I'm attending a conference by Richard Dawkins...

I'm attending a conference by Richard Dawkins, "anti atheist stigma and science denial in the USA and what can be done about it". This fag's opening sentence was about how he's ashamed of being English because of Brexit.

What should I ask him if I have the opportunity to do so?

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>yurop flag

Why is he such a faggot?

ask him why atheists are mostly cucks

As long as these fucking fedora faggots attack Christianity over Islam they have nothing worthy to say

ask him about Friedrich Nietzsche and The Death of God

I'm in the European parliament.

>That flag
Fucking triggered

Are you French?

Ask him if he would touch your poop for 20$
Funnily enough he went under the spotlight for his "inflammatory and hateful comments on islam" not too long ago


yeah I was about to ask, didn't he describe Christianity as "a bulwark against something worse?"


These guys forgot that they lost all relevance 5 years ago.

What are you doing in the Yuropoor Parliament, user?

Why he can truly confirm 100% that there is no God.

I'm by no means religious, but I think it's extremely ignorant to make assumptions that you cannot and most likely will never prove.

Agnostic is the way to go; still get Christmas, still get Easter

That old fart is still doing conferences?

If I remember correctly you posted a pic in front of Marine's office, so I just assumed

eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim, I'm enjoying watching your coutnry going to hell

I'm working here.

Oh yeah that was me.

Yep he has
>There is a belief that every word of the Koran is literally true, and there's a kind of close-mindedness which is, I think, less present in the former Christendom…There are people in the Islamic world who simply say, 'Islam is right, and we are going to impose our will.' There's an asymmetry…I think that it's possible to be naively optimistic, and if you reach out to people who have absolutely no intention of reaching back to you, then you may be disillusioned
from wikibedia

So, fellow Frenchman or not?

Yeah, I think I said it already in the thread you're refering to.

Did he get an erection when he was molested as a boy?
Does he realise that Sup Forums love memes and it was his idea that allowed the meme artist to get the brexit and trump vote?

Ask him how he perceives the future of atheism in Europe with the growth of Islam in all northwest Europe.

Nice question, I'll keep this one in mind, I'll link it to his "bulwark" statement.

Can't believe the number of people whi have the God's desillusion with them. Not a single fedora in sight thought.

> Not a single fedora in sight thought.

Looks like I talked too quickly, there's one here.

Uh well.. Genetically speaking not so,

Is it a fedora really ? Looks round, and the rim looks parallel to the floor, while fedora's tend to go downward if my memory serves right.

post more of the legs

>These guys forgot that they lost all relevance 5 years ago.
Then the European parliament and the entire compound in Brussels seem like the perfect place for them!

You may be right, I'm no fedora expert. It's the closest thing to one here unless there's another I can't see right now.

Just when you thought, you couldn't despise Cuckkins even more.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.


Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."

"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.


Race can be determined via brain scans.
There was "minimal gene flow" between archaic Europeans and Asians.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.


>The god delusion

Fuck this faggot

get up onstage and stomp the pussy into the dirt you libtard cuck.

>anti atheist stigma
As a scientist, you would think that he'd offer his irrefutable proof that there is no god, but instead, this guy has a religion all his own.

I think this is a good question. You may want to add: Where he thinks atheists should align themselves on the political spectrum and if they should combat the islamization of Europe.

Noted but I think that may draw him toward telling me i'm being islamaphobic rather than him defending his previous statement.

Ask him what he thinks about the islamization of Europe, and whether he thinks nationalism is a bulwark against "something worse" besides Christianity.

Richard Dawkins is actually redpilled as fuck, although I don't care for/support converting religious people to atheism. They are a lost case anyway since 99% of them just adopted beliefs from their family when they were still wetting their beds.
Brexit was a fucking mistake for Britain but I support Brexit, they were never continentals at heart to begin with.

Then counter with the argument if it's phobia, an irrational fear, to oppose an ideology that glorifies death in war, has the promise of God in its holy scripture that it will rule the world and is encouraged to spread the faith through violence and kills its apostates and atheists. A religion that defines "peace" as submission to Islam.

I know Dawkins is a liberal douche and self entitled narcissist with a personality cult of millions of beta orbiters. But he can't let a chance slip to shit on religion. That's his ideology as an anti-theist after all.


you're a liberal shill. Back to tumblr.

God fucking damn he's a faggot. Always hated him but recently a lot moreso.

He's more delusional than the combined personalities of a schizo ward.
He actually, genuinely thinks atheism will win over religion "because religion is irrational".
Atheism will go extinct and be banned one day because religion doesn't require thinking and religious peeps have more kids.

And you're a *insert dumb shit here*.
Back to wherever you want.


that all sounds pretty red-pilled, actually. I didn't realize thats what islams all about.

I love that you're at the EU parliament, in a Dawkins audience, and you're shitposting on Sup Forums about a hat. What a fucking world we live in

>"red pilled"

Btw, I was a devout Christian, losing my faith progressively and becoming an atheist myself. I stayed loyal to Christianity BECAUSE of dicks like Dawkins, Krauss and other anti-theist. I wanted NOTHING to do with these cunts and neither do I want that today.

make him talk about SJW, you should destroy the audience and him.

He just didn't lose all hope in humanity yet, that's all. It's quite admirable seeing how old he is.



You make really good points but I'm not part of the discussion, I may have the chance to ask a single question and that's it. Given the number of people there is I'm not sure I will be selected.

ask him about positive action and SJW he is abvious going to be against it and this will put the SJW against him.

Please do read the Qur'an and Hadith yourself. Don't take second sources and hear say. Be open and go in without prejudice. The material itself is the best argument against Islam.

Then back it up with looking at the situation in Islamic societies where the Islam is the state religion.




how is all of that a bad thing though?

It's really not red pilled at all, it's the opposite. Islam is a religion of total submission to the word of Mohammed (Allah) without question or concern.

The Q'uran is the faggiest thing I've ever read.

If you want true red pilling, read the scriptures about the old-World Gods.

proxy mate

Nigger I literally took multiple pics showing i'm in the Parliament right now.

Yeah, that's the problem with all these..."""""discussions"""". The attendee is in the position of authority with a room full of sympathizers - psychological effective - and usually supported by the moderater. Then you get to say a one-liner, then your mic is usually shut off.

Wherever you see a bait video on YouTube where "akctschual intellectual DESTROYS liberal/Nazi/marxist" it goes along these lines.

questions and concerns are for libtards. Do you think i'd ever question donald trump? How much of a cuck can you be?


20 years in a Belgian prison for you m8.

If you're not just being a dick then I really think you should just kys. How embarrassingly weak.

>ashamed of being English because of Brexit
thought that guy wasnt pozzed damn

Why are atheist such cucks? I mean modern christianity is cucked to hell but they out do them.

ask him why atheists are so against racist against muslim refugees just trying to immigrate safely into the country

Is this bait? A death cult that has the promise of God to conquer the world, condones slavery, the absolute submission of the women - women are on the level of dogs basically - and promises paradise to those not who are pacifist, but who fall in war for Islam?

It's a practical religion for soldiers, but if you are an atheist in Europe and Islam became the state religion, you would be forced to convert or executed.

>it's weak to support donald trump

sorry i'm not strong to stand with her, libcuck, now go correct someone elses record.

This cunt is shitting on regular English lads who voted for Brexit and the whole audience is laughing. He literally said "xenophobic biggotry".


>the promise of God to conquer the world, condones slavery, the absolute submission of the women - women are on the level of dogs basically - and promises paradise to those not who are pacifist, but who fall in war for Islam?
this all sounds good to me. You some kind of feminist hippie or some shit?

So Sup Forums decided to do that if you're in the parliament because it has its own IP?

Wait, I thought only mods get the EU flag?
You actually get the EU flag in the parliament? Wut?

Yeah, all European buildings and only the wifi.


ask him his position on you being an agnostic priest

I've always hated him. So it just reaffirms my judgement and all the English who voted for Brexit.

It's actually ironic, because I knew an anti-theist bitch obsessed with scientism and who glorified him. She had the hardest rage boner for muslims in a time where I still felt a connection with them as a Christian because of the common faith in the one true God.

Ask him why he doesnt believe that the differences between the races matter and how other races have higher IQ's while others have lower IQ's

Ask if he likes Muslim cock and how can he claim god doesn't exist, because he's just a fucking biologist thus he knows nothing about the structure of reality. Only physicists, philosophers and theologians are allowed to talk about God.

Ask him why he's such a colossal faggot.

That flag won't exist for long, user.

race realism 1/2 Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. pritchardlab.stanford.edu/publications/pdfs/RosenbergEtAl02.pdf Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification." psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/PPPL1.pdf "Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15508000 Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15625622 Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. medicalxpress.com/news/2013-10-oral-bacteria-fingerprint-mouth.html Race can be determined via brain scans. cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822(15)00671-5 96-97% of whites have no African ancestry. theroot.com/articles/history/2013/02/how_mixed_are_african_americans.3.html 97% of Whites have no black ancestry whatsoever. unz.com/isteve/nyt-white-black-a-murky-distinction-grows-still-murkier/ There was "minimal gene flow" between archaic Europeans and Asians. nytimes.com/2010/07/20/science/20adapt.html Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning. ln.edu.hk/philoso/staff/sesardic/Race2.pdf

Nah it will circumnavegate that, with a joke.

Ask him about memetics, he conned the term at some point, and that will get him in troubles.


if can't, ask him if he belives in KEK and internet magic

I prepared this exact question and eventual answers to his predictable "environment and education" (countered by slowing growth of the Flynn effect and the 75% inheritability of IQ) but it's not really the topic of this discussion and given the number of people here I will just have one question at best without any chance to answer.

You're an embarrassment and I'm glad you gtfo of England with Cromwell's cuck mates when you did because we sure as shit don't want you here.

Human intelligence is highly heritable. nature.com/mp/journal/v16/n10/abs/mp201185a.html Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289608000305 Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks. jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public. udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1994egalitarianfiction.pdf Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households. psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1977-07996-001 The average African IQ is estimated at 79. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912003741 The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100. udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1997mainstream.pdf

Man I work here I can't act like an autist. But that would be fucking great actually, it's filmed.

Ahh okay, it'd be awesome if you coulf squeeze it in, but what is the prime question you are ging to ask if you are able to?

Ask him why he is cucked they have there independence again

lol the european fag calling me, an american, a cuck. priceless. Did you just learn that word? is this your first day here, shill? Americans have Donald J trump as a leader, thats the opposite of cucked.

>This fag's opening sentence was about how he's ashamed of being English because of Brexit.
>What should I ask him if I have the opportunity to do so?
What a cunt.

Ask him - regardless of the impact of Brexit will have - why he's ashamed of the democratic process working.

Holy shit they're showing a short video about a tenage girl who's been bullied because she's an atheist but she finally found atheist friends


This one's pretty good since he talked a few months ago about christianity being a bulwark against something worse

I can't see how's the thread doing regarding replies, tell me when I have to do another thread if you want me to.