>be Russian teen
>drink vodka, have sex on stream, shoot cops and an hero
Sup Forums will defend this
last bastion of white civilization my ass
>be Russian teen
>drink vodka, have sex on stream, shoot cops and an hero
Sup Forums will defend this
last bastion of white civilization my ass
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping with tits
where's a link to them actually an heroing?
i've seen where they're just talking and stuff, but not the an hero
Any link?
If it is and they have sex in it, that's CP and you are going to get v& for watching it.
Was she hot?
>checked addidas stripes
At least our school heroes got some style not like amero's ones
Why didn't you fucking say that then faggot? jesus
How old were they?
Really blows your mind
wow, that's definitely not the work of a tokarev
shotgun i think
what's the story here?
Because I'm not a faggot like OP, nigel?
did he died?
lol dumb slavs
>implying you can beat the Trench Coat Mafia
>Stupid shit teens do in every country
really makes you fucking think
I didn't looj at your ID. I thought you were OP. My apologies
I believe they Cobain'd themselves
What's wrong Christmas colours? Just because they're not poo poo mooslims or crap lives matter radicals you won't give them the benefit of the doubt that they were troubled teens? Shame on you.
Our ancestors are smiling at us, Burgers. Can you say the same?
this, give us details.
This is just another day in Russia, nothing news worthy
15yr old I believe.
why the fuck? were their brains melted by krokodil?
No sauce?
>teens date
>girls mom doesn't like the boyfriend
>teens argue with mom and shoot her in the leg
>standoff with police
>shoot at cops while live streaming
>eventually commit suicide
cmon' pasta nigger
no but he was shot
dont know if this is the same ppl
Tipped FBI for requesting CP :^)
fucking vermin
Spilled brains, but not the drink. ???????????
Fuck you if you entered this thread expecting an explanation, dumb cucks. If you can't figure out the back story based on these obscure pictures, go be a cuck somewhere else.
They were shooting at random people from a window until the cops showed up and they shot at the cops too. All while streaming. They kept bitching about the cops not charging the apartment and them being scared of kids while showing off their ammo. I guess they got tired of waiting and shot themselves
It was shotty. Guy was walking around with classic double barrel. They decided to suicide. He took out girl first and then heroed himself. Teenage maximalism went haywire.
Pretty much what happened. Sad.
>When you chew 5 gum
Clear cut case of a darwin award. And yes, enjoy being evicted so your government can house some migrants you pizzanigger.
How the fuck did these end up on the internet? WTF Russia?
Poмeo и Джyльeттa: Slavshit Edition
This last bastion of white civilization has more mudslimes than Grance or Sweden.
>Not wanting to see someone get shot in the head point blank on a live broadcast.
well then, any gore pics of her, not just the dude?
Who? Irish Drunks
>atheists are degenerate more news at 11
Holy shit the GIRL is wearing the track suit. She fucking blew his brains out and her own brains out.
>dont stick your dick in crazy
modern day Romeo and Juliet
>last bastion of white civilization my ass
Itallians thinking they are white, lel
Bench Press Raw World Record
Fuck you faggot, if you post a fucking picture like that then post the fucking backstory you stupid fucking mongoloid 60% white cunt.
So, where's her head?
Pretty sure it's girl
That's what I thought too
or not
>Gore on the Internet??!!11
Welcome to Sup Forums.
i didn't see any sex on the streams. i guess they were cut, for obvious reasons.
Jewropean Union
Now that's what I call scatter-brained
i saw the stream, pretty cool
will he be ok?
bastionem europy knows what's up
Those are the guys who did the "2 guys 1 hammer" video
link to ur pic vid? xdd
That's Slav priorities for you.
Fuck yes.
I wanted to go out like this so bad as a teenager. Now I'm too old and it just be creepy.
>when you chew live gun
>2 gorillion women were raped by brave liberators
>europeans are slav rapebabies now
Kek. Explains why europe implodes on itself.
No was a Russian has so much brain
there's Russians and then there's gopnik
is that the girl?
Truly one of the greatest modern love stories
I could only find this youtube vid with super epic 3d reconstruction, kek.
A pair of 15-year-olds from Russia who had gone on the run from their parents, live streamed on social media how they opened fire at a police car and then killed themselves.
“Two armed 15-year-old teens barricaded themselves in a house in the Strugy Krasnye settlement. Law-enforcement officers had been negotiating with them for several hours, however, all in vain. Later on the teenagers stopped responding,” the investigators’ statement says.
“We had a sleepover at my friend’s place. I wasn’t allowed to go, but I went anyway. They found me at night… It was harsh and it all happened in front of Denis and his mother. I ran away again,” Katerina said on the video.
The teens reportedly spent the next three days hiding from the parents at the house where the tragedy occurred on Monday.
“I loved all of you. But you didn’t notice how you ruined my mind and my life
Read more at liveleak.com
but, no suicide
Just look for "Toaster Steve" on liveleak. Somebody ITT may have it.
how is imperial army related to liberator meme? it didnt practiced mass rapes
but did he died?
>Dumb atheists do a dumb thing.
People surprised: 0.
Suicide wasn't recorded numbnuts
Jesus man. My point is this didn't happen that long ago and these are obviously police pics. Jeeze-louise.
>be italian shitposter
>dont know the full story
ignorance the thread
>be CTR
>try to shill Clinton to start WW3 with Russia
>lose election to Russiboo Trump
>instead consigned to sub-Australia tier shitposting on Sup Forums
kek, russian teens are fucking based
thanks user
Your post is creepy.
>be non Russian teen
>suck jamals and abduls dick
>commit cultural suicide
Yeah i'd take russians any day.