That's it.
I'm done with this guy.
I supported most of what he stood for the past 2 years but this is the final straw.
Trump is a sellout authoritarian piece of shit.
and I thought my piece of shit country restricted free speech. fuck
That's it.
I'm done with this guy.
I supported most of what he stood for the past 2 years but this is the final straw.
Trump is a sellout authoritarian piece of shit.
and I thought my piece of shit country restricted free speech. fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>His country loves Castro
>somehow can't behind the idea of imprisoning people for flag burning
can't have it both ways, weedman
I like
typing like this
it's really
I voted for Trump, but yeab, im not sure if I quite agree with this. Even if it is a dick move its still free speech.
>60k likes already
kek, libshit "peaceful protestors" BTFO.
>>His country loves Castro
My prime minister does.
Everyone else hates castro and trudeau.
It's great
Isn't it?
GTFO leaf
Thanks for clearing the record.
>not an argument
>tfw i burn canadian flags everyday and no one gives a shit
>everyone else
everybody here is a commie except for you
Really got my noggin joggin
>everyone else
Then how did he get elected I wonder?
Good thing no one gives a fuck what you think and you have absolutely no valuable input, leaf.
>respecting freedom of speech
wew lads
wtf i hate drumpf now
>Trust me guys, I'm not a shill. I used to support him but this was the last straw.
>muh NAP
Flag Protection Act of 2005
The law would have outlawed flag burning, and called for a punishment of one year in jail and a fine of $100,000
introduced by Senators Hillary Clinton
Nah you're not done with this guy for at least 4 years.
>everyone loses their mind over irrelevant shit Donald tweets because they're idiot fucking millennials tied to a computer
>at least 3 tweets since he became president elect have covered up things that Donald is actually doing, and if you can't name them, you just proved my point
>nobody cares because they're sitting there agonizing over a fucking tweet just like trump thought they would
5D chess.
Trudeau's approval rating is 61.8%, ip five points since three months ago.
Good, Canada is a shithole.
Literally all the news was talking shit about Trudeau after he said that dumb shit about castro.
>not an argument
>literally advocating his rights be taken away
lmao kill yourself
die leaf die
so are you okay with faggot mudslimes burning the western country's flag they are in and that cares for them?
if yes, you're an ultra-cuck.
If clinton did the same shit Sup Forums would be all up in arms about her.
I was so fucking happy when Trump won.
He's still far better than shitlery but this free speech thing is scary as fuck.
>Loss of citizenship
please give it to someone who actually wants to be a citizen
>in b4 you have to go back
Stop breathing.
No, I don't want muslims in my country at all.
Best part is, clinton tried to push this shit back in 2005. So shitlibs will be BTFO yet again when he reveals that after enough lefty outrage.
256D parcheesi
Where did this meme come from? It's the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
Nice subversion tek fag
*breaths in American air*
*doesn't have to breathe leaf air*
Hillary proposed it first!
I agree with you, but its a small price to pay. Its us vs. them at this point.
Fuck you you're not even american fucking faggot. No more flag burning.
Stay mad.
Does the first amendment even matter to you retards?
Seriously, just burn the fucking constitution already you massive hypocrites.
You have NO argument.
Do elaborate on those things he's really doing, sir
Hillary did do this same shit.
Always a leaf. This was originally Clinton's idea
>I supported most of what he stood for the past 2 years but this is the final straw.
Okay now that Sup Forums has officially and unanimously disowned Trump who are we supporting now?
Are we ready to admit that Hillary was our gal all along?
I actually agree with the leaf. I support trump but this was an incredibly stupid tweet.
You literally HATE the very thing your country was founded on.
Kill yourself cuck
Hillary did do the same shit. And wanted you to feel bad about it, you fucking white male.
Does that make it right?
>I'm ceasing all support of a man that wants the country to be respected more
Didn't surprise me. The country of not-America is constantly trying to find ways to disassociate itself from the country that it copies all the time.
if some coons decided to burn my flag id have them shot at dawn like the dogs they are
Sorry friend. Not all Mexican people are Mexicans, but the ones who are are fucking our country
oh i heard about this before. hmm.. who could have said this a few years back...hmmmmmmm oh yeah there you go leaf:
whatever habbened to her
Of course Sup Forums would be up in arms if Clinton did this. She lost; she shouldn't be allowed to pass laws, let alone have access to Trump's twitter account.
He is wrong and Sup Forums should know that
freedom, liberty and the constitution btfo
I'll still support him, but this is the first time I'm openly disagreeing with him on something.
It's fucking textbook fascism.
Burning the flag of the country you live in should be a prison sentence and if your a imergrint then you should be deported and never allowed back in
she did do the same shit look up the flag protection act of 2005.
hes playing 42D space roulette.
bad attitude
fiat justita ruat caelum
He's still better than Hillary.
But you've got to be absolutely retarded if you want to restrict free speech in your country.
Keep in mind that those burning the US flag, more often than not, are also holding up Mexico flags.
If they hate the US so much, why not go back??
>tfw used to do this in chat rooms to be seen
REALLY fires your neurons
No it doesn't don't be like an equivocating leftard
So waste money everyday by burning a flag of a country thats better than yours whatever helps you sleep at night m8
You never supported anything but some balls on your chin
How is this a "free speech" issue? You can't burn a flag with your words and your mouth, unless you're a dragon.
It's illustrating hypocrisy. He doesn't have the power to do this. Is it wrong to express an opinion?
I think you already answered this question.
If he actually starts pushing for it to be turned into law, then I'll oppose him.
Until then I'll assume he's fucking with the media and liberals, as he's been doing for the past year. I expect he's baiting them into A) making videos of burning/desecrating the flag in protest and B) reporting on those videos positively. In other words, he wants to continue to paint the Left and the media as being "Anti-America" (yes, even though having the freedom to do that to the flag is American as fuck) to pave the way for his reelection in 2020. If Trump wants to win, he needs to ensure his enemies continue to make the same mistakes they've been making for the past two years.
I'll spoonfeed you one. The settlement that got zero coverage because he'd tweeted.
>claims to love freedom
>wants to criminalize free speech
This is why USA is fucked.
not really hillary tried to pass a law in 2005 that pretty much stated the same thing trump just said on twitter.
No, the punishment for burning your own contries flag should be either a lifetime of working the coalmines, straight up execution or stripping of citizenship (for life) and deportation to the third world.
Bannon will clue him in, this is just playing the media
>flag checks out
Nobody cares whether or not you support him, you don't live here.
I hate those people, but america is supposed to support freedom.
>free speech and free expression
and norway wonders why it's such a cucked country
Burning the flag should be considered an act of treason given what it represents.
what the fuck? I am LITERALLY #withher now
I can't wait to see what styxcuck has to say about his totalitarian retard DRUMPF!! now
I've lived in the states for 4 years, I have dual citizenship.
There's nothing wrong with this. It's not fucking fascism. Nobody is taking your anyone's rights away. Burning the flag is disgusting and wrong. This doesn't mean there is going to be a full on anti free speech dictatorship, you dumb fucking children.
>restricted free speech
Burning a flag is not speech, FYI
But hillary proposed a similar fascist thing so it's ok. Because we support hillary.
Flag burning was illegal until the 80s
According to our cuck'd scotus you're wrong
Ebic for the win
>There's nothing wrong with this.
Yes there is.
It's one of the main thing your country was founded on.
>It's not fucking fascism.
Okay, but it's authoritarian and goes against american values.
>Nobody is taking your anyone's rights away. Burning the flag is disgusting and wrong.
>bawwww it's wrong because it triggers me
Good, what? That I'll still support him or that what wants is fascism?
>fuck trump this is going way too fa...
he's not allowed to express his free speech? that's his opinion on flag burning. he's not stopping your moronic ass from doing so
Every single fucking day, he just keeps triggering the same people over and over, and it's fucking magnificent!
It's expression.
>it's a shill thread because I have no argument