Screencap this

Screencap this.

~March 2017; The beginning of the biggest crisis in history.

You will realise why the elections were used to cover this up.
This will change everything.
I work in investment banking and if you people were aware of the current situation, you would be digging a bunker.

Screencap this, again.

Other urls found in this thread:

I made a screencap op

if you explain maybe i can include the useful part in the screencap, not only the "sky is falling!" part



Sage advice bro. Make sure you got plenty of food and supplies. I sure do.


literal autist

op is a faggot. fpbp

I actually know someone who worked for DB and made many millions with them and now works for chase. We had an in depth conversation about this and essentially DB is done and will end up as a boutique bank. Also know a higher up at GS who agrees. Merkel won't bail DB out

DB isn't even the tip of the iceberg. China is on the verge of total collapse and the combination of a Trump tariff and EU recession (which itself could lead to a DB meltdown) means China's entire financial system stops functioning, either 1929 style (ie bank runs causing ATMs to run out of cash) or commie style (Beijing commanding banks not to allow withdrawals, causing their assets to become worthless as investors cannot access them).



All stock prices have already worked future events that are known. If this lacky from an investment bank is able to find this info, the billionaires who hold their money dear will certainly know as well and make the right financial decision. Point is, this may or may not happen, but OP certainly has ZERO proof of it.


It's happening again.

We've spent 3 months microscoping every possible commodity-backed bond; they're doing it again.

AAA is more like CCC, the burden is getting bigger and bigger but the problem is in monetary politics; people dont spend.

They're creating a world war to start the spending politics because all of the tactics gave no result. The problem is people this time because we the bankers thought the monetary politics will wake up, but it never did. Now the big guys are having panic attacks in the last 2 years, creating riots and trying to make an excuse for war. Hence the forced immigration. Merkel is in it, she is a puppet.

>All stock prices have already worked future events that are known.


for example interest rates, if they rise nothing will happen because people expects it and the market already took the rise into account.

I meant: All stock prices have already working future events that are known into the price

Yes but that assumes rates rise. Yellen has made it fairly obvious she isn't confident enough in the economy meanwhile the incoming government wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure which is a very good reason to keep rates low until they do so.

But the rates problem is more of an issue in Europe, where near-zero (and some negative) rates have failed to spur growth. End result is that if there are any problems with Unicredit, DB, etc then the EU has no options to fix it. This is where the situation would go from recession to crisis.

Is it happening?

Right but the Fed has already said that they WILL raise rates by 25 basis points, or at least there is a 60% chance of that happening. The Put market should be going through the roof right now on the S&P and Dow J if this rate hike wasnt already integrated into the current market.

>working in finance


>Right but the Fed has already said that they WILL raise rates by 25 basis points, or at least there is a 60% chance of that happening.

The fed has been saying that since 2012 but only went up to .25%. We're supposed to be at 3% right now based on the original plan and Yellen herself has sat on a rate increase for about a year now.

Which is to say she will continue to not deliver and investors will continue to be skittish, until more bad news comes out and they decide to sell. It's a self-reinforcing cycle. This is especially true given that Trump has already killed the TPP and promised a tariff, which is good in the long run but means losses in the near term as investors scramble to swap their stocks.

>Croassantian "intelectuals".

Gonna need to explain this a hell of a lot better if you're a specialist.

Well they are making a great case for civil war.

IIRC China also artifically conflated their annual growth by buying lands from poor-ass farmers to build cities that exist entirely to simulate the aforementioned growth, with the result of having big ghost towns

well we'll see what happens, maybe theyll raise rates when trumps in office to have material to bash trumps economic policy.

Idk about op's doomsday scenario (considering he's posting from a non country) that being said production of wiring is way down which is of concern considering they're in almost everything of use today

If China goes down, they will take the US with it.

They own a lot of US treasuries, and before it reaches a bank run they will sell them all off lowering the value of US treasuries.

If OP is correct, DB going under alone can cause China to go under and bring the US down with it.

What's your opinion on precious metals OP?

Not really. China will sell but US banks (and other countries) are more than happy to buy them. Uncle Sam always pays out. The value would be temporarily lowered but all of them would still be purchased. Who wouldn't want guaranteed income?

Fall of DB will be the loudest echo ever heard.

OP is correct. DB going down will set off a chain reaction all around the globe. Many of the global financial institutions are tied to DB. I'm no economics expert but I've been reading a lot of articles lately.

I found this guy on youtube who explains it nicely. In one of the video he talks about how WW1 and WW2 were actually fought because of the banks.

DB is one of many components that form the spine to globalism. if DB fails, much of the world economy would. theoretically there are no safeguards in place to maintain the status quo (capitalism) if these financial institutions fail.

This isn't to say that it's guaranteed to be a terrible thing, but it very likely could be.


>I work in investment banking and if you people were aware of the current situation, you would be digging a bunker.

Guns, gold, and beans stashed in the greatest state in the nation.

Bring it.

>I work in investment banking

Does your dad also work at Nintendo?

Ever wondered why you see more and more of those "Great time to buy gold" ads recently ? Now you know.

Pretty good for the long term, not physical just ETFs

So, time to buy mining stock, precious metals, or both?

How do I profit from this without resorting to shorting?

Remember when the market was going to crash in September?

inb4 shemitah 2.0

don't just fucking imply shit, tell us straight up how to take advantage of this, you too faggot

He knew it 8 months before all of us.


I'm a selfish asshole so can someone explain to me how this would affect me in America?

You would need around 200$ mil and an access to future/options market.

you cant,

buy Put options

There are Inverse ETFs on many commodities.


This is true, but most people here cant afford enough for a good return

LEAPs are better

This better be it OP, i am tired of waiting for the financial habbenin

Treasuries are overvalued right now, anyone with a brain would view a Chinese selloff of treasuries as a great buying opportunity.

Oh shit, better stock up on waterfilters and gold reserves!