Guess what else just happened in michigan?
Guess what else just happened in michigan?
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*gets pulled over by her*
*calls police*
"Yes? Hello?? There's a terrorist who stole a police vehicle and she has a gun!"
nobody cares?
Nope. Is she doing a bad job?
She's about as American as Halal goat penis.
She's a woman doing a man's job for starters
Niggers would have fun with her
Dearborn is bro tier
but the most humiliating thing about this is the fact that women are present at all.
>inb4 she blows up the police station
> holy fuck that webm
Cops are supposed to shoot terrorists.
She have yet to kill herself, so yeah she is doing a bad job.
Cool, has she fucked anything up yet? No? Come back when that happens.
>They get ready to help him up
>he manages to lift his entire fucking bodyweight with his one functioning arm
>women stand in awe
>starts trying to climb the supports instead
When a man missing half his limbs can climb a wall and able bodied women can't, you know that mixed troops is a bad fucking idea.
you can see they don't feel humiliated.
they feel frustrated that they wouldn't have the opportunity to "help" that poor guy get up.
>the girl looking back and lifting her hands
>the girl going for the beam
impressive climb. just latched on and up he went
I bet she is going to get stoned.
I would rather walk around on the east side of saginaw wearing gold than set foot in michistan
he grabbed that wall like he grabs pussy
>The feminists' faces when they realise that combat veterans missing limbs are more suited for combat roles than completely able-bodied women
I have a feeling every happening also has a secondary event in or near the area of significance or a clue
Are those women seriously incapable of doing a single pull up? Why are they even there?
We can't let this stand!
This. Going to happen 100%
that fucking bitch with her cunt face throwing her hands up at the end is an exemplary example of why women's suffrage was a mistake. i'm surprised that all those bucket crab roasties didn't try to just pull him back down because MUH FEELS
they're tearing down the patriarchy, user!
Isn't the requirement for military duty for women 1 assisted pullup?
How the fuck are they supposed to fit combat roles when one of their squadmates needs to be carried?
You can even see their puny little thighs(which is the one area where women are naturally stronger than untrained men in) and shitty stick calf, which couldn't even support the weight on an anorexic man.
I would fear for my life if I was placed in a squad with a woman in the front lines.
Sure, they can fit tank crew roles, command and support, but the true grit frontlines is not a place for a woman.
I had to do it
fuck i keep watching it and i want to hit that bitch in the face with a brick every time she looks back like "i can't believe that FUCKING WHITE MALE just did with one arm and one leg what us STRONG WYMYN cannot do with our both arms and legs"
post the source so I can make a funny MEME with it.
What did your mother do to you? You can tell us, we are amongst friends
>they can fit tank crew roles
>being crammed in a tank with a bleeding roastie that hasn't showered in weeks
imagine the smell
God dammit, when did Michigan start turning into Germinstan?
Tough Mudder is such a redpilled event, I love it. Made my wife go thru Electroshock Therapy after 9 months of her swearing she'd never do it
I want to become a cop and be the first to wear a strapon dildo to work and have a bunch of fawning articles written about how diversity is our strength
>white knighting women in an animated image on an anonymous cartoon pron imageboard
we're reaching beta levels that should not even be possible
How long before she gets in an altercation with a meth addict and is strangled by her headscarf?
Nobody should be surprised by the infiltration of Islamofascists into law enforcement and local government.
This is a standard tactic for the spread of their cancerous ideology.
On a real note the head scarf could be a real problem when it comes to close altercations.
British humor.
it's Dearborn, muslim heart of the US. Detroit keeps them in check though, there's an uneasy truce that the towelheads don't fuck with anyone or act beyond their little tract of land if they don't want the savagery of Detroit blacks to wash over them in a tidal wave of menthols and malt liqour.
How long until a dindu knocks this bitches hijab off?
>7 real pullups for men is grade 7
>1 real pullups for women is grade 7
>Women can choose to do laying down pullups
>Norges storste barnehage er en vits
>close altercations.
>implying she's not a desk jockey or taking speeding ticket payments in the courthouse
There's no way she's on duty in borderline-sharia neighborhoods.
r/thedonald cucks ITT are defending this
Absolutely disgusting
>at work
>have to shit real bad
>women and men employee toilets are next to each other
>someone using men's
>fuck it, get in women's
>small radiator under the metal wall-mounted bin has been cooking some pads or tampons for a while
Would not recommend
How was she allowed to put 911 on her squad car, just because it's apart of her religion doesn't mean she should disrespect America.
This, don't give non-stories like this attention.
Fuck they gave her a gun? Damn, watch out fags and Jews. Get ready to receive a ticket for violating the shariah. But really how can a practicing Muslima do this job? In Islam females are not supposed to interact with males that aren't family or their husband.
>female cop
>good job
Pick one dipshit
Nothing of value was lost here.
Hijab is a general term so that's incorrect
I love my mother, but even she(a 2nd wave feminist) knows that women aren't suited for frontline combat roles.
All women do in the military here is complain about having 4 showers for 50 women.
Well, when I was conscripted we had 8 showers for about 100 males. We never complained and kept it nice and clean every single day.
I was also in an artillery squad where we shot 40 kilo payloads in 3 salvos times 3 shells in 25 seconds by manually loading and shooting them.
We had one female and she got back problems and was nearly crushed by the recoil inside the howitzer because she wasn't fast enough to react(Sgt pulled her aside at the last second)
She started out as a "STRONK FEMALE" and ended up injuring herself and breaking down crying during her hellweek.
She got two weeks off because she was "psychologically scarred" from the whole experience.(We treated her like one of our own and even gave her SPECIAL PRIVILEGES by carrying some of her shit and ammo)
When she came back, she acted like Queen shit, but was cussed out by the Sergeant for fucking up again. Again she complained to the Lieutenant and got sick leave for a week off base.
After 10 months, our training as conscripts was complete and we all "graduated", except her.
She was deemed unfit for service a day before the ceremony and basically wasted a year on complaining.
That's just my experience in peacetime. I can't even fucking imagine The Clappers, and Foreign Support Troops from my own country dealing with that shit.
They just need someone on the force to shoot black people without media repercussions
Det er Barnehagen 2, men vi hadde det goy.
Illegal in commiefornia
Mudslime detected. I've never in my life heard anyone say that.
t. Redfordfag
>there's an uneasy truce that the towelheads don't fuck with anyone or act beyond their little tract of land if they don't want the savagery of Detroit blacks to wash over them in a tidal wave of menthols and malt liqour.
How do we start the fire?
A bill passed in Netherlands that doesn't allow for this stuff anymore in public functions. You can't wear that stuff in governmental functions.
It's Michiganistan
How the fuck is this news
hijab makes her look like a gay boy. I bet that please allah
Have to keep pushing the narrative.
Top kek. And you fags have the nerve to laugh at us
So is it a blow job ?
Where her man, she can't be outside without a man's supervision
really hop this article is a fucking joke.......
trump, where the fuck are you?
How can anyone take women police seriously? The Hijab will only make rape easier. I don't see four Muslim witnesses around.
>cripple has more upper body strength than all of the women combined.
Old news, need to get to Canada's level
please trump fix this before it gets too bad
Fan fact: you can't be Muslim and trustfully pledge oath to non-Islamic state at the same time.
Source please
So if she pulls over a man, does the man get to arrest her for driving/being out without her husband/son to escort her?
Doesn't Dearborn have a huge muzzie population with a large number of homegrown Jihadi coons ?
I don't care what she wears. I'm more concerned that she's going to be overpowered
>pulls over Tyrone
>he beats the shit out of her and steals her weapon
>charged with assaulting an officer and a hate crime on the religion of peace
>charges won't stick because he's a good boy
Brave new world
It's not military
Fuck. I want to be a cop but do I have any chance to get hired as FUCKING WHITE MALE these days? Hopefully things will get better with Trump. Seems like they only want to hire women and minorities no matter how incompetent they are.
>Send some "troubled youths" to Dearborn.
>Wait for nature to take its course
I'm an Asian in the process for a big ass city and from what it seems it's pointless. You keep hearing "force that represents the community it serves" so if you want to work in a city , unless a chick and or black/spic then good luck.
Yeah, I'm in a major city in Texas which means that unless you're a non-asian minority or a woman you're fucked. Maybe I should learn spanish and claim that I'm hispanic. Too bad I'm blue eyed and blonde, otherwise that might work.
I'm trying to work in Chicago I'm fucked for other reasons. I know Houston PD is actively hiring, it's a numbers game user apply to several departments.
Found the source, but I can't seem to find the clip in a decent video
Yeah Harris County is actually not that bad. But I'm still waiting for my army contract to expire before I can be a cop but I want to apply ahead of time. There are some really good benefits to being a cop after serving, you get bumped to the front of the line at many police departments as a vet.
Being stuck in Chicongo has to suck on an insane level. So maybe you should consider the armed forces as a way in, but maybe you don't want to move.
Merçi baguette for this le underrated poste
Yeah CPD has pref points for city school students and for ex military. It's whatever, I have degrees and speak another language. If I can't get on then it wasn't meant to be. I've applied to other cities so it's all good.
Why is she allowed to drive?
Ok, yeah not all people have money to move to another city in case they get a job offer. Good for you. And honestly I don't really want to be an inner city cop myself. It's bad enough to have to deal with these junkies and homeless people as a civilian.
I mean I saved so I could go but it also helps many cities pay you while in the academy so that helps. I know smaller areas require you go and pay for it then they hire you.
If that's the case and you're in TX, be a deputy, those seem more chilled out gigs anyway.
But you can lie.
The Quran says it's okay to give a false oath (or testimony) to lull people into feeling safe, so you can strike.
Islam, not even once.
Hoping to be state trooper, because deputies and constables here have to spend a lot of time directing traffic and shutting down parks at nightfall etc. Which isn't terrible but being stuck directing traffic for hours in the houston heat during the summer is not great. But i have had worse jobs in the past.
Our soldiers mainly ride in these gay motorhomes called Strikers and don't need to run or lift much these days.
Give this thing to the UK police and they wouldn`t know which bin to put it in.
top kek