Economics Professor drops Truth bomb. Drumpf BTFO

>Nothing policy can do will bring back those lost jobs

Where were you when Drumpf failed on trade policy before he even got into office?

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This guy believes that building a house and destroying it will grow the economy.

No amount of tariffs can stop automation. Do you think factories are going to pay workers above $12 dollars an hour. Krugman sees this and understands that making tariffs will push more Americans out of the workforce.

This guy thought that minting a trillion dollars coin will fix the government's budget deficit.

I'm sick of his slimy jew tricks

>1) Trump places 35% tarif of car imports from Mexico (like he has said he would)
>2) in order to stay profitable US car companies with factories there are forced to move their factories to the US
>3) jobs are brought back, shills BTFO

its so easy and simple


Opinion discarded.

Trump is an economic illiterate.

It's a good thing bringing back manufacturing isn't the linchpin of Trump's economic strategy.

Is he one of those '''''''specialists''''''' or ((((((intellectuals))))))) i keep hearing about?

>Paul fucking Krugman

How this man is still relevant is beyond me.

>no amount of tariffs can stop automation
then it's a damn good thing we're getting rid of excess labor

Those jobs aren't coming back. Do you really think the Car companies are gonna want to lose a shit ton of profit. There is going to be automation out the ass and people are going to be unemployed.

Finally he comments on something he's actually specialized on.




Bringing back tens of thousands of factories will still bring back jobs

Even if they don't come back as long as there is some profit to be made someone is gonna take it up.

>guy who is paid to support outsourcing says that anti-outsourcing policies won't end outsourcing


Traitor. Must be executed!


Exactly. Automation is still largely a labor-augmenting tech, and more manufacturing jobs will generate demand that creates service jobs.

Most small manufacturers don't have the capital for automation.

>Do you think factories are going to pay workers above $12 dollars an hour.
I haven't seen a factory job since the 70s that paid that low a wage.

> Krugman
> Truth

Pick one


I don't think you understand automation. I don't think Paul Krugman does either, the more automated you get the more, especially for mechanical products, the more mechanics you need to maintain the system. Granted you won't be having very many line workers but you will have plenty of mechanics and electricians to maintain the systems.

He also believes that unlimited immigration from the third world will grow the economy indefinitely.

Reagan saved the auto industry when he put tariffs on minivans that Japan was dumping. That is the sole reason Japanese car makers have plants in the United States.

They're going to automate the same number of jobs in America they would in Mexico. Or do you think they will all be automated like in one of your Japanese animes?

He's right, but who cares? I voted for him just to keep minorities out.


At this point he only exists as a running joke.

This guy is wrong constantly and basically a meme at this point fyi op

35% tax. Why are you here if you don't know the facts?


>no policy can bring back these jobs

Thats where youre wrong, kiddo.

Because these so called experts were so right before eh?


>communists calling other people economically illiterate

Holy shit, this guy is fucking retarded. Yeah, good think my fax machine is as useful as the internet , because I can phone in shit from steam, amazon, etc.

>muh automation
You faggots are almost worse than the global warming doomsday cult.

How about we get rid of all the rules and regulations making it so much more difficult for small businesses to start up and hire people

I worked at a sheet metal pressing plant in livonia. Starting wage was 18 hr. Most union guys were up in the 20's.

>Hurr automation

Finally stumped!

Is this a joke? You'll be lucky if you get min wage working the line

Just cause the cotton gin was invented doesn't mean niggers stopped picking cotton. There is work to be done and jobs to complete regardless of how much productivity is affected by technology. Yes the raw number of manufacturing jobs decreases because less labor is needed per factory, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't retain these jobs whatsoever.

>Trump won't run
>Trump will apologize for his insensitive comments about muslims and illegals
>Trump won't win the primaries
>NeverTrump movement will destroy Trump's chances of being elected
>The pussygrabber tape will finish Trump
>Trump won't win the election
>Trump has no plans to build a wall
>The recount in WI, MI and PA will finish Trump
>The electoral college won't vote for Trump
>Trump won't bring back those lost jobs
>Trump won't deport illegals
>Trump won't win a second term

Ohh, is this economics professor a billionaire?

Yeah, didnt think do.

That can change in one generation. Arduino is already popular

The same guy who wrote this when Trump was declared winner.

Zero credibility.

Will Automation put an end to mass immigration of low skill 3rd world labor?

Robotics are the future. They will be built, maintained, and used here. MAGA. Even with robotics you still have to move the product out. Hire logistics managers and operation managers. Fuck off faggoy

>factories just build and maintain themselves

Perfect display of why lefty autists are completely useless. They can memorize "laws" but they can never think for themselves.

>most people have nothing to say to each other!
Literally autistic.



Don't talk about shit you have no idea what you are talking about.

Even if automation was the job killer you claim it is, it isn't self-maintained. The only thing automation can do is speed up production costs, but you still need mechanics, engineers, and factory workers to oversee it, quality control, and ensure everything is working. (Modern automation still lacks the human element.)

But then back to the core of the issue: Automation is not anywhere near the place you think it is. Most common manufacturing processes are still heavily people-based, because it is an expensive investment to automate things and isn't viable for anything but large operations. (Automobile industry, simple part assemblies.) It's easy to assume that all factory operations in engineering are these big assembly lines, but we're seeing a revival in smaller engineering and industry solutions in an effort to cut costs while still making deadlines.

Would be so simple

Company moves all the jobs overseas
Or uses some overseas loophole to not pay taxes

Just ban their ass from all trading or sales in your country, they would crawl back fast

Around here your most basic bitch warehouse guy hired through a temp agency starts at ~$13/hr. I don't know where the idea comes from that factory jobs don't pay.

Yeah, Krugman also predicted that the Internet wouldn’t be such a big deal by the mid-2000s and that its economic impact “would be no greater than the fax machine’s”:

>muh automation
>equipment operators, plant operators, instrumentation technicians, analyzers, etc don't exist

Do some research into a subject before spouting nonsense. There are even lower end jobs in factories and plants like firewatch, safety, and environmental that people can do with minimal training. Hell, we have a lot of shit tier Mexicans that do scaffolding for us.

I found a lot of BBCcuck porn on his laptop

miss reply.

Why does everyone scoff at the thought of automation when talking about factory jobs but not when talking about raising the minimum wage? Factory jobs are just as easily replaced and if companies had to bring those to the US they'd be more eager to do that than fast food places would

Hopefully gonna be a lot of jobs in gassing kikes and deportation

Theres a ton of shit that automation will not touch for a long while now
And theres all these industries where illegals/foreigners dominate like construction that whites could work.

Literally who?
>Paul Krugman
Literally who?

Wasnt Krugman the guy that thought the internet would be limited to faxes?
Shows you how much Krugman knows about economics...



Oy vey this mammalian human seem to know what he's talking about us biounits should listen to him !

Their version of automation is a room full of poos in the loos doing work, on the other side of the world, remotely for 1/2 the cost. The scam is over.

this desu
just say 'no commercial imports, personal use only'

>muh shekels
I'm literally shaking


>Paul "Purposely break a window and hire someone to fix it to stimulate the economy" Krugman

Drumpf will make manual labor great again!

Drumpf will roll back the decades and centuries so Americans can be great again!

Make comfy candle-lit evenings great and numerous again!


Can't discard opinion fast enough

>That can change in one generation. Arduino is already popular
This. If we can get rid of the burdensome taxes and regulations, I envision a huge resurgence of artisan/craft/boutique manufacturing out of people's garages. There's a grassroots movement trying to do just that with the 100k garage project of CNC machines.

>King Kike Krugman

this is basically how this fucker thinks the economy works

Krugman sums up everything wrong with "smart" people on the left.

good luck turning a profit if your cut out of the largest market on the planet

People who have little work experience I'd imagine. I currently make 22hr and if we kicked out all the illegals we would have much more work and probably get paid more cause those fuckers underbid jobs like mad and its hard to compete.

>Paul Krugman


That would be right Paul "pay people to dig holes, pay more people to fill holes back up" Krugman's alley


>>Um nothing can work guys, US manufacturing gone forever. Guess workers should pack it up and starve to death, wrap it up folks, nothing can be done. China's got the jobs now and automation, automation, automation, can't do anything about it

You know what? You're not a leader, you're a raging faggot who's lost all of his ambition for greatness through years of being a loser. I'm here to tell you that you're not a loser, as much as you think you are. That you can be great but that attitude of yours is holding you back from achieving the success that's within your power. Everyone else just sees you as a lowly faggot who's a retarded autist for thinking all of the money in the US can't simply build new industries, I don't. I think you're an American and that makes you great, but your attitude holds you back because you've been told that you're a loser for so long.

There's too much labor at the moment. These fucking leftists never actually read Marx beyond a few selected passages, or they'd understand that.

That's beutiful, we should clearly listen to this man, Trump BTFO forever.


The Finn gets it. Why did you help a buffoon make it into office Sup Forums?


is code for outsourcing.

This would be news if it wasnt Paul "I'm a hack for Globalism" Krugman.

This guy is a joke of an economist.

Jobs like "22hr" don't exist in certain states, quit being retarded. The US has lost 10-20million manufacturing jobs over the last 10 years, that's a city the size of Sao Paolo being completely unemployed or working half what they used to, a MASSIVE decrease in productivity across the board of the US. States with decent manufacturing wages moved to states which have lower wages (Cali to Texas movement for example), further gutting entire economies. States on the borders of Mexico, simply moved their factories back in the early 2000's only to lose them to cartels (which is funny honestly).

T. Person who has never worked in a factory. Bahaha. Liberals are jokes.

This is the same Krugman who said the internet was irrelevant to the economy. Who said that there would be no crash in 2008. Who said that higher taxation and more welfare spending would create an unprecedented economic boom. Who said that there was literally nothing wrong with Keynes' assertion that full employment could be created by putting money in jam jars, throwing the jars into a hole and letting the private sector excavate it.

That guy.

No policy, eh? So what is it, that I hear from apple preparing to go back to the us? Tariffs can do that, and last time I checked, tariffs are a policy.

And we shalln't forget, that the elite is in the process of shipping off the last of the western jobs to china, with ever-new "trade deals".

The economy is gonna SINK within the next 4 years. You can bank on it.

And if trump is stupid enough to antagonize the chinese enough, they could completely fuck the US economy fast.

Just think about all those T-Bills they own

That shit isn't going to happen on a massive scale for the next few generations

>US bans Chinese imports

This guy is a lying sack of shit.

Outsourcing is the primary cause of job loss in American society.