>pro tip
You can't!
Prove real Communism won't
Other urls found in this thread:
Define real communism
communism won't what?
reddit raid thread
just dont reply lads
It's pnly the 10th time you made this thread in the last 3 days, r/politics
Both nationalism and class are spooks.
>communist education
>the dictatorship of the proletariat will abolish itself xD
Establishing it will never work faggot.
Crashing this thread with no survivors
Make Sup Forums great again
You know, if you need to label everything in your picture maybe your visual metaphor wasn't very good to begin with.
I can't wait.
This is like those Venus project cucks who think we won't need any jails if we raise kids right.
Just, even though it has been proven that across the globe it is a natural inclination for some to seek power and control it won't happen this time guys.
This time despite all evidence that communism is unimplementable in a naturally selfish species like humans we will definitely succeed this time.
Communisms great for ants because they work for the collective and arent selfish, it doesn't work for apex predators who put themselves and their family before everything else
I can prove communism won't end in anything good.
Communists can't even end their sentences.
do commies have any of their own memes ?
Communism is perfect. So is Capitalism. The systems aren't the problem.
Humanity just fucks everything up.
>naturally selfish species like humans
our advantage is our social ability. maybe the autists here don't understand that.
The reason "real communism" has never existed is because its IMPOSSIBLE to preserve.
It requires every single person in the entire world to be psychologically identical in beliefs, values and personality. It essentially requires the human race to become a bee hive, only working as one. The problem with that is that humans ARE NOT AS SIMPLE AS BEES, in fact they are the most intelligent and complicated beings in existence.
It is extremely ridged, yet with no state authority to enforce it. That's why fascism works, and why communist stated eventually become so similar to it.
And that's why you resort to modifications that can actually survive longer than a day.
>stealing porky memes
Ironically, that image is using an adapted version of a leftist meme.
He won't reply you idiots
>disagreeing with someone else
>hahahah your an autist and wrong
You are the exact reason why communism will never work.
>It requires every single person in the entire world to be psychologically identical in beliefs, values and personality. It essentially requires the human race to become a bee hive, only working as one.
lel no it doesn't
"from each according to ability" has nothing to do with imposing uniformity on anyone. it is simply redrawing society and improving productive forces to meet everyone's needs rather than profit margins
that's more a system of mass industrial consumerist capitalism.
Low energy raid.
He objectively is wrong. Humans are social creatures. It's in our evolution. It's how we network, develop societies and mastered the world. The myth of rugged, selfish individualism is a 19th century idea.
Human Rights gets in the way every time.
Humans are not good people. Unless you put Jesus as the forever leader of a communist utopia it will never work.
too many people to sustain, it can work just not in any reality with a population such as those across the nation of planet piss
>has nothing to do with imposing uniformity on anyone. it is simply redrawing society and improving productive forces to meet everyone's needs rather than profit margins
I'm pretty certain that is just centre-left socialism. "True Communism", is the furthest left leaning ideology, and is more than just "improving productive forces to meet everyone's needs".
>still trying to make left/pol/ happen
Can you stop being hypocrites and sew your own che shirts rather than buying them? It supports the people you hate.
>considering subjective opinions to factual
Jesus christ, horseshoe theory is real.
"Socialism" and "communism" were used interchangeably by Marx and Engels.
>people living under capitalism partake in capitalism
Good thing capitalists didn't listen to feudal lords who told them feudalism was "human nature" and unchangeable.
Go home leftypol you're jewish.
>127 before the bonus round.
>140 after
Its not yiu fucking newfag lurk more
he never said we weren't social you dingus. you can be selfish and social. everyone is selfish
>everyone is selfish
Speak for yourself.
"selfishness" is a product of the society you live in. Not some magical ingrained trait.
This, thats the sole reason why communism won't work. It's a nice thought experiment, kinda like ideal gas laws there cool in theory but don't work in reality.
Porky is a leftist meme, retard.
I agree chap, it's sad watching the /newpol/. Won't much matter for you with that new surveillance law.
115 desu
virgin and no gf for years and I would've been higher
Yes. It won't.
After 100 years, still btfo.
>Real communism
>The same old song and dance every communist country has gone through that results in starvation, loss of personal liberty, or executions
It's like you never bother to listen and hold unto the same blueprint even as each car built on it explodes.
>Not an argument
>Doesn't show arguments
What's next? Communism never had a chance?
>reddit is still trying
90 and the description fits me
Was USSR communism fake?
it was real, it was all real
50 but you'd never know by looking at or interacting with me that my life sucks that much.
>calls others niggers
>people still believe in communism
having a decent smart phone?
yeah because being an economic slave to a phone company and receiving cancerous signals around your body is a plus. KYS meme maker
they've been trying since literally the dawn of recorded history and failed EVERY SINGLE TIME.
They hide behind memes like "we will finally win now" "wrong side of history" and "real communism has never been tried"
While all of those things are blatantly false, its pretty amusing to laugh at.
Even if they made the USA communist by the time they achieved that China (capitalists) would be the most powerful country in the world and defeat the Communist West in a cold war.
Then they will have to move back into China and try all over again. But it will be even harder there, since China did copy Soviet techniques on media/population control. They won't be as easy to subvert.
>comparing slaves and peasants to retarded communist university students
You dumbasses didn't think this through right?
to be fair, it's not as bad as they are now teaching kids... and it accomplished things the west still hasn't achieved.
but you faggots make it sound like they are sending you to the holocoaster
Tell me how you'd feel if someone redistributed your private property that you rightfuly aquired. You retards advocate for communism because it won't affect you as much as it would the 1%. You're selfish, because you're ready to blame other people instead of making the world a better place by fulfilling your civic duties. Only in capitalism can the self made men prevail.
>real communism
Because trying to run a country without a government doesn't fucking work at any scale larger than hippie communes.
>being this ignorant of historical materialism
tell me how it felt that żyd owned all buildings in Poland through muh capitalism while polak own only the streets
> prove a negative
> muh real gobbunism
I like this bait
You even posted the good version
Also Sage
left wing parasite.
Go back to plebbit /leftypol/
roll it