Merkel reaches out to tearful Afghan refugee boy

>Edris was heard saying "I wanted to touch your hands once" - prompting Mrs Merkel to go over to the side of the hall, where she met Edris and his father. Edris wiped away tears as she shook his hand, surrounded by photographers.

inb4 Sainthood soon™

CDU 40% now.

Either she's trying to acknowledge to the world that she uses kids to promote herself politically, or she's into some creepy pedophile shit. I don't see how you can take away anything positive from this.

Is it true that Schultz is not popular at all and Merkel will snatch the elections once again?

Who would have known? after thiusands of years fighting each other it would be our OWN women who ultimately destroyed us?

grind them up and feed them to pigs


See it like this: Last Time CDU had ~41% and the SPD around 26% so the CDU could easily force the SPD to accept Merkel as chancellour if they wanted to rule with them

This year the AfD has stolen like 10% of votes from the CDU but only 5% votes from the SPD. They could still rule together and the SPD could demand that their candidate gets the post of the chancellour. If the AfD gets any more votes they would have to take in either Liberals or Leftists and those would empower SPD demands to elect Schulz even further.

Als you dont vote for the Chancellour directly.

its eternal Merkel

20 years down the drain

Roger that. Was wondering due to another thread, someone mentioned that he isn't quite popular.

Maybe she will bring him to a Pizza party ;^)

Is it not Haram for Muslims to touch the opposite sex???

Why are Afghans so ugly?

This dumb bitch has no kids of her own so she floods her country with "refugees" to compensate.

Women should not be leading countries. And Merkel is why.

Don't see the problem here. That's like what the average german child looks now.

Germany is a lost cause, let the Russians annex them already

Her manlet husband isn't exactly the epitome of virility so she had to subconciously compensate.

He shouldnt be, hes a giga jew.

Bush tried to save Germany but her force push showed Bush just how powerful she was with dark side.

Leave our Momma alone

Everyone on here gives Germany a hard time because they have decided to help all the refugees but what if Germany is actually doing the right thing this time by helping all of these people, what if Germany is becoming a good guy?

Thanks Bismarck.
150 years later and we're still cleaning up after you.

Bush set the whole crisis in motion with his regime-change retardation you dolt.

When will she reach out to permanently scarred German girls, who were raped by his older brothers?

in 10 years he'll just shoot everyone in a gay nightclub

merkel should take him down to Dr. Pong in Berlin for a snack and a game of ping pong

what an autist

But they're not even real people, they're sand rats...

Sorry, but thats bullshit.

In a coalition between two or more parties the coalition partner with the most delegates will provide the chancellor.

The only chance for Schulz becoming the chancellor of Germany is a coalition between his party (SPD), the green party (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) and the left party (Die Linke) - the so called red-red-green-coalition. This is literally his only chance since the SPD will never ever get more delegates than the CDU/CSU.
The problem with the red-red-green coalition is that politicians from the left party are too radical in their views for the green party and the SPD. Whether a red-red-green coalition will even be possible highly depends on the direction the left party will take before the elections . With a Sahra Wagenknecht as leader of the left party such a coalition will very likely be impossible.

Interestingly, the future of Germany will partly depend on the left party (Die Linke). The SPD and the green party (Grüne) want to undermine the left party and turn it into a second SPD.
The more radical our left party members are the more unlikely a red-red-green coalition will become. So a very opinionated left party will actually be very good for Germany in 2017.

We need to get the idea out that Merkel is the new Hitler and the EU is the 4th Reich, which has already conquered most of Europe.

or just fuck his massive throbbing child migrant dick into oblivion

We are not helping these people, user. These people were promised to get work, a house and more. But what will they actually get? They will live on welfare. Some of them (the minority of them) will get very poorly paid jobs at best.
Meanwhile their own countries are getting destroyed.

We have to send them back for their own good.

You don't get it, do you? Those refugees ARE the new germans.


Doing the right thing to the wrong people.