Red-pill me on this disorder.
Watch the movie, "Born Schizophrenic." Its very moving.
Something something Jews something somethings niggers something something the Irish are behind this
horsefucker here, my little pony was a mistake.
I keep seeing Fluttershy when I look towards the door (any door leading to the exit, as if she followed me). She looks kind of grey and when I approach her she disappears.
I warned you about those Tulpa, you messed with things you couldn't understand.
Hurry dude get Jackie chan!
It's probably the water in your area.
What's a Tulpa?
Neuropsych major here
It's a wildcard, some cases are mild to the point they can be completely suppressed with L-dopa and some antipsychotics. Extreme cases are people hallucinating to the point where they say they "feel demons scratching at their brain" and eventually kill themselves. It's mostly genetic, with few/rare environmental risk factors.
As far as redpilling, some people make some outrageous claims due to their delusions and hallucinations that are always dismissed as psychosis. People claim to have seen god, or Satan and have seen the end of the world. Their hallucinations can bear resemblance to entheogenic themes of, robots, reptiles and elves that "dissect" you and give you grand knowledge of existence and humanity. That connection alone merits research and extensive study but it is dismissed in my field as non-empirical nonsense. So naturally:
My grandma on my dad's side had it.
I dabbled with hallucinogens in my early 20's. I'm nearly 27 now.
Probably just autism... I don't see shit or anything, but I feel as though I don't have a sense of self.
For instance, I don't have an internal monologue in my mind.... I'm just empty headed.
People say I look spaced out all of the time.
I still score well on aptitude tests.
I have often-times crippling fear of people reading my internal monologue and "peering" through my eyes. Is that schizophrenia?
at least you have one burger
This is propaganda and board pollution. Mods should delete it for being off-topic.
t. paranoid schizo
My brother got it by smoking too much weed.
Redpill you on what? It's a shitty disorder that hurts the person and everyone around them
I think it's more like it can be dormant and drugs can trigger it into becoming active or something, right?
I feel like I'm beginning to develop am some form of schizophrenia. What do
>occasionally feel like people can read my mind
>have what I call "false memories" aka visual hallucinations but I realize they're hallucinations sometime after the fact whether it's days or weeks or months I'm just scared I'll get to a point where I won't be able to tell them apart from real life ever
>cynical as fuck, I'm genuinely convinced everybody I meet has alterior motives and is only out to better themselves and put others (like myself) down
Am I crazy or should I seek help
I suppose, regardless I've stopped for good and will tell my children they're at risk.
Seek help
While it's still mild, you can have a good life.
This. It's a sad illness that steals the mind of the person who has it and they either need to be monitored or sedated 24/7 or they end up killing themselves to be put out of their misery (in the cases where antipsychotics have no effect, more moderate to severe cases usually can't be treated very much)
That's the best course of action. Have you considered screening or anything like that? I'm not sure if that's of any use before symptoms arise. Good luck to you and your family, leafman.
Who's to say he has it? Could just be a thought disorder. He needs to clarify what he means by "false memories" though.
I thought I was because I was hearing noises on my headphones in my appartment. Turns out I was just catching the waves of a local radio station.
I don't get it either?
I don't know if he does, but my brother had the same symptoms, so I would recommend talking to a doctor about it.
>I don't have an internal monologue in my mind
I envy you user.
It helps you to understand the world in ways that the rest of the world is too small-minded to even consider. So the Jews lock you up and drug you down to keep the truth to themselves.
You see, the Jews are all genetically schizophrenic, and they feel threatened (persecution complex) when a goy is able to understand how they think.
Of all the fucking great character in the show, you had to choose Fluttershy. Just kill yourself, user.
Can you please not muddy the waters, this is a serious disease that ruins people's lives and the lives of people around them and early intervention prevents it from becoming lethal or permanently debilitating.
I mean for those with an internal monologue, are you constantly subvocalizing? aka is your tongue moving and pronouncing each and every word you think? Is your mouth moving?
well, according to DSM-5, you, everyone here, and probably the whole world has it
I hear voices from time to time in my head, it's strange.
say hello next time
bullshit, people have no idea what causes it. Could be anything. Same with depression and anxiety. People like to throw out "chemical imbalance" like they somehow know. Dopamine is one possibility - there's so many more.
Mental illnesses are at such a high level the only real effective treatment is for the person to make themselves better. If people don't want to do so, you'll never treat them permanently.
They don't actually respond when say things back, it just happens randomly and it's usually weird shit.
Maybe. Feeling like people can read your mind, or your thoughts are broadcasted to the world, is one of the major criteria for schizophrenia.
Muddy Waters turned to Wine. They make sense to me senpai. I don't know why you have to drug them so except for the ones who present dangers to themselves or others.
I hear my own internal monologue as my own voice, but usually much quicker than I would be able to talk. The pitch is the same as my normal voice.
My tongue doesn't move while thinking.
Maybe you should try mindfulness and see if you have an inner monologue that you have just suppressed.
When it comes to the latter I don't and as for the former I'm more inclined to say it's an intrusive thought rather than an "itch" I have. Whenever the fear pops in my mind it's always prefaced with "what if", like OCD.
That's what one of the voices in my head sounds like. No emotion, no feelings, no nothing to her voice. Just orders to carry out from time to time. It's in my head like a loud thought but I have no control of it and it sounds loud if that makes sense to you? Then there's the child voice and a demon voice that I hear in my ear like you would hear someone talking to you. It's strange and Olanzapine did work but I stopped taking it because the side effects are horrible. I'm fine though, not paranoid or anything like that just hear them from time to time, hear music as well.
Try another antipsychotic, they all have different side effect profiles.
Schizophrenia tends to have a slowly progressive course, if not treated: the positive symptoms (intrusive thoughts, hallucinations etc) will get worse, and the negative symptoms (lack of self care, washing, flat affect etc) will eventually get so bad you won't be able to pull yourself to your doctor.
At least try on a lower dose.
When your brother runs out of your car on a highway because we were stuck in traffic and he had a panic attack and you have to chase him down for an hour because he thought I was taking him to a thought-crime concentration camp, you can say bullshit Alex Jones narratives about mental disorders being due to flouride/estrogen/gmos, whatever.
When we detoxed him and got him some professional help, he was able to have a good life again.
>intrusive thoughts
I wouldn't call them that. They're delusions.
Delusions are another type of positive symptom, I didn't want to list them all out
it's the base state of humans
when you absorb the jew programming-- you get to be "cured"
>hearing terrifying voices is the default state for humans
I thought "red-pill" was supposed to be for dramatic information that can drastically change your world view.
people use it for everything now. you sound like a bitch
I don't know why you're jumping to conclusions.
One of my all time favorite posts from my Sup Forums days was an mspaint thread where some guy described how he had woken up, put vodka in his cornflakes, and was picked up by campus security for yelling at cars in his boxers, and how he narrowly avoided having to be medicated again.
That dude probably needed some better help than he was getting. Outright crazy people are definitely a matter of concern that I don't think we entirely know how to deal with.
>what is a tulpa
A jewish trick to make people give themselves schizophrenia
I'm honestly fine, they put me on that with Sertraline because all the paranoia at that time would only really happen when I had bad shit going on, those meds helped. I mean I was paranoid but I knew at the time that it was illogical and I tried to rationalise everything, sort of like a last ditch attempt to hold onto reality and differentiate between what was real and what was paranoia. Aside from the odd voice hear and there, I'm good. I wash, eat, work, sleep in a routine and have a pretty happy/normal life now. The voices don't bother me too much but sometimes when there's a screaming one it can me jump or give me an adrenaline rush which is strange but meh. I've posted on here before, whilst I was not well it wasn't all bad, I felt quite high sometimes, out of body experiences, just dazing off and disconnecting from the world was quite nice. Not all the voices I've heard have been bad things, some are positive and comforting. It really is a strange one, I'd like to know why this happens, the biochemistry the reality behind it because no one really seems to know. But hearing voices isn't a lie, at least not in my experience, I asked the doctors at the time why this happens and they sort of just shrugged me off and didn't give me any explanation.
>gets triggered by a string of 6 words
What was his fucking problem?
maybe you should have studied something decent then... like a real fucking degree
it exists
it is extremely difficult to accurately measure
science is holding back a lot of shit because of our SJW scociety
talking therapies work to cope and work super good if paired with drug treatment
drug treatment alone is shit and a road to suicide and unhappiness...
>feel redpilled pepe
>schizophrenia is voices in your head
holy shit. everyone in the thread believes this shit
You are a bunch of larping fatasses.
If you're not hearing voices you are probably fine. Get off Sup Forums.
>but usually much quicker than I would be able to talk
this was the bane of my existence in elementary school, as every time we were supposed to read aloud in class i skimmed trough it all while my tongue got fucked
Okay, now I'm curious; why would Jews want to give people schizophrenia?
What is it then? Hallucinations are the primary distinction between other psychiatric issues like OCD.
Well at least make sure you have a good GP as well as close friends/family members.
The mechanism of healthy consciousness/internal monologue is not known, it isn't surprising that the mechanisms behind schizophrenia are not known either
The latest plausible theories say its related to an imbalance in the timing and strength of sensory input and your higher brain regions predicting what happens next. Its like when you're going down the steps in the darkness and you think there's another step when there isn't and you stumble and are confused for a second. One plausible cause is that certain genes/stress/illnesses lead to your brain pruning connections which carry signals between brain regions. This leads to the signal telling your sensory areas what to expect arrive early or delayed, so your 'intuition' of what is going on is slightly off. The 'top-down' signal can also be more strong than the 'bottom-up' one, thus you are literally sort of editing your sensory experienced based on the abstractions which your cortex comes up with -- hence the hallucinations (compare for example to google deep dream which occurs do to a very similar top-down process guiding vision). This makes you feel uncomfortable and paranoid, since you have a feeling that something is slightly wrong. So you're more prone to paranoid thoughts like someone is watching you, there's a conspiracy etc. Also since the incoming signals from your senses are not synchronized with your episodic processing, any delusions you have are less likely to be corrected. I've heard of a theory that the reason schizophrenia is so common is that fast pruning of brain connections leads to your brain being more effective at a younger age. Also high dopamine levels in some brain regions which can promote the illness are tied to intelligence and motivation. So scientists have found that the relatives of people with schizophrenia/mania/bi-polar are often highly successful people. Probably because they have the positive effects of the 'illness' without progressing too far into that phenotype.
Very worrying. Voices in your head is a tell tale sign of schizophrenia as opposed to more benign and self induced forms of psychosis. If you're hearing voices go to a doctor.
I was diagnosed with bi-polar five years ago at 27 years of age and had the diagnosis changed to paranoid delusional schizophrenia about four years ago at 28 years of age. I tried a multitude of antipsychotics before finally finding the right combination of drugs with Latuda and Invega with Buspar as an antianxiety drug. I have very mild side effects with these drugs and it really has helped me manage my condition. The types of delusions I have are scenarios where I am talking to a person or people and reality doesn't match what is my perception of the situation, deja vu experiences where I feel like I have dreamed this before and that my dreams give me an insight into the future, and a general feeling that people are out to kill me. I don't have voices in my head. It really is walking into a false reality. I have been a shut in for five years but over the past two I have been able to go out for short periods of time. I reached a milestone a few months back when my family and I went to the aquarium. If your meds are not working or the side effects are worse than the base effects of schizophrenia then ask for new meds. Stopping meds which is common for schizophrenics will only exacerbate the problem. Take your meds.
Ever try meditation? That seems legitimately just like a thought disorder as opposed to something like is describing.
>Well at least make sure you have a good GP as well as close friends/family members.
I do, my family is great and whilst I was discharged a few years ago from the community mental health team I still talk with my GP if anything gets bad. Thanks btw.
The robot woman I hear, everytime she speaks there's a feeling of complement to do as she says. Not threatening or anything like that but a calm sense of I must do as she's said. Anyway I'm waffling on too much about myself, but it's real and it's very strange.
My ex has kept having trouble getting her meds because of shitty Obamacare so she's spent the last few months going in and out of insanity, i talked to her on thanksgiving and i haven't heard from her since, from what I understand she checked into a long term facility the day after
This kind of explains a couple of things for me. Before I was on the medication I had an uncanny memory of details and I the majority of the time had several different trains of concurrent thoughts. My brain was on overdrive all of the times. My meds have helped me clear that up.
I tried a bit of meditation in high school but haven't tried it since the diagnosis. Seems like a good idea to look into.
The most troubling symptom I experience is the sensation of constantly being watched and judged harshly by an invincible audience or group of people criticing my behavior and sometimes my inner thoughts. Sometimes this 'audience' takes the form of people I've had negative social encounters with in the past. Dxm helps cope with this by lessening my sense of inhibition (I guess). It's easier to ignore this way
Is it common for normal people to have visual hallucinations sometimes? I've had some throughout my life, and I've never done drugs. In my teen years I probably averaged like 5 hours of sleep every night, but even as a kid I would experience hallucinations sometimes and I was well rested then. One time I saw a glowing white creature in my room and it was well animated and it jumped into me and vanished. I don't experience hallucinations often but they do happen sometimes.
why? just stick with "i hear voices!" It gives you more attention.
How it affects you is entirely dependent on your initial personality and self control.
I am a diagnosed Schizo, but I don't take meds and hold down a full time job if my schedule is set so I can keep my life organized. I can even drink or take hallucinogens and hold it together.
For me, schizophrenia is kind of like never being alone, having a constantly running diagnostics program kind of like Master Chief and Cortana, but the inner personality chamges fairly often . I have never ending inner dialogues and occasionally allow myself to talk allowed to 'myself' when alone, but I've never lost my shit or had overwhelmingly destructive thoughts.
>check Sup Forums
>turns out a good 25% of the board is shizophrenic
>t-the holocaust didn't happen! biomechanical self-rotating angels told me so!
Hearty kek, feels good to be a healthy normie.
I can relate to this. The biggest problem for me is when I'm in public social settings and the inner feeling of being watched can get distracting and be worsened by the fact that people may actually be looking at me. I try to consciously adjust my behavior and it gets worse
>Browses Sup Forums
>Thinks he's a normie
lel... I don't think so.
I rarely visit and even less post on Sup Forums. I don't believe in a Jewish conspiracy. I am at least rational enough for that. I do think George W. Bush had a hand in 9/11 even if that role was as small as knowing about it before hand and just letting it happen.
>calls himself a normie
>browses Sup Forums
Eat shit failed normie
When people confuse schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder. Kek
I have a friend with schizophrenia. He takes medication and is able to function in society. But he says that if he doesn't he'll have auditory and visual hallucinations.
He swears that he's seen Aliens appear in his room. He said when he looked at them, they looked surprised/shocked that he could see them. When he tried to wake up his wife to show her, they disappeared.
For some reason he does not believe this to be a hallucination.
Other quarks include, he often tells fantastic stories that are usually hard to believe. Most of them have the theme that he says something profound or cool, and people treat him with disdain or outright hostility which would be unlikely in most of these scenarios. We laugh and humor him with these stories, not quite knowing how much to believe is true, unless he says something totally ridiculous at which point we'll call him out on his bullshit. Sometimes he'll get upset, sometimes he'll agree to disagree.
He's an interesting fellow.
Tbh the vivid minds of schizos can sometimes do amazing things that normies could never live up to. Like John Nash:
“Nash was solving classical mathematical problems, difficult problems, something that nobody else was able to do, not even to imagine how to do it. … But what Nash discovered in the course of his constructions of isometric embeddings is far from ‘classical’—it is something that brings about a dramatic alteration of our understanding of the basic logic of analysis and differential geometry. Judging from the classical perspective, what Nash has achieved in his papers is as impossible as the story of his life... [H]is work on isometric immersions...opened a new world of mathematics that stretches in front of our eyes in yet unknown directions and still waits to be explored.”
Any idea what causes anxiety, lads? For as long as I can remember I've suffered with it. To be honest I've gotten kind of used to it accept on bad days. Take beta blockers and antidepressants to keep it manageable along with eating healthy and plenty of exercise. Seriously, is it genetic? Mental illness was present in my maternal great grandfather. He went and lived in a monastery because he couldn't deal with the stress of daily life.
I relate to both of these very strongly. Am I Schizo?
>mfw this popsci bullshit quote wont even say what it's talking about
Just fucking choke on a banana, gay britain
Latent shamans
I met someone with multiple personality disorder when I spent time in a hospital, that shit is messed up. It's not like they portray it in the media or in movies it is seriously fucked.
This guy would start talking like a child about some fucking story involving a rabbit, then he would say "I've seen you before" constantly but he couldn't figure out where he'd seen me even though we'd be sitting in the smoking area having a fag and chatting. And it kept on and on and on like that just switching between this child and this chav and then into an adult man.
I genuinely felt sorry for him, it was really sad to see it in person.
>Been seeing monsters especially in the dark from childhood.
>Still pictures move sometimes
>Only had a couple of days where I completely lost reality (imagined I did stuff but I didn't do it)
Diagnosed by a psychiatrist in adulthood. Don't see him anymore because moved away.
No one knows about it because I fear the stigma.
Controlling the paranoia is the hardest part.
In public I see people I know instead of strangers.
To be honest I'd like a friend IRL who I could talk about it with but like I said people will fear or pity me instead. The risk of everyone knowing is terrifying to me.
What dosage of Sertraline were you on, or currently on?
I told my dad one day that I feared going schizophrenic due to family history and other factors and it was the look on his face when I fully realized how stigmatized shit like this is.
Faggots think they're stigmatized for their cookie-cutter dysthymia which nearly everyone has; they'd be surprised about how people with schizophrenia feel.
100mg at the time and 10mg of Olanzapine.
I feel you user I need to force myself to think otherwise my mind is empty.
My blood keeps disappearing but I can't find any wounds
I swear everyone keeps talking about these little elf fuckers showing up after taking a lot of psychadelic drugs, specifically DMT.
What are they?
>bullshit, people have no idea what causes it.
CNVs in 16p11.2, 22q11, and 15q11 all have risk for autism and schizophrenia
Also 108 SNP loci were found to be associated with the disease last year.
Dopamine is the oldest theory, new ones include a GABA based theroy
The Greys are draining you
Can I ask is 50mg a low dosage for Sertraline? I spent a year on it, after suffering from what I can only describe as anxiety attacks. I found that after a while it did help reduce my anxiety and paranoia but the side effects of strange dreams and forgetfulness just made it unbearable to carry on. Unfortunately at the time I stopped taking them (after consulting my GP), had a personal event that has left me in a state of uncertainty. How did you feel after you stopped taking the Sertraline and Olanzapine?
Genetic mental illness. You legit go crazy, start hallucinating, having strange beliefs. Paranoia is usually involved.
Your mind just disconnects from reality and starts making its own, and the disease arrests your ability to judge objective reality.
Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia include
>hallucinations (mostly auditory)
Negative Symptoms
>social seclusion
Drugs work for the positive but not the negative.
Most schizos have hallucinations and paranoia. OCD does not typically have hallucinations or paranoia
Paranoia, for example, is a serious belief that Satan/Aliens/the Government is watching you.