>attacks cashier

>white guy has him in a headlock

>proceeds to pull race card


>September 10th 2015

Why is every german a race-baiting fag poster

Faggot liberal with a man bun helping a nigger..

White man proceeds to dominate both of them.

>that twink hipster faggot with the manbun trying to choke whitehulk out
>gets tabletopped while the whitehulk also holds the black guy

>proceeds to get pushed and attacked by the nigger he was trying to help

fucking whiteknights, hope he got charged with assault.

because Hitler lost.

The cuck even got beat up by the nigger.

Why the fuck would you white-knight a fucking criminal..

>of course I'm bad, because I'm black

this is where the nigger is correct

Niggers mad.

Probably thought he'd be on the news for stopping the oppression of a CLEARLY (young) dindu

>the nigger proceeds to turn violent against the beta cuck liberal who tries to help him


His only crime was being black :,(


when will the left learn?

It's poetry you stupid fucking idiot leave

Fucking aboriginal boat people



No its pottery so that they rhyme

>I'll take memes you don't know for 500, Alex

>I wasn't thinking at the time

You have to go back

Why is the word man included in the term man bun? A bun is a bun

>Criminal attacks cashier.
>Get him in headlock.
>Here comes a hippie white guy asshole.
>He gets me in a headlock.
>If the criminal gets away he could injure or kill me with a weapon he has.
>God damned you white knight motherfucker your gonna get us hurt.
>White knight not only continues the head lock but attempts assault.
>Criminal then smacks and pushes around white knight.
Man he could have said "Hey officer, get that asshole in with the pony tail too!"

Thats how I know you are a cuck.


It's like the term "feminine penis"

you were just out meme'd by a brown person who has guinea pigs as pet and food, you dumb cuck :^)



What a manlet

I was just kidding..

>when he picks the manlet nig up and uses him to push away manbun fag

Nah. Poetry has an "e" in it. Pottery is correct.

This is what happens when you leaf so hard and so long that no one can tell if you're being retarded on purpose or not.


That store clerk def does squats man, you see him lift the manbun AND hr black dudr when he stood up?

The thing is too that dude could have probably obliterated them both if he started swinging, but he still held back and just wrestled them instead of putting them both in the hospital.

we need to start curb stomping cucks and white knights so they stop pulling this shit

That fucking liberal scum that jumped on the good citizen's back

I would have busted a bottle on that fags head.

The store clerk was the little indian on the phone not the White hulk.

>numale comes to the rescue
>nigger attacks his rescuer
>numale realizes that some blacks are niggers
>vargs out and leaves the situation
>muh waycism, jud bc im blakk u tink i dun din wronk

I hate black people.

Being this fucking new

That Trendy pacifist who tied to help by being a cuck. I wish the black guy had laid his pony tail out with a throat punch.

I wonder if he learned a lesson.

i dont doubt the black guy was in the wrong given crime rate statistics

there is 1 problem though. the big guy can handle the manlet monkey and the cuck at the same time on his feet. how did he get to the position where he is dry humping the manlet at the start of the vid?

the counter is like 8-12 feet away i would imagine if he grabbed the guy this would be still behind the counter or near it with their heads facing the other direction like he grabs him and pulls him back head lock and on the floor without walking all over the place

the manlet couldnt budge that guy. did he solid snake him needlessly?

He was incapacitating the nog, who may or may not be armed until the zookeepers arrive.

>>attacks cashier
>>white guy has him in a headlock
>>proceeds to pull race card

Sounds like a black guy in Long Beach, sempai

This post screams neet


>Black guys hipster friend tells him to calm down and tries to break them up.
>Black guy almost attacks him too.

i wish this happened more

whatever it takes for the country to realize the mistakes it made

I like how it took the latinECKS cop 2 seconds to read the situation.


>beta cucks helps dindu
>dindu goes straight back to violence
>beta cuck attempts to reason with dindu
>finally decides better before dindu starts attacking him

remember to film every alteration

kudos on that guy for being able to restrain 2 dumbasses at the same time

>You're raycist!
>No, you're the racist.

Fucking kek, based whitehulk

My thoughts exactly. What a fucking tool. Probably thought it'd be something like "courageous man stops racist man from killing black teen". Instead it's "courageous man apprehends criminal, is attacked by bystander". Notice how he walks away awkwardly when he realizes he fucked up badly.

Hey burgers, I have a question, if the clerk, had some plastic cuffs like in pic, and used them to restrain the nigger while he was on the floor, would he be charged by the police? Is it legal?

> I'm gonna fuggin kill you
> You're dead
> Im gun kill you

Where I come from, death threats aren't taken lightly nor spoken easily, unless between friends. Why is this allowed in USA? Is nigger culture so RAP-i-fied?

Normally no. But this is California so not sure. In most any other state if you're in the right and are the victim the cops aren't looking to bring any charges on you.

>attacks cashier

When? When did the African American attack anyone prior to the recording?

There is absolutely no context to this video and yet Sup Forums believes he was a criminal.

Just... wow. What a fucking shit board.

Oh yea and before you call me a cuck or shill or whatever, don't bother replying to this post unless you have some real evidence.


The white man's arm is almost 3 times as larger then the cuck fag's arm. Wtf was that cuck thinking? I'd have split his skull open if I was that white guy after he tried to choke him, fucking faggots.


That beta cuck...

>white guy says on camera that the nigger attacked the cashier and that he restrained him for that and it's all on video
>nigger agrees with that
there's your evidence cuck

Fuck did anyone here that white stick talk? He's nigger tier white trash.

>hero headlocks nigger and cuck headlocks hero and random dude headlocks cuck and hero pulls all three of them around

top kek

Found the walking pussy with a manbun.

its a ballet about racism and politics

faggot cuck getting in the way.

then he leaves when he realizes you can't reason with a manlet nigger

>That hairline
JUST. Why are liberal cucks always balding.


I didn't hear anything like that.

Exactly what timeframe in the video does this exchange take place?

sure leaf

Fucking leaf education everyone.


Its older than that, newfag.

Fucking nu male faggots.

this video convinced me to cut my bun

Too bad you can't regrow a penis.

It's OK, his bull has still one.

>The White mans burden

The only thing that is clear during that is the accusation of a crime.

The victim does not, at any point, affirm that he has assaulted the cashier.

What should be more alarming is that they arrested the black man with no questions asked and did not arrest the white man despite the fact that he was also a part of the altercation.

There still is no evidence of a crime by the African American.

The faggot buncuck needs to be arrested

Felony Assault
Fleeing the scene of a crime
Aiding and abetting

Throw him in prison for life, his kind are worse than anybody

Hi rebbit

Justice! The beta if got stabbed in the back for helping.

>cashier story lines up with white hulk
>can go see footage of store after the dindu is restrained
>get statements and ID from involved
What exactly is wrong with this?


KIll yourself for letting a bitch fuck up europe

Bix nood muffuga

Link this footage please.


You are a fucking retard, man.

The cashier called the cops.
The cops then immediately arrest the black guy.

Do you think that, maybe, the cashier told the cops that the black guy was the one at fault, and asked them to come arrest him?

Go end yourself.

.... do black people by default suffer from schizophrenia or some shit? is it the inferiority comlex brought to levels that just make them go insane? like nothing he does matches up with what he says

and then the cop shows up and he just surrenders as if he knows he's in the wrong

thanks for a good laugh

Nigger acting like typical nigger threatening violence, screaming. White casheer acting like white guy.

Where is problem in handcuffing urban youth?

Ahz dindu nuffins mang.
Whitey beez raycess n sheeit, know-ahm-sayin
muh dik
dindu nuffins
(chimpout intensifies)


Look at this shit.

This is representative of this board as a whole. Racist and ignorant.

None of you are able to refute my position. You simply assume you are right and don't post any factual evidence.

You know who else does this? Feminists, numales, and SJWs haha.

I'm a fucking Charizard amongst Bulbasaurs right now and you fucks are getting destroyed.

You should be embarrassed.


It's pretty blatant that you're simply baiting at this point, but because I have nothing better to do, I will oblige.

You have no position to refute. The police show up at the request of the cashier, and arrest the black guy.

While we don't know what happened immediately before (apart from what the seemingly innocent uploader wrote in his description, which we have no reason to doubt), which guy would you honestly trust with the keys to your house?

The large, white alpha male, or the sleazy negro?

Bear in mind that the white race have ruled the world for the last 800 years, and that negros are all descendant from slaves.

Duuuuude this happened like three blocks away from my house!!! I go to that chevron all the time

An absolutely abhorrent post