the next person that takes over after Trump?
A unilateral ban on burning the flag would be in violation of the US Flag Code.
Obviously protesters burning the flag deserve whatever shit's coming for them, but Dolan is soon going to realize the world isn't black and white all the time.