Hmmm, what's that? Oh right, never mind. Great Britain conquered you already.
Hmmm, what's that? Oh right, never mind. Great Britain conquered you already
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ur gay lol
no u didnt
Naaa, Great Britain got their arses kicked by us in Oolannin sota.
Dont worry, youre not the only empire we have handed their arses to.
How funny, its not translated to english.
>Speaking ENGLISH
>not comquered
>being slowly conquered and outbred by illiterate brown people that wipe their their bare hands.
>speaking only one language
>not retarted
Minä osaan ainakin kolmea eri kieltä
Jag kan inte satans vidare
Why learn another language when everyone speaks mine?
Kek why would we need to when every single one of you speaks our language.
Not bothered by this 2bh.
So we can smile at you and call you vitun kusipää runkkari paskaperse and you just think i said something magnificent and compliments to you.
Why are Finns so retarded?
I would think that Asiatic mongoloid admixture would help your brains not hurt them
>Insulted by pig latin
>The entire basis of your culture relegated to a second language
kek well you kept your sense of humor
that's because we didn't turn it in to a third world shit hole. Is life as comfy as it looks there?
I'm fine with this.
You bet lad.
I'm not bothered by this either.
English is a wonderful language and I am proud to cuck myself with it.
>English is a wonderful language
Wew lad
Why are women allowed to do anything?
Try again, Bong.
We even customized English as to further ourselves from you.
Ah, good old "community officers", not actual cops. The cop shows up at the end with the taser
Because foreigners can take your job but you can't take ours.
British English is used more commonly around the world than its retarded cousin American English. American English is the stupider and lazier way to communicate in English. Thank God we use British English here.
You don't like English, fellow Burger?
Whats the fucking point of community officers they never do anything i was smoking a joint outside on a bench last week and one went past on a bike didn't even say a word.
Feels good to know that a tiny island dominated just about every country on the planet and pretty much single handedly invented the modern world.
Stay mad faggots
It's okay
English is obviously the best language. English is the first global lingua franca. English is the language of the future. English is the only language in the world that is an official language in countries on all six permanently inhabited continents. The English language has the most books, the most films, the most songs, the most science publications, the most web-sites, arguably the most speakers (ahead of even Mandarin if people who know only a few words of English are counted), it is the official language of both the sea (i.e. Seaspeak) and the sky (i.e. Airspeak) and it will someday become humanity's universal language of space (de jure or otherwise). English was also the first language spoken by humans on another world besides Earth (i.e. the Moon). Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin cannot compete with the linguistic leadership of English.
Speaking american, more precisely.
Congratulations, you've cucked yourself to the British Empire.
I do agree British English sounds better but at least we aren't slave to the Brits.
>having police that aren't police
Is this just a meme for the state to hire more people?
Hey look! Another Brit trying to cope with depression by remembering the good ol' days which he never took part in.
Jawohl, Deutsche ist natürlich die beste Sprache.
easy you might destroy their favelas with truth bombs that large
>Expecting your superiors to learn your shitty irrelevant languages
Why the fuck have we had to look at this cunts melted coupon for the last 30 years?
>Implying you won't be speaking Arabic by the end of 2030
Nah, family is originally from Germany/Norway. Both are better languages than English.
USA was the traitor in wwii and created the growing shithole we live in today.
We'd be a glorious white country if the Nazis won, this is objective facts
What did you see to me you limey faggot? Pretty sure my ancestors put musket balls through your ancestors' heads.
You forgot to sort out the abbo problem dad, they're breeding like fucking rabbits.
This. Most people here speak at least 3 languages.
Hey there :)
You need to (re)conquer yourselves, brits. Pic related.
That's cause you're not a real country
We're trying man
Hey greatest ally. Thanks for blocking them ports, m8
>live in an irrelevant country if sided with Axis
>control the world after WW2 if sided with Allies
Pick 1.
Na they ain't paid its like a volunteer thing, they basically just walk around town they aren't even allowed to arrest people.
>wanting to live in a country with niggers Mexicans and chinks
Wew, glad my state is still white for a bit longer.
Hmmm, what's that? Oh right, never mind. Pakistan conquered you already.
Hello inferior mainlander, how are you?
we wuz kings and shit
Race Wars can come later
FDR was based and made USA the new leader of the Western world by siding with the Allies. If you don't want that for your country you're basically a traitor.
Reminder that non White Women are British property
Hmmmm, what's that? Oh right, never mind. A small group of rebels with sticks beat you in a war already.
This is not something to be proud of
Its more that none of us would want to take a job in your smelly poor country
So you don't want to open a cheap business in a "smelly poor country" and not have to work a single day in your life even again?
Nigga we speak french here and english as second language.
Actually there's still an island near Virginia where the people still speak an old, thick form of British English.
Begging isn't considered to be a job gypsy fuck
>i was smoking a joint outside on a bench
how old are you Kevin?
No they volunteer. They are pretty much useless so yes they are a meme of sorts
Very few people go outside the country to beg, and they are all dirty gipsies who we have just as much as you do. We even got laws against beggars.
>English is a wonderful language
thanks for making me laugh. i was feeling down
Don't be a fat fucking idiot.
If your argument is that you're not slaves to Brits, don't be all like "Well their language IS the best, and we hate them, so colour is now color!"
Stupid cunt makes my head bleed
How exactly? British English is their mother tongue
Well technically we have a little island of people near Virginia (Tangier Island) that still speaks an archaic form of British English.
So we're not entirely independent from your language.
Oi mate the girls in my flat kick off every time i smoke inside as it stinks the whole place out so i have to go smoke by the river just down the road.
You aren't independent from our language at all. Changing a few words around doesn't magically make it a new language.
Does everyone want to move into your country?
Oh I say, the British built it, fancy that.
You're welcome.
So true
They are literally still British people with new names and fucked accents lol
Fuck off you irrelevant shitbag, we never got anglo'd
more like brits have weak eyes lmai
>Implying I don't speak 3.
And i learnt them by choice, not because I had to :^)
Well actually it does. You don't see Portuguese and Spanish people speaking the same language even though Portuguese is, historically, a changed dialect of Spanish.
So, similar to that analogy, our language is actually different from yours even if it's minor.
Sorry, but its the truth.
>Gendered words
Nein, ich denke nicht.
Dude America is only like a week old.
American is a different language to British English just as much as fucking scouse is. I'm sorry, but that's the fucking truth.
Zníš dost závistivě, kamaráde.
>Dude, America is only like a week old!
>been around for 250 years
Yeah okay.
If you think that's my actual argument then you are stupid as fuck mate.
Really, that's all you take from it? My blatant hyperbole?
Holy fuck, I feel sorry for you.
That's fine, I don't give a shit about you or your shitty country anyways
Eat shit
Ahaha, I respect you more for that post.
That's the spirit, m8.
>mfw it was just banter
All just comfy banter mate.
>based dad
Not really we also kicked your ass and also saved your ass your women owe us free blow jobs
Hmmm, what's that? Oh right, never mind. Pakistan conquered you already.
You can't make this shit up.
I caught you motherfucker.
>implying anyone on this site has the mental capacity to learn