This is a special kind of crazy. How much money do you think she owes her overlords?
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She will be dead in 4 years
If she wins, she'll turn 80 in her first term. There is no way this is going to happen.
But think of the memes. I want this
What the fuck?
Didn't the democratic party learn their lesson this time around?
I hope so it will allow Trump to win again in 2020.
Her age and health might not allow it but she has to keep her pay-to-play foundation running somehow. It could be though.
She'll be dead or in jail by then.
Don't you guys want to smash everything she has left? She probably doesn't kill herself because she can "be president in 2020". Let's make her run for a fourth time if she's still alive lol
Your math doesn't add up. She's 69 now. If she runs again, she would be 73 if she wins in 2020. She won't turn 80 until she's almost done with her 2nd term.
That said, she barely survived this cycle, and even with the entire fucking world propping her up, she lost. It would be suicide for the DNC to back her again. 2008 was realistically her last shot at the presidency.
It's a DNC character assassination
Or Hillary will use just that interpretation to show she is really genuine and not the establishment
They only know how to go FORWARD
She will be dead before president Trump has the time to throw her in jail
I thought you could only run in primaries once? Unless you're actually the president?
I'm convinced she is saying / leaking this to keep her creditors at bay. She isn't even in the country; guaranteed. Those 'random sightings' are with actors who have been proven to work with her before. Rothchilds / Saudi's want their ROI and are going to collect in cash or flesh.
> mfw she just scheduled the Second Meme War
The DNC is retarded, but not that retarded.
praise kek
Serious question, can a person run for president from a jail cell?
So it has been foretold. Thank you kek, shadilay
Don't think so. Stein was having a wobble the other day saying that ex-cons should be allowed to vote / run for office.
I just realized Hillary is the biggest cuck in the USA. Literally can't win at anything unless she's unopposed or in her home state. You can give her every resource and she'd still lose. She's lost 12 years of presidency and if she runs again it'll be 16
If she's elected, she will be 77 at the end of her term. She would be a push over in world politics.
>Imm running in 2020 donald you cant prosecute me now its annuduh political witch hunt
This too probably
how can she run if shes in jail?
suicide is kind of the DNCs thing though
Smart move, Donald can't prosecute her now or it looks like he's trying to lock up his political enemies
Doubling down again, no surprise there
>runs in 2008, loses to a state senator with no federal political experience
>runs in 2016, loses to a businessman with NO political experience
Your have a better Return On Investment with Powerball tickets than with Hillary. Anyone who donates to her is flushing their money away.
Get it right
>loses to a muslim nigger post 9/11 with a muslim middle name
>loses to a batshit insane businessman who kept shooting himself in the foot
I dont put it past the DNC to try and prop her up again, they are this retarded. You've already got crony dems trying to take lead from brasil already instead of just passing it off to populists
Trump's going to be President for 8 years.
it's so awesome knowing that hillary clinton will never become president
If they have any sense there will be at least 3 younger dems running against her just to make the point that "you had your shot, you blew it. Literally anyone else would have won in your position".
If she doesn't develop dementia by then, i'll be surprised.
The sad thing about this is that she cleared the Democratic field of any interesting or great candidates in 2016.
Looks like she will do it again next election, even though NOW should be the time that the DNC supports a bench of up-comers who'll make a name for themselves opposing Trump.
I'm a politics junky and I can't even bother to name the other Dem candidates or any potential ones for 2020.
Implying you can't make a ton betting on her losing. Or even bet she will run2020
Honestly is there anyone in the Democrats have that's in a position to run in 2020?
It's become a party of literally whos
She can pay them back in Haitian babies. She''s still got a couple thousand in the freezers in the DC tunnels.
more than that, libcuck, once the marxist piece of trash known as "the constitution" is out of the way trump and his family can rule this country for life.
Depends on how the economy does. I don't think the general public will tolerate a Twitter outburst every day for the next 4 years.
Praise him
>runs in 2008, loses to a state senator with no federal political experience
An unknown, first term senator named Barack Hussein Obama.
>loses to a batshit insane businessman who kept shooting himself in the foot
Who less then month before Election Day, is caught on mic saying he sexually assaults women. Candidates have dropped out for infinitely smaller infractions.
I can't get over how awful she is, yet will still likely get the nom again. It'll take more than one election loss to clear the party of Clinton influence.
She can keep milking dumb domestic democrats, but her foreign donors will eventually want some play for their pay.
Depends how things go. Everything is great, he can easily be re-elected if he wants to be, however many tweets he's made.
Things turn to shit, then the electorate is on to somebody else.
There is such a huge divergence of opinion as to whether he'll be a good president or not -- half you fuckers are, of necessity, going to be wrong.
Third time's a charm rite ?
They could send in Elizabeth Warren or something.
The general public doesn't give a shit about twitter. I have no idea how mainstream news outlets have gotten so low brow they need to use social media for headlines.
I would love to see Hillary Clinton fuck the democrats over by losing again.
Keep running her, nobody likes her.
She is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in decades.
to much. the clinton foundation slush fund will partially be rolled over into the U.N slush fund and congresses slush funds and make money for the puppet masters
>yet will still likely get the nom again.
Don;t believe she'll seek it. Right now, her inner circle is all itching for a rematch and a chance at redemption, but they have to eat and will drift into other campaigns or businesses over the next year or two. I have no idea if Hillary is buying into that stuff right now, but her age and health are a serious handicap going forward. (Yes, Trump is older, but appears to be in better health and in any case, I am not saying age will not be an issue for him as well.)
But whatever the true plans for her future will be, right now she probably needs to clear up some campaign debt, which means fundraising. Stein beat her to the "we gonna fight for a recount" money, her next possible justification for asking donors for one more check is "better stay on the train, we're thinking about rolling it out one more time." Making that pitch in no way implies she is actually thinking about going again, nor that, if she is thinking that way, she still will be in 3 years.
>loses to a batshit insane businessman who kept shooting himself in the foot
I know, muh crazy Trump, but imagine how much more polished he's going to be in 4 years. Right now he's reveling in victory but by four years' time he'll be polished, have momentum from the last four years, and guess what?
Hillary's only message of HE WILL FUCKING PUT GAYS IN DEATH CAMPS is going to sound awfully silly by then
It's cheaper to get shit off the internet than it is to hire reporters.
I think her life is literally on the line at this point.
>literally whos
Like Obama was before getting elected President twice? Hell, Trump was a totally unknown political quantity, though his celebrity meant that folks at least knew his name.
>nobody likes her
>wins the popular vote by millions
>Elizabeth Warren
>Basically Clinton but attention whores house oversight committee for brownie points
Sen. Sessions will bury her under the prison before 2020. Trump tried to be gracious but now he's mad and will annihilate this bitch for joining the recount.
Most of those people were voting against Trump, not because they like Hillary.
>She is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in decades.
That'd be Obama. Yes, Hillary lostthe late election -- but look at how the party has fared under Obama for eight years -- look at the Governors lost, the Senate lost, the House lost, so many legislatures lost. He could turn out the black vote to get himself elected, but his policies remained so unpopular (look how many people think the country is off on the wrong track during his terms in office) that the rest of the party has been demolished around him.
I guess Billary can win in 2020 if they install more Soros voting machines and buss enough democrats across state lines.
I'm really happy Hillary is going to run a 3rd time. She's kicking the Bernie goyims in the teeth.
More importantly, shes going to fertilize for another grassroots maymay in 4 years.
She can't give a concession speech to her dedicated supporters but run a 3rd time is no problem.
Felons can't vote or realistically run for office. If you are in a jail cell because of a misdemeanor, you'd probably be bailed out before you spend an hour in there.
>that screechy, nasally, whiny voice
>muh vagina muh vagina
Literally a Clinton/Bernie crossover. Identity politics are what disgusted regular people and Pocahontas is the poster child of identity politics.
She will be prosecuted and it will be difficult to construe it that way.
Some idiots even talk about Bernie running in 2020.
I don't think any party would support a candidate that won't be able to last two terms. It's against their self interest.
>implying Trump will let womenhim vote let alone run for president
>Hillary's only message of HE WILL FUCKING PUT GAYS IN DEATH CAMPS
That was such a poorly run campaign. Yeah, you have to highlight your opponent's mistakes and weaknesses, and by traditional standards Trump had a lot of those. But at some point you have to explain why people should vote FOR you. Hillary's camp never really did that in any focused way. Yes. it would be difficult because it was a "Change Election," and she could not readily be packaged as a change (other than by saying she has concave genitals and uses the lady's room, and the Dems made that all but irrelevant with all their Trans Toiletries shit.)
They were so convinced that it was just so obvious to them and all their friends that Trump was too icky for words, they never caught that not everybody agreed on that, and some of those who did thought Hillary was also pretty horrible and would not automatically vote for her without being given some reason to feel good bout doing so.
>Hillary Clinton will lose to Kanye
If people really liked her they wouldn't have stayed at home and would've voted in places that aren't California. I'd feel comfortable saying at least 75% of the Hillary votes were just anti-Trump votes. No one really wanted Hillary and it's painfully obvious when she can lose to a candidate who was supposedly less liked than she is.
>>wins the popular vote by millions
Irrelevent, it was not a contest for popular vote total so neither campaign tried to win by that metric. Both knew you win by winng states and electors, both tired to turn out and win over votes in states they needed, neither made efforts to win states in their column by larger margins, there woulkd be no point in wasting resources that way. Nor did either try spend resources in big states they were going to lose anyway in an effort to keep the margin down. Those strategies would have been key in a popular vote election, which we don't have, and would have resulted in a different campaign woith different voter turnout efforts and in some places different levels of interest from the voters. Hillary might have won by a lot more, or she might have narrowly lost to Trump, or he might have mopped the floor with her. We don't know, because we didn't get that campaign playing for that sort of win, .
Bus in the sense you use it has one S
Buss is a largely obsolete word that means a kiss.
desu I think the popular vote's been rigged heavily in her favor
>I don't think any party would support a candidate that won't be able to last two terms. It's against their self interest.
The party did not support Bernie this time.
seeThey're fucking done with her. They're all pissed as fuck. They spent so much on her and yet she still managed to blow it. Jews aren't stupid, they won't make the same mistake again.
God I hope so. Can you imagine what a Trump v Kanye election would look like? It would make 2016 look tame and boring. Let's hope he picks Mike Myers as his running mate.
Always possible, almost always alleged, seldom followed up by much evidence.
>Buss is a largely obsolete word that means a kiss.
Thanks I'll try and remember.
Were you hoping for a Liberal meme in 2020 or another alt-right meme?
>3x3 trinity trips!
Digits confirm!
Get well soon Mr. West!
Obama was a rising star that already had some national exposure.
Name one Democrat in that position right now.
It's all casket dodgers, faceless nobodies, or people with more baggage then an airliner now.
>4 years to get memes in order
Well, here goes nothing
I ain't thinking about 2020 yet, still trying to get out of 2016.
>Never let a client get to election day owing you money.
>clinton laying ground work
rigging the vote 2x's harder, electric boogaloo
I fucking hate communism. It's literally cancer. Why didn't you finish it off Ameribros? At least you're getting one more chance to do it right.
>and people still back her
This is how far people go for diversity
They will disregard every shred of logic and go with their emotions.
This is politics of today.
So much of this.
If Trump does even a mediocre job at bringing jobs to the rust belt then WI, MI, and PA are a lock for him, meaning it's basically impossible for clinton to win. I can't possibly see what their plan is.
>implying she can survive that long
I feel sorry for her, let the old lady rest for fuck sake
No! Lock the bitch up.
how old will she be? 80? this bitch is nuts someone make her go away
He had made one successful speech at the convention, and political junkies were saying "Wow, that was a great speech, remember it, some black guy made it, anybody remember his name?" He had zero legislative accomplishments beyond building up a pretty good record for missing votes. On the basis of that speech, a man who uses "Uh" as every third word was deemed to be a master communicator.
Can I name a similarly long-shot democrat with similarly limited recognition today? Can;t name a one, which would be expected, I could not have told you Obama's name at this point in his rise to power. That black guy that made that speech, that was pretty good, was the extent of my knowledge of him.
But I am confident in stating that, as fucked up as their farm team is by all the defeats of legislators, senators, congressmen and governors during the Obama years, they have somebody out there at least as worthy as Obama was. That bar is set pretty low, after all.
Elizabeth Warren is name that's always brought up, she's also been talked about a lot during this election.
Also she's a woman and a native so she has the qualifications to be a democratic nominee. It's too bad she's a crazier bitch than Hillary with none of the charisma Bernie had.
>not wanting Her to run again
This dumb bitch didn't even read the rules of the election before running this year.
>hurrr let's only make campaign stops in California