>"Trump is a racist!"
>Just hired a Chinese lady to be his transportation secretary.
What now libcucks?
"Trump is a racist!"
She looks like my aunt who's always kind to me and tells me (and the young ones) stories of Japanese mythology and yokai :)
The yellows don't count. It has to be a nigger or a Muslim.
no one drives transportation like asians and indians
You know...the darkies that either know or are too stupid to know they're carrying water for kikes.
I'm a Trump supporter and I'm disappointed with the selection.
Its sad to see Trump cave to diversity quotas. Not only adding "diversity" but also appointing a ton of GOP Neo-cons.
He's completely going against what he stood for. Next thing you know he'll be saying the Poos/spics/chinks abusing the H1B are "vital to our economy" or some shit. But I still prefer him to any other candidate we had on the ballot.
>Chinese lady
>transportation secretary
If you're gonna go for diversity points then at least go Asian as opposed to...
Checked Satan, they will just say she is hwhite, nigs already consider asians whites. There is no pleasing the left.
>Its sad to see Trump cave to diversity quotas.
senpai the only quota here is "people who suck Mitch McConnell's ancient dick"
She's McConnell's wife. It's cronyism, not your 1488 shit.
>Chinese women
That's fucking hilarious.
There is nothing wrong with Asians.
There's nothing inherently wrong with blacks or Hispanics either.
It's like you are trying to solve identity politics with identity politics. i.e. you are a reactionary i.e. you may as well be an SJW.
I don't know, isn't transportation in Japan and Korea decent?
The best in the world, specially with trains.
Dear god that's the Asian lady in the 97' caravan talking on her cell phone that almost wiped out an entire bus stop.
asians are not PC protected species
>There's nothing inherently wrong with blacks
Just went full retard.
Well, guess we'll all be riding bikes now.
"In 2012 the family donated $40 million to Harvard Business School for scholarships for students of Chinese heritage and the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center, an executive education building named for Chao's late mother."
cucked again
>I have a black friend so I can't be racist
WTF Chinese people are the worst drivers! We're doomed!
>"She's not real Chinese she was born here. She has light skin. She's not a member of the LGBTQIA+ Community. She's not overweight or physically or mentally handicapped. She hasn't publicly denounced the KKK in the last 12 hours."
But people here literally think that the transportation secretary drives people around Washington D.C. herself.
It's an administrative job that could be done without limbs.
Trump is a Chinese puppet and a hypocrite. Drumpfkins BTFO!!11!!1!11!!
>An asian in charge of transportation
Not to mention that americans in overall can't drive for shit.
>Don't know where the memes come from
The violence in the black American community really began with welfare and then the projects.
Also affirmative action and forced integration alienated white people.
It was white liberal policies that caused a lot of problems with blacks, just as it was white mens policies that have turned white women, and now women the world over into cunts.
>le social factors makes niggers memes
you just keep digging that hole deeper, nigger lover
>Chinese woman: Transportation secretary
>Black man: Head of HUD
Oh my...is he...dare I say it...racist and sexist much?
kek wills trump to get rid of that chink
It is not that they get into accidents, but that they drive slow and incorrectly all the time.
But user, she can't even drive?
t. 16 year old hick who has never seen a black person other than the town nigger
Open yap make happy Jap.
this is the tactics of a shill. trump supporter here BUT
>The violence in the black American community really began with welfare and then the projects.
You're so full of shit. Black homicide rates at their lowest (which is now) have never been LESS than white homicide rates at their highest all the way back in the 1920's
nah it makes sense in a white guilt sense
>put chink in charge of railroads
>put nigger in charge of agriculture department
>put spic in charge of department of hygiene
True. He should have hired a German. We are good at making the trains arrive on time!
>inb4 holocaust didn't happen
Yep. And you can bet the Libshit writers of leftie fake comedy news are going to take stabs at that.
I bet he hires blacks to drive him around and mexicans to clean his house (the white one).
Amerkansh Ubermensch have been killing Germans sense before the country even existed. You are our true enemy.
theres something about this picture that just creeps into my skin. and no i do not have trypophobia
Every US major highway will be chinese owned toll road by 2020.
These slippery fuckers, fuck china.
fuck chinese
female, Asian in charge of highways
he really is the greatest troll of all time.
Nah, just a normal person doesn't shill for their candidate on everything he does.
He was the best option and I voted for him, however his cabinet sucks dick and its shaping up to be a standard republican Presidency that changes NOTHING. However, time will tell. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
The tollways in Houston are already owned by the Germans. OY VEY!
>he really is the greatest troll of all time
Next up:
An emaciated starving Ethiopian for Secretary of Agriculture.
maybe you are going 2fast?
be careful on the road user
Her family also owns a very large shipping company, which brings yet another conflict to the Trump administration, was a failure as labor secretary and she is married to Mitch McConnell so there's much more swamp
>We are good at making the trains arrive on time!
>>inb4 holocaust didn't happen
I see what you did there Hans
What do you think about this?
Um no, it's to have leverage over Mitch McConnell to help Trump get his legislative agenda through the Senate. Mitch is clearly a beta male, and giving this literally irrelevant position to his wife will make Mitch Trump's bitch.
you mean an establish cuck married to mcconnell?
They want more niggers and no white people, and even then they would be happy since trump is a white male himself.
>but muh drained swamp
gooks get INSANELY beneificial tax bracketing and financial aid in the US. Idk what you're talking about.
Also, Ben Carson for HUD Secretary.
she was also transport secretary under bush so shes a good choice. What happened to the Carl Icahn?
Beneficial how?
The Hart-Cellar act removed them from the national immigrant quota limit and also gave them higher priority in selection for approval.
They also receive bonuses for studying here if as a transfer student from abroad, and since they are not considered in the before mentioned act, they can simply outstay their studies and live in the US legally.
They pay no student loans to the US, since they were considered Korean students, are allowed to stay in the US after studying, and are given high priority in permanent residence applications.
She is married to this guy.
Uh...no one voted for a Bush this time
Didn't know Mitch had yellow fever
>american reading comprehension
Ben Carson was offered a job and then turned it down.
David Clarke is being consulted for security purposes.
>But they hate leftists and BLM!
Yep. Almost as if . . . Trump likes black people . . . who agree with him! WOAH!