Do these guys hate each other as much IRL as they do on Sup Forums?
Do these guys hate each other as much IRL as they do on Sup Forums?
I hate germans even more than i hate arabs or niggers.
I don´t blame the dog shitting for on my lawn I blame the owner for letting him.
>I hate germans even more than i hate arabs or niggers.
Why? Is it like Sup Forums hating Jews?
Muslims/etc = Symptom
Jews = Cause
well atleast in my case
le funny picture
its Latvian flag you idiot
Whenever you see a report of some Pro"Refugee" protest, or some sanctuary for sandniggers, or a charity action for single Niggermothers of 12, its done by someone named "Malte-Sörenson" or "Kevin-Erhard" or "Gerhard-Kevin" with a ugly german accent. Those german cucks move into Austria in droves, and are the driving force behind leftist bullshit.
Always kill a traitor before a enemy.
50% of your country is Balkan immigrants in denial, Zlatko
Just banter
I have experience with one cucked German exchange student in my uni (Erasmus), so this checks out.
I rather be a slav then a germcuck
I hope Hofer wins and we get into a partnership or even into V4
And I tought hating germans for their refugees policies and cuckworriors was just an italian thing.
I also tought that austrian hate us more then germans.
Friendly reminder that bavarians and austrians are subhuman
T. Fischkopf herrenrasse
Isn't Bavaria the only good part of Germany?
The perception here is that 99% of what we think of as 'German culture' (good food, beer halls, etc) is Bavarian.
>And I tought hating germans for their refugees policies and cuckworriors was just an italian thing.
It's EU-wide desu. The Greeks spend all day calling them Nazis while the EU/Germany continues throwing money at them.
Nah, we are just salty bout SüdTyrol (Gib back)
But overall we hate Piefkes more, because those fuckers think they can tell everyone what to do all the time, and that anyone thinks about their shitty Options
And then they bus thousands of ANTIFA protestors to Vienna for protests.
Oh, also pic related is a real german state-founded movie. In it a Father accepts that his daughter fucks a Nigger named "Alpha" while watching, and then gifts them his buisnes
Germany is really competing with Sweden to become the biggest cuck nation.
Nationalism is a spook.
Germans like Austrians, Austrians hate Germans
Partially because we often take their jobs or university places, partially out of an inferiority complex, partially because we're legitimately cucked and our government does stupid shit.
Personally I wish we'd just resettle every leftist into Germany and every right-winger into Austria and then we can see whose community is happier.
Everyone in Europe hates G*rmans for one reason or the other
>Nah, we are just salty bout SüdTyrol (Gib back)
Trentino Alto Adige :^)
>we hate Piefkes more, because those fuckers think they can tell everyone what to do all the time, and that anyone thinks about their shitty Options
>And then they bus thousands of ANTIFA protestors to Vienna for protests.
>tfw we in italy feels the same but x100 more because of debt and not wanting refugees in.
austrians have an inferiority complex because their country is so small
It seems more comfy though.
Vienna, Munich, etc.
And because we need to save them from the sea or else, the pope doesn't even help us
Yes, well they hate us. It's like that Mad Men meme, we don't even think about them while they seem to go full 17th Bundesland complex
I would be okay with that.
Oh is that why they literally are forced to keep the "bunte" city of Berlin allive with their taxes and not beeing a financial sinkhole?
daily reminder, biggest migrant group in austria are germans, and not southern germans that is.
Nice bait retard
It's complicated
I despise them for what their people and their country has become, and how they're dragging everyone around them down with them
But at the same time I can't really blame them cause it's not their fault that they are the way they are post-WWII
I just wish we and the germans would have been bombed out of existance in 1945, atleast then we wouldn't have to witness this shit
All in Poland and Russia now, :^)
>münster is now in poland
Austrian “““education“““
>posts prussian flag
>somehow that correlates to some flyover town
>german humor
I don't think you get it
Geef mijn fiets terug hans!!
Sprengts euch weg uez
So they will hate us...
Like clockwork. Austrians truly are subhuman.
Münster is Catholic and the capital of fucking Westphalia.
They are the anti-Prussians.
>Danish flag
German "education"
time to go to bed achmed.
Austrians "hate" Germans.
Germans do not care about Austrians. We are the big, sucessful neighbour in the north. They are some Schluchtenscheisser, without any meaning to us. Also: Most people hate us Germans. So why should we care about those faggots in the mountains? Incest is some kind of family-tradition for Austrians.
Oh, and there was this one time, When german Antifa rioted in Vienna when protesting our rightwingparty, and one goot arrested for Vandalism for a year or so, and his german homecity then gave him a award and a medal.
Sadly no english page, but just google translate it
I love Austrians as much as I do Dutch and Swiss. No clue where all this pseudo hate comes from.
nice bait, ahmed
Yes i hate germans.
t. bavarian
austria is completely irrelevant to us. we go there for holiday and that's it. for some reason austrias talk about us every day since ww2. they are still salty about how the bend there knees when adolf marched in
Go and harvest my vegetables and winegrapes, slav subhuman. I am hungry and got no time to do work like this, I´ve got a continent to run.
Yeah, who else will lead the fight for Multiculturalism? :D
>5Million+ views
>mostly positive reviews
>Guten Tag we are Xenophobes biggest Fear
>We are proud of not beeing proud
Deutschland JA
>Look at that video :DDDDDD
>800000 Upvotes :DDDDD
>implying, that it isnt shared and watched by the clientel it has to reach :DDDDD
>not west prussia or prussia del oeste