Hell yea nigga! :D
Hell yea nigga! :D
And then she killed the other contestants with a knife
>BREAKING NEWS: Racist Miss Minnesota pageant voted fully dressed Muslim girl last place in bikini contest
Umm okay
Am I a shitlord for asking how does one win a beauty contest wearing a burka?
Fucking Somali's are eveywhere Jesus
>Miss Minnesota
thats like saying "here have a "girl who looks alright in the block" award
If her face is showing, she isn't fully covered
You don't
> beauty contest
> fully covered
so is it a contest to see who looks best with a fucking bed sheet on their heads.
Then you file a joint suit with the naacp/cair/aclu etc and make $$$
This is her plan
Very good. Beauty contests must reflect our evolving culture.
You're the Minnesota of countries.
Laziest Africans ever.
We managed to get 40% of them employed, which is amazing compared to the bare 5% Swecucks have.
That's the kind of thing he needs to win MN in 2020.
>ohmaigawd so brave
>Christian does same thing
So she will win because she's a mudslime. Or she will lose and sue because of "Islamophobia. " Wonderful
The only redeeming feature of Minnesota is every except the Twin Cities.
>Sandskin gets to finals
>Sandskin yells Allahu Akbar and bombs the crowd
>the news is shocked
>"What happened?"
>"There's going to be an investigation"
You expect a sandskin to stand in front of a crowd and not blow them up?
You must have voted for Hillary.
>inb4 her talent is a bomb
So they cover their body for the reason that you not judge her for her looks and then she goes to a beauty contest.
Whats next...vegans who eat meat because they are the only one who really respect the animals ?
I hope to fuck she gets disqualified for refusing to follow the rules of dress.
And the worst combination too. Niggers and Muslims at the same time.
The Eternal Swede strikes again!
>the Sweden of USA
Why are Swedes so obsessed with Somalis?
They got a cuck gene in them somewhere.
how is she even a somali? she look like an arab
You forgot to add that they are also inbred.
Its located in their anus
>cover up your entire body
>enter a beauty contest
How much you want to bet she wins this shit?
I hope so. I think its time for white women to get their enrichment too
This is true cuckoldry.
>Forget your European ancestry and heritage Joe, you're nothing but an American just like Jose and Tangrone and Chang! You're history and culture consists of burgers and jazz music.
I literally see no problem with this
You're either American, Brazilian, Somali or Norwegian or you're nothing at all
But american basically means that you can be a jew nigger asian or whatever the fuck you want be. American means nothing
Covered in C-4
i swear this people are either full blown brainless retards or are pretending to be one which is even worse. i imagined many bad outcomes for future but this level of idiocy is beyond imaginative abilities
american with european ancestry means something, as it is the europeans that built the country and made the laws and culture. the rest just oppose it with their shitty subhuman trash culture (that they fled) and contribute only jealous opposition that needs to get shut up or get sent out
The timelines are switching so furiously I'm not sure where I ended up. What the fuck. Next step would be allowing trannies and whatnot to enter the beauty pageants.
We're not Americans, lads
Pretty hypocritical for us to say what it means to be one
Somalis are the worst ethnic by far
Trump already did
Americucks always tell us europoors what it means to be a europoor while they sit in their 60% white most cucked nation on the planet
I'm from minnesota and let me say Somali women are qt3.14
If you are bothered with that and then goed around to tell them what it means to be an American, what does that make you?
Fucking ugly mudslimes.
not fucking true
america was 90% white till the sixties and mostly from northern europe
USA is an european country,
Tell me about it, there's a family of somali dindus RIGHT INFRONT OF MY HOUSE.
The mother is a landwhale with 5 niglets. The niglets, oh god, the fucking niglets are so obnoious. One niglet stands naked on the window sill clinging to window bars every fucking evening. The mother is so inept she can't even discipline her niglets who run in streets.
I dont want my precious salarjung colony to be turned into a ghetto slum :(
It makes me an american. God pless Obama
Dog bless :DDDDDD
wtf, why would their be somalis in india
>Wow you voted for her, she's pretty isn't she?
>I wouldn't know I voted for her because of the sandnigger scarf lol I'm so tolerant
The judges better vote for her or else, takbir!
What is the point of wearing clothing with the intent of being chaste if you are competing in one of the most vain competitions ever? I fucking hate my state. Somalis are fucking entitled assholes. Guaranteed the Mall of Somalia will be educated sometime this year
Sounds like a hellhole. Can't you just murder them with a gun in your country? There aren't any police, right?
>mfw Trump makes sure she loses when the miss USA contest happens
Trump sold the pageant stuff years ago
pirates always stick together
What a fucking based Brazilian. Cheers, hope if you end up in a Liveleak video you are the off duty cop
poland, what do you have to say to this? those are polish girls turned muslim
She will win, no doubt.
But dig up her Twitter or something, she hates Jews, i bet.
>live alone in a student apartment that was a bigger apartment split in two
>other side has somalian immigrant couple who legit woke me up with a fucking bongo drum
>peek in through their door and see huge virgin mary poster in their kitchen
>actully act alright whenever I've met them, seem polite and timid
>mfw i don't know what to think
Indeed, look at the ugly slag that won this years
Blonde boring skeleton
We're a cucked country with no gun rights :(
T-thanks user
I guess
The Somalis I have dealt with are very different culturally but are more or less decent people. It is the culture differences that get me. In MN you hold a door open, then check for people, then if there is even an outline on the horizon you continue to hold the door open for as long as it takes for that person to get there. These Somalis will just fucking slam doors in your face though. I asked one once why he did that and he apologized and said he didn't have doors where he came from. Fucking savages
>Far Northern
>somewhat wealthy
>90% white
why the fuck is Minnesota the most blue-pilled state in the union?
Even California went red more recently than Minnesota has.
>Big Man nose
You pray that the judges are virtue signalers.
The person with the most oppression points wins.
Shes. Very pretty. Her face at least.
She probably deserves to win. Sup Forums complains about western women being promiscuous.
Then this beauty comes along, teaching these cocaine addicted whores on their eating disorders how to respeft ones body and still look beautiful .
White people are foolish.
I hope she wins.
Beautiful soul
It is full of Swedes who have been importing 3rd worlders to keep the sate democrat for the last 5-6 decades
true story
>Islam is bringing back conservative social values
wtf I love Muhammad now
>her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
>her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
>her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
>her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
her nudes come out and she gets exposed for being an isis sympathizer during pageant
More Dane and German settlers desu, we where a small minority
user if youre into beastiality do it in your private basement, dont come here and gross others out
Numbers have spoken.
The irony is if she did that in her own country she would be executed
>t.mohammad bin alu Ahmed bin Jahalalili bin Fikifiki
Please Donald cleanse my poor diseased state of Somalians and liberals.
fucking checked. can't wait.
And she will win. Pope Urban reincarnated when?
Isn't that the idiot who reviews water on YouTube?
Someone who absolutely isn't me should retweet this and pics of her competing to militant islamists.
We'll see what they think about "defying stereotypes without compromising her religious beliefs"
Content repeats 8 times.
Triple 8's get.
she wont win shit except laughter when up against those delicious flat bodies of the white women with big titties
>insulting Review Brah
They're letting ninjas enter beauty contests?