>another neo-con appointee
>another neo-con appointee
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying the entire reason Sup Forums wanted Trump wasn't dank memes and not having the witch for president
Why don't you admit that you have no idea what neocon means.
Damn, really makes Hillary look good now.
I literally ironically want to put leftists in work camps. So what ever gets us there the fastest.
>putting an Asian woman in charge of transportation
Shitposter in Chief
>asians dont have GOAT tier bullet trains
Elaine chao a cute
fuck off
>a jap for transportation
based Trump, trains will always run on time
So now the buses will run on jesus power? Kind of a nonpartisan position
To be honest though, is there anyone in the GOP that is not a neo-con? Can you name even one decent non-neo-con Republican?
Why is Trump apointing all this non-whites?
Fucking soulless chink
She's a chink not a jap, Paco.
Rand paul. But hes a beta manlet
McCain, Kasich
>Trump is literally taking a page from Mussolini's book
Ugh. Why does Trump keep choosing these white males for his cabinet, like pic related?
i meant asians are shit drivers, and women are worse
they don't
>Using trains for transporting people
cuck and cucker
well look at that
and here I was thinking he would stop the republican party from going extinct
shes a fake asian. like david carradine
Jeff Sessions
This is a shitpost, right? McCain and Kasich are the definition of cuckservative.
>Can you name even one decent non-neo-con Republican?
Rand Paul and Justin Amash
Arr road rook same!
He's not like Trudeau.
She was best for the job
She gave the best blowjob simple as that
McCain created ISIS, disagreeing with W. once on Iraq doesn't make him not a neocon.
Kasich is a Rhino, might as well be Democrat with the worst of both worlds.
Both are globalists.
Gold seller and neocon
Open borders globalist.
literally who
goddamn neoconservatives taking over transportation! they're planning to wage war against transportation!
Seems to be in-line with Trump's infrastructure policy
I votes for the God Emperor, but I'll probably be cucked by him
Funding for the metro-rail down a big street here in South Florida will 100% be approved now and that means my house will be cucked by eminent domain
Immigration is killing Mexico by leaving all the retards in the country and sending the workers away.
it's a nothing post. Why do you faggots even care if you aren't CTR jew-posting. That's right because you don't and this is all shillery.
Why does this fucking orange asshole keeps appointing people to imaginary positions?
By the end of 2016 this pussy will be fucked up by the electorate college AND the vote recounts in some states, finding people to put in his cabinet is a waste of time for him.
>and that means my house will be cucked by eminent domain
She's a designated, Mr. Leaf
But CNN told me he was sexist and racist
I'm going to need a source that isn't fake news
>filling up the gender and minority quota at once
No, this just makes it obvious that Trump is going to switch his wars from the middle-east to countries he can reach by train on the American continent. Day of the Rake or Burritocaust? What's more likely?
>Mexican butthurt rage
I'm so excited to watch your entire country collapse.
Mexico will be a 4th world country in my lifetime
So far the mentioned non-neo-con are Rand Paul, McCain, Kasich, Jeff Sessions and Justin Amash.
Aren't all of them cuckservatives or a total cuck? Does Trump even have a choice?
>using the diversity quota on useless positions
i hate drumpf now
Oh no... we're fucked now
>implying liberals actually like asians
They don't live up to the liberal idea of all minorities being violent and poor because of muh oppression so they don't really consider them PoC
why not both?
He should use Park Dings Bums from Southkorea.....she will be available soon
McCain and Kasich are cucks.
That Serbian was just shitposting. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the same Serbian that shitposts in favor of Hillary in every Trump General.
Jess Sessions has links to the KKK in the past, so he's probably redpilled on niggers. He also supported Trump from the beginning. He's being made Attorney General now - basically the top lawyer for the Executive Branch.
How is Rand a neocon?
This sucks, why doesn't he reward Christie for his loyalty? Just leaving him out in the cold.
Trump needs people who have experience, he can't have an entire cabinet of fucking gulianis and bannons. he has not let us down yet, I assume people making panic posts are ctr shills or plain new here
I voted for trump to stand up to the chink menace, not fucking put them in office.
>Jess Sessions has links to the KKK in the past
He literally became famous by getting a KKK member sentenced to death
>transportation secretary
He is not. Read the post.
nobody likes that guy, 2bh all I know about that fat piece of shit is his shutdown of the bridge, he's loud, I've seen him flip on positions, he's a politician before he's a conservative
for real? i hate trump now
Christie is a fucking snake who only jumped on the trump train for the hope of being rewarded in case Trump wins.
Kek stacking the shit positions with women and the important ones with men
Christie was one of the first major politicians to back Trump and stick with him, he gave him some respectability when no one else would.
>fucking department of Trasportation
Who cares? She was on his campaign during the election.
It's transportation, not like she's illuminati whispering in his ear at the white house or something.
Stop appointing women retard.
>elect a billionaire who is appointing other billionaires to fix the corrupt system that made them billionaires in the first place.
What could possibly go wrong?
He once said that he used to agree with the KKK until he found out they smoked pot. He's lowkey redpilled. He was born in Alabama in 1946, for fuck's sake.
I don't know if your realize this, but virtually all white Southerns are redpilled on niggers to some degree, especially the older ones who've been exposed to less libcuck media and education.
>asian woman
Romney as well
>He once said that he used to agree with the KKK until he found out they smoked pot
How autistic has this board become that you can't figure out what a joke is
>le rich people are bad because they're rich meme
Where does that philosophy take you?
It was a joke, but the fact that he even made a joke like that is an indication of his true allegiance.
>department of transportation
cuckservatives dont joke like that
Ignore this Serb.
What's more indicative of his allegiance is that Sessions desegregated Alabama schools and pretty much ended the KKK in the state by making a crippling civil judgement possible in the same case where he got a KKK member executed for killing a black teenager
>but muh joke
Now he's just fucking with the USA.
>a WHITE asian
Nice diversity
>McCain, Kasich, Romney
I dont think you understood the question
the new minnesota congressman jason lewis. he was a neocon, but as the iraq war dragged on and on he became more noninterventionist. shows he can learn from his mistake
Can't wait until the hordes of failures that Mexico sends across the border are turned back at gunpoint and burn their fucking cities down.
1) presidents don't enact laws they just sign and suggest them
2)I don't give a shit if it results in lower taxes and avoiding nuclear war with Russia
Half of number two was ensured on day one. Get me that $15,000 standard deduction and I'll vote for him again. Build the wall and I'll petition to make him emperor.
>a cute
Shut the fuck up you embarrassing spastic. Grow the fuck up.
she doesn't look jewish
>implying rand paul isn't just another closet faggot neo con
This desu. I was even thinking of voting for Stein. $hillary was never an option for me.
My thoughts exactly.
Wasn't that the tallest building in the world for like a week or something? kek, absolutely rekt...
more like 5 years
Just calling someone a neocon is too vague to call character into question these days. Please elaborate when pulling this shit.
What tangible downsidess will her appointment have on the future of America?
>Why don't you admit that you have no idea what neocon means.
The definition changes depending on who uses it and how.
It is really a meaningless word
I almost forgot that Sup Forums threads are 80% jewish attemps at mind control.