Welfare is HALAL in UK!! Get in here!

So the UK's new plastic money is made of animal fat. Of course vegans will freak out, but fuck them.

The animals used for this fat weren't slaughtered in halal way, so the Muslims in UK shouldn't collect their welfare checks!

Let's meme this somehow and save britbongs some money because fuck Muslims.

Pic related.

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is it pig fat? what will all the saudis do?


wtf I hate plastic pound notes now

t. vegematarian


It's the best news in a while. Top kek, I'm laughing so hard. The vegans/veggies are freaking too. Based UK ahahahaaaa

Somehow I think they'll suddenly find handling pig fat acceptable, at least in this one circumstance. You have to remember that religious rules exist to punish people and as an excuse to kill kuffar, not to follow when it's against their own personal interest.

they feel weird desu, i've nearly thrown them away a few times.


This sounds so retarded that it would actually work


it's "haram" not "halal"... If you go around and tell them welfare is halal it means it is accepted and ok.. If you tell them its haram its forbidden..

Know your enemy

Holy shit, the US needs to start printing dollars made of pork. Jews and Slims BTFO in a single swoop.


Basically make a fake muslim account on twitter and tweet stuff about the money containing haram pig fat and use #haramoney

Spread Colin Flaherty.

Truly, history always repeats itself


Race war now!

Muslim here. Tbh i dont give fuck what it's made from.

WTF i love the new fiver now!

>Muslim here

W-what? I dont understand


>David Cameron fucked a pig and shaked hands with the Saudi heads of state

We need this here right now.

o shit. dolla bills be haram. i guess i should stop touching it then

Fuck off In Don.

>However, in August 1856, greased cartridge production was initiated at Fort William, Calcutta, following a British design. The grease used included tallow supplied by the Indian firm of Gangadarh Banerji & Co.[31] By January, rumours were abroad that the Enfield cartridges were greased with animal fat.
this can't be a coincidence. somebody is trying to trigger muzzies and hindus. nice

Our new money smells like maple syrup. It used to be just the 100s but now every bill does.

They claimed it was a (((coincidence))).

Enjoy trudeau lmao

the absolute madmen; they did it

We've been plastic for a little while. They can be deceptive. You think there's only one, they cleave to each other something fierce. And slip.


>money made from pork
Is this the greatest Jewish dilemma of all time?



Precisely. That's what makes it even funnier.

"Familiar to previous generations as the base for every day staples such as soap and candles, tallow is traditionally derived from beef or mutton (but sometimes pork) at the slaughterhouse or later in the food production process."
... But sometimes pork.
Better hand them notes over to infidels just in case.

Maybe ours are porcine too? One hopes.

They got tricked.

>mfw and yfw all our prison food has pork in it and most of our prisoners are muslims

bump, this is good Slovenebro.

>plastic money
>pig fat money

Britain is a lunatic asylum.

>Muslim woman's body found in hospital morgue covered with bacon.

Do we have a location for Marina Abramovic for that date? People!!!

wont this cost more than switching to a digital currency accessed with debit cards only? direct deposit is a thing and only criminals need physical money

damn, this is some genius masterplan

>only criminals need physical money

And privacy too, don't forget that, only criminals need privacy.

That's why I love you brother Bongs! Left some beautiful back doors to get you out of the shit.!

Yeah, will be great when a sunstorm hits earth and collapses the electronical systems.. 1984 much?

This is part of a push to convince people to stop using real money and transition society to entirely digital money, because then banks can easily have negative interest rates.

You guys are being played by laughing at this.

Vegans/Muzzies BTFO!

we just got a new cash design in norway too...could it be...?

Suddenly I support the new notes

>weren't slaughtered in halal way

Know your reading skills

This. If every muslime in UK will drop cash then about 70% of UK's population won't use cash anymore.


But this would only convince muzzies and Vegans/vegetarians, everyone else is fine with it.

>Haram Money

based britbongs

This also works with jews because isn't kosher right?

>inb4 Britbongs cedes Britain to the niggers and sandniggers

Norge er allerede fortapt til muslimer, ikke et sporsmål engang.. Forbered deg til å emigrere til Island eller Russland..

>But this would only convince muzzies and Vegans/vegetarians,

You don't understand how network effects work and how gradually shutting off parts of society from a service works.

You start with a small group, that group thinks it's OK and they don't complain. Then you move the idea further and further into other groups, they think it's OK and they don't complain. And on on. Suddenly you have over half the population being OK with not using money and then it's a lot easier to push for a total ban.

Muslims will get everything free, they simply won't use islamaphobic money and the uk will have to adapt to their culture.

>tfw 30 seconds ago I hated the new notes, now I love them.

>No Sweden

I'm pretty sure he was referencing OP's title.

>digital currency


Beef tallow but still funny as fuck watching vegans lose their fucking shit over it

And pooslims

Yeah. Halal/Kosher meats are prepared in the same way.

wait why is there animal fat in money again? is it just cheaper to use?

UK abolishing muslim one step at a time,

wtf, italy is cucked as fuck

So are you Österreich.

kek'd pretty hard

you can have my bump

Yeah it is cheaper.

remember that time an austrian soldier got his head cut off in the middle of a street... oh wait

Holy fuck, rebuild the wall make germany pay for it.
FIVE mil muslims, that escalated quickly.

Suddenly I don't feel so bad.

Must be the cold.

Vurderer USA faktisk. Hvis Trump'ern virkelig MAGA, så stikker jeg.

The proportion of Pooslims in your population is higher than ours lad.

Det er sant, er et håp der og.. Vi får se hva fremtiden bringer, håper den er på våres side..

Unrelated but I have always wondered, can Danes, Norwegians and Swedes understand each other?

Remember when a bunch of people got run over in Austria, or when your young girls went a joined ISIS then got droned by the US? Or when an allah snackbar started stabbing people in a crowd in Austria?

Glass houses cunt face.

India Mutiny 2.0 when?

Isnt it gross though to handle dead animal parts all day? I think so. I mean just the phrase, animal-fat money sounds offputting.

they're highly capable mental gymnasts


Wait until someone comes up with a way of exchanging money and making purchases without using cash!

Can easily understand each other when it's written. A little harder when it's spoken because of different pronunciation.

Får se hva Listhaug får til forst.

Yes usually, though Danish is a bit harder for both Swedes and Nords. Depends on dialect.

This may sound like an old school 2007ish internet joke.
But, sadly this is the reality in which we live.

t. New Syria

danes speak like fucking retards but otherwise it's ok

>implying Brits won't get rid of the money if Muslims demand it
Do you even Europe, bro?

It just feels like a sheet of fucking plastic mate.

I'm not walking around with giblets in my wallet.

Isnt corbyn a veganfag?

Norwegian is no problem. Danish sounds like pseudo-german with nordic loanwords thrown in. Almost impossible to understand without subtitles.

I don't know if the American that made this is ITT but the story behind picture gets me everytime.

That picture of Farage laughing was on the side stories next to the story about the Muslim woman.

Nah, they've invested too much into it to scrap it. Muslims will just use gloves if it bothers them too much but like some other user said, they conjure up rules as they go along, somehow they will be exempt from this rule because allah ackbar.

Does this also mean they are not kosher?

How can we do something like this to discourage niggers from getting their welfare too