guess we get to talk about this for a week instead of all the actual problems in the country.
is trump going to keep this up for four years so no one pays attention to him using his position to further the ends of his businesses?
guess we get to talk about this for a week instead of all the actual problems in the country.
is trump going to keep this up for four years so no one pays attention to him using his position to further the ends of his businesses?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lots of things happen in 5 years... for example you've now sucked 300 more cocks than you did back then.
He flip flops on every subject doesn't he.
*tips Fedora*
Yeah it's ingenious
Liberals are so smart they are being outwitted by a Casino owning cheeto-Jesus while the uneducated proles laugh at them...
I wonder how long it's going to take for the libshits and MSM to realize he's fucking with them. Now they're going to focus on this instead of the fact that he just picked Mitch McConnell's wife to be the Secretary of Transportation.
>That moment when it has now come to the attention of normies on facebook that Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, and Hillary all put forward similar policies, with HRC actually putting forward a bill in the senate in 2005.
He's fucking good. He just repeats shit the liberals said and the liberals devour their own.
It's 2016 now
He made this tweet purposefully so people would criticize him to high hell. Then it turns out Clinton has actively tried to make it law. Liberals BTFO.
Unbelievable. You fools are so drunk on this man's orange koolaid you'll let him speak lies into existence. He can do literally anything and you'll claim he's playing 64D chess with the media. All this allows him to do is lie, deceive, and distract the general public while he furthers his own selfish goals. Over the next 4-8 years, We're going to witness corruption and economic inequality that Hillary could only dream of. You memed this into office and genuinely believe you've done nothing wrong. Fucking disgusting.
Economic inequality is a liberal meme
I only care that he deports and keeps shitskins out of our nation
thank you for correcting the record
4d chess.
I know, isn't it beautiful? Every time you think he's done something to really fuck up, it works out in the end! It's fucking great!
saw one interviewed person talk about being how they're all being played and diverting their attention to things like this
but of course the media's still gonna eat it up for ratings, while nu-leftists will talk about how it's their right to burn flags like the puppets they are in this 7D Chess Match
Do you think it's a coincidence that Hillary backed a law suggesting a year in Jail for flag burning and that Trump suggested the exact same penalty?
I'm so tired of this meme. Trump is implying jail for anyone burning the flag for any reason at all. Hillary's bill was specifically for those burning the flag for intimidation or terrorism; not protest.
"The law would have prohibitedburning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flagwith the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in jail and a fine of no more than $100,000"
Fuck off Trump shill.
The only reason I can see why he would do this is to bait libshits into posting pictures of themselves burning flags which will make them look bad
Like what?
Libs go apeshit and burn flags
Country hates democrats even more.
The man is a genius.
>economic inequality
Trump will go down as the worst President in all of history. Those tweets will be in History books as an embarrassment to this country,
Flag Protection Act of 2005 proposed by senator Clinton of New York.
It only works when we do it pal,
>economic inequality
The point is we don't care. Inequality is not wrong, equality is.
Imagine if there was no inequality. Society would never advance. We would still be single celled organisms. Someone or something has to break from the pack and push forward. The nature of innovation and progress is one of inequality.
Some people, some families, some groups, are better than others. Get over it and grow up.
Buddy I don't think you understand what people are talking about when economic inequality is discussed
People should be judged by their abilities and not their luck to be born into a rich family.
Contradicting yourself is a smart move only when The god Emperor does it.
I want off this ride, conductor.
And who exactly is burning flags just as a hobby and not to incite violence? I've only ever seen leftists do it while wearing masks in the streets. Get the fuck out of here you reddit faggot
>greatly hurts his brand by running for president
>guyzzzz he ran for president to further his business
libs are too stupid to live
So if I make a ton of money based on my abilities and want to leave it to my children, I shouldn't? Who should get it, Shaneequa and her 20 niglets?
not to mention NAFTA and other trade "deals"
and they wanted TPP
>hey why duh wages stagnant for workers
A man who never changes his mind is just as bad, if not worse, than a man who changes his mind all the time.
I really really hope there aren't actually people here who really believe that
>Economic inequality is a liberal meme.
Because of all the retarded, fucked up shit I've heard on Sup Forums that is absolutely the dumbest, hands down.
oh wait. The election's over and you're all a bunch of fucking retards who haven't figured out yet that Trump can't just say "but Hillary!!" anymore
Inequality isn't a bad thing. If you were to look at it and see that the lower class is getting worse over time then yes, that would be a problem. But that's not the argument.
I'm not sure what it's like for the really poor, and what it's like in the US, but speaking as a middle class Canadian, my life has been getting better as time goes on. I don't feel any "poorer" than I used to, and I don't really give a shit how much richer some people are.
Complaining about inequality isn't about making things better. It's just crying out of jealousy.
Meanwhile Jew Stein is getting a recount and Clinton supports it. Cry more, limp wristed nu male
You would use that money to train your children in valuable skills to elevate them from normal people. And they should want to earn money themselves and not live off your hand outs
the absolute dumbest thing i've ever heard when referring to a politician.
What about "I'm with her"?
>liberals are the kings of cognitive dissonance
>liberals are the masters of doublethink
>why can't liberals see how dumb they are? >why don't liberals realise how hypocritical they're being?
I can't fathom why people would still be being paid to support Trump after he won the election, surely Russia has other things to worry about?
The supporting Trump is not what confuses me here, its the relentless shutting down of any kind of criticism whatsoever. Are people being paid or are there some deep-set daddy issues in Sup Forums posters? Can someone enlighten me about this kind of behaviour?
it's a tie.
Look who wanted it done before all of this....
Hillary Clinton!
It works doesnt it? Libs and the jewish media cant resist
You really have to keep in mind how bad things are for the media to be dominated by twitter posts.
What's that..., rule #5? or something in that radicals book? Use your enemy's rules against them?
We do it for free
He is the great meme elect
We follow him on purpose, not accidental
This man creates so much disfunction with a 3 second thought.
He spent probably 2 minutes thinking of something that fits in twitters text box and our media is consuming it like retards. You realize this man can vreate a smoke screen with a wave of his finger?
This kind of shit is perfectexample
Of the media overplaying everythig they can when ever they can. Hes trying to damage the credability of the media because he knows my opinion and your opinion will not change if he made that tweet or didnt.
The point being that if and when he fucks up BIGLY , no ones going to pay attention
Shills are getting played like a fiddle
you don't know rich people obviously
it generally goes one of 2 ways,
children will inherit their parents business which I'm sure you have no problem with if there is an established company and they want to keep it in the family
or, parents will use their money to give their children a good education and leave them a safety net or give them some seed money to make their own living
people don't really just give millions of dollars to their kids and never expect them to work. that's fiction
it's just too beautiful. We don't deserve this Sup Forums president.
>talk about how it's their right to burn flags like the puppets they are in this 7D Chess Match
>Trump wins
>Flag sales off the charts
>Nu-males literally burning their money away
>Get BTFO when they realize that he's quoting the Hillary flag burning law she proposed
>MSM and SJWs trip over themselves trying to say it's a good law because Hillary said it but damn Trump for it
>Trump is still President
>Did this all with a single tweet
>Liberals getting worked by Big Don
Lmao. Yeah, all the Mexicans and liberals burning it in the streets all summer were just doing it for heat and light.
Are all Alt-Right Trump supporters flexible?
They spend all day doing mental gymnastics
>Not understanding correlation and causation
You are a sad little child.
PROTIP: get a job
Why did income inequality explode after we got off the gold standard?
If Trump tried to ban Sup Forums, people here would defend it
Now he'll never get elected!
Leftists don't have anything useful to add to the conversation. Let them gnaw on nazi paranoia.
Nah, in this instance he's not drawing attention away from anything. It's pretty clear he's baiting people into burning the flag, and then the media into supporting/defending flag burning.
Him giving Mitch McConnell's wife a position is likely a gambit on his part to get more support for his infrastructure plans, which Mitch is on record as being resistant towards. Plus she was already involved in his campaign, and he seems to like rewarding loyalty and competency.
>not understanding that huge influxes of 3rd world shitskins benefits le rich capitalists, second only to outsourcing
Relax, Sup Forums is a board of peace. We just like discussing politics.
How so faggot, a lot of us are fascist on here and would like to see flag burners shot or jailed.
Very new here I see.
I absolutely would.
or worse, the right will see any criticism as just another attack and defend any crazy thing trump does
The funniest part is pic related.
Sup Forums should be banned
Jesus fucking christ there is NO stopping this mad man.
>guess we get to talk about this for a week instead of all the actual problems in the country.
>Britcuck is intimidated by motivated people taking an interest in their own world
I know this terrifies pathetic livestock like you, it's ok. Quran therapy session is in an hour if you're still shaken up.
All it will take is one tweet on his account confirming that this is a position Hillary defended. All her has to do is confirm he was only making a point, and it's over.
I don't expect him to be clever enough to actually do it though. Not with how he handled the protests or e, Hannibal incident. The guy is a moron.
Yeah the media has been doing it for the past 8, he's just proving he's better than them at it and doesn't need them.
if his business doesn't prosper, the american people will not prosper.
at least he won't be stealing from us like the established elite have been doing forever.
get a job you fucking socialist
>at least he won't be stealing from us like the established elite have been doing forever.
no because he's not the established elite, right?
but its not
there are a lot of disillusioned young men on this board that unironically believe in magic
I feel really bad for the people that have fallen for the cult of personality so hard, reasonable explanations seem to have gone out of the window for this new star of hope in their lives
everyone is so aggressive and likes to pass this behaviour off as 'masculinity' when its more likely due to isolation from others
I used to think that this board was entirely people cursing 'niggers' from the safety of their keyboards, and it mostly is, but as this isolation gets worse these people shoot up schools etc. shooters are praised without any hint of irony as if this is something to aspire to. stuff like isis doesn't seem to phase people here, they don't really see them as an enemy because they admire the childish, untampered attitude towards violence.
I used to get annoyed on here when someone insulted me, now I really feel bad and hope they find some light in their lives that isn't necessarily to do with politics
the media continues to stage your life for you.
this is all theatre and drama.
propaganda is the opiate of the masses today
Irrelevant. He's not going to embezzle billions from the taxpayers like our nigger in chief has.
What's wrong with people changing their minds on issues? There are tons of people on this board who might have felt like that in 2011 and voted Obama in 2012, who now ABSOLUTELY hate the left and everything they stand for. Including flag burning.
Maybe Trump fucking red pilled himself this election.
She lost the election so at this point what she did or did not support is irrelevant. We should be focusing on the man who is about to become president and supports retarded policy.
obama spent that money keeping this pyramid scam going.
not going to embezzle billions from the taxpayers?
fuck establishment liberal shills
Fourth post is best post
He's going to drive the news cycle like he owns it for the next 8 years.
Making America great again.
>They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. This makes it ironic that INTPs' word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it's not that they are dishonest, but people with the INTP personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.
How long until making fun of the President is punishable by law?
fuck off leaf.
grow some balls
You people are so obvious.
Go back to rebbit.
Yeah because Obama, who is a career politician, should be able to afford multiple multi million dollar mansions around the world after eight years of being president earning $400k per year.
Fuck you faggot
You should have got at least a (You) so here it is. Some are printing money for themselves while the rest have to fight for the scraps.
grow some brains