>implying this election wasn't rigged by conservashits
Can't wait for the recount to finish and they announce Madam President as the true winner.
>implying this election wasn't rigged by conservashits
Can't wait for the recount to finish and they announce Madam President as the true winner.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pennsylvania won't hold the recount
She could only gain 26 electoral votes
She still loses
Fuck you
If they find evidence of tampering in just one state, then the entire election will be audited.
Get rekt, drumpfkin.
Those liberal tears are so yummy.
Good luck with that, just promise you won't start crying yet again when he gets inaugurated in January. At some point you have to get over the 5 stages of grief, you can't stay on bargaining or denial forever.
Shove your ballot stuffing in lawless blue shittowns like Chicago up your ass. Popular vote is meaningless.
>yfw hillary supporters kill themselves when Trump takes the oath of office
>California goes 2/3 for Hillary and gives her like 9 million votes
Too bad this isn't the US of California kek
Mr president
Januar 2017 spoiler: youtube.com
Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol ur wrong xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.
You should fact check the rulebook.
>let 3 million illegal immigrants vote
>close to a million dead people vote Hillary
>release felons and immediately give them their voting rights, have them vote Hillary
>rig the wrong states
why the fuck would I want a loser who can't even rig the right states to win an election to be my leader?
This just shows you how pathetic of a woman Hillary Clinton is
>/pol is not a safespace.
Any excuse to post this again
She already conceded retard, she wouldn't become president elect anyways.
Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol safe space xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.
States vote, not individuals, fuck off with this stale bait already
>If they find evidence of tampering in just one state, then the entire election will be audited.
>Implying they'll find any
You don't think there wasn't any fraud for Obama?
There will be no recount. Pennsylvania just announced that Stein missed the deadline on petitioning them for one.
liberals still on suicide watch I see
Her opposition, a guy who says mean things, a cartoon frog and a water filter salesman.
In a country where there's an electoral college and some people don't go voting because they know their state is blue anyway, popular vote means jack shit
People voted according to the rules, and the rules said popular vote doesn't matter
Been gone for a few days, when did CTR come back?
Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol teal deer xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.
Day before yesterday
Why don't poor people just have their mummies buy them more money?
Rally maek u tink
The same could be said of the red states that predominantly vote republican. Electoral college depresses the vote just about equally which is why either side has a shot at winning. The system is redundant and stupid.
>duhhh me no understand voting
>duhhhhhh me no understand elections
>duhhhhh duhh poo poo pee pee duhhh
Hahahaha you fucking loser!
54% Turn-out.
How is your turn-out so low for the most important elections in the world?
this sperg statement in all caps is becoming rarer and rarer on Sup Forums
are the shills losing enthusiasm ?
I only want the recount to prove once and for all if there were any cheating I don't know why trump people are getting mad prove that Hillary cheated if she did
What does it feel like to be a troll?
Yeah that's absolutely disgusting
Yeah kinda weird how our government is now where you can have a party decide districts and electors in order for the minority to elect a majority of them into office. What a stupid rigged system, it needs to be abolished.
>the party that wants voter ID laws to prevent rigged elections is the party rigging elections
20 days since the election and this shitposting thread that gets posted 50 times a day still gets replies. This place is dead sad
they're aiming for democrats in all the lower positions at the congressional and state level.
that's incredibly high
>California should be able to override the will of 30 states.
>entire election audited
You realize how fucking stupid you are?
If they audit the election they have to audit both sides.
That means millions of Hillary supporters will suddenly be
She would be fucking herself over.
She can not afford that, her political career would be over.
Weren't the only known cases of voter fraud Trump supporters?
In any decent country if both sides cheated, both sides get the jail.
Not that your country or mine know about that anyway.
>a bunch of random, tiny states should be able to override the will of the majority simply because they are tiny states
>Implying that a recount doesnt happen with every other presidential election
Never once, in the history of American politics has a recount ended with a different president elect
>democratic primary
Private function run by a private organization. The only reason people cared about Bernie was that it was clear the DNC was playing favorites.
You don't know what the majority of voters nationwide wanted. That's not the system they campaigned under.
Stein did not even pay for recount in WI yet. it will cost 3.5 mill $ and she ((gathered)) 6.5 mill. The deadline to pay is today. Meanwhile PA recount is not happening, passed the deadline which was yesterday.
Try to troll better next time.
>not a democracy
Compare that to other countries though. Its high.
>rig the wrong states
Pretty much this, Clinton's margin in California bears no relevance to whether she will win or not.
No, there were multiple cases of Hillary fraud.
California and New York however will refuse to push for a recount. I think almost a million fraud votes would be taken just from those two states. Let alone in every other state the possibility of 3 million fraud votes is not far fetched at all. I'd say even 4-5 million is not unbelievable.
You have to remember that Hillary actually pays people (or her owners do) that form large groups who is entire job is to take thousands of people from voting center to voting center non stop all day.
That's just the physical evidence, there is video footage and eye witness accounts that follow the buses from each place.
Let's add in automatic votes from cheating via dead voters or just adding in votes automatically from forced change of vote or every time someone votes it just gives Hillary a +1 anyways.
From a programming standpoint this would take less then 30 minutes to rig.
I wish, when I was in the military the higher your rank the more likely you were to get in trouble (and how hard the punishment was).
I believe that if a politician gets caught doing something illegal, it should be escalated to hard time. Even death.
These people need to know they can't fuck around.
California gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens and doesn't require them to prove they are citizens when they vote. The result is millions of illegals voting DUMBOCRAT because they know Obongo and Moonbeam won't do a damn thing to prosecute them!
>You have to remember that Hillary actually pays people (or her owners do) that form large groups who is entire job is to take thousands of people from voting center to voting center non stop all day.
Sounds like a public service to me. Do we not have a government organization or non-partisan private organization that can do that?
literally "muh possession"
only goals matter, you faggot
>~3 million illegal immigrants vote in an election
>candidate who wants to deport them ends up ~3 million below the candidate who promises them free things and has a history of corruption
really gets the neurons firing
Oh I misread, I thought you said they're busing people to polling stations. You're claiming that they're busing people to multiple polling stations to vote multiple times. Yeah that's probably a load of bullshit desu.
Sad thing is, they make the rules of the game, they wouldn't put a rule to screw themselves while they play.