This. So. Much.
This. So. Much
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He's going to end up crashing that plane
Ay i hear these things pretty much fly themselves once they're in the air so
You're right, Sven. Letting brain-damaged Hillary Mama Merkel our fucking country into world war III would have been so much better.
Go raise your wife's son.
>Implying anyone who becomes president knows exactly what to do and how the insider mechanisms of government work.
I doubt being president is that difficult.
Wow Donald Trump! He Should Not Be Our President ! For Sure
>implying Obama, Hillary, and politicians as a whole are immensely intelligent
I really don't think being a politician requires that much intelligence, just charisma and being able to get away with shit.
I would sooner take a school janitor as president over another career politician. The world has been destroyed by politicians, lawyers, and bankers.
Hört talas om och kasta sten i glashus? Skjut en Svensk politiker istället och gör någon jävla nytta.
This. So. Much.
Trump has been flying the multi-billion-dollar business plane for his entire life. His life is ten times more complicated to manage than the presidency. He will do fine. Trump has been driving an F1 car and he is about to step into a Honda Accord.
I'm seriously considering beating off to liberal tears
This. So. Much
Well good thing that the pilot is such a smart man.
Shouldn't you be apologizing to refugees?
This. So. Much,
Why take in them?
Just build tents and send troops down there to protect them and play with them. Problem solved we don't need to build many houses for no reason in countries
Being president is not hard at all.
Throw a stone to a glashouse? What does that mean?
With no survivors.
This. So. Much.
This, So. Much.
This. So, Much.
KEK shall guide Trump on his voyage!
why they did it
why didn't we save them
RIP Sweden, your country will never be the same guys who fought us in Deluge
I hated you then, but at least I respected you
I only pity you now
Flying a plane isn't that complicated.
>This. So. Much.
This. So. Much.
Writing. Like. This.
Go back to plebbit you sand-nigger turbo cock gobbler.
Your forefathers are rolling in their graves.
This. So. Much,
thats not the same woman. or maybe you just share picrures of dead people fpr your own entirtainment.
>but obabo the trained monkey can do it
Pretty much. People see the cockpit and it looks complex, when really there's only a few main controls (x the amount of engines, but they're the same), and the rest are fuses, gauges you don't really need to stress about, and shit like cabin lighting.
We had a negro go from community organizer to President in the matter of years, and he did a good job for all 57 states.
Obama's only experience was a few terms in the Illinois state senate and one term in the US senate. Not even any executive experience.
And look how great he di--wait, nevermind.
If only they could elect someone more smart and qualified, like a Kenyan community organizer.
This. So. Much.
>Trump has the experience of successfully leading a huge corporation.
>Obama has the experience of crashing the USA and that's only after being in the job almost a decade.
Are there honestly people who think that a businessman is not suitable?
This. So, Much.
Well, beyond the windshields it is all white, so I'm assuming it's sitting on a runway covered in snow.
Very responsible of President Trump to be sure he knows the inner-workings of the plane before putting it in the air.
He's going to make piloting great again and he's going to make America great again.
>you just share picrures of dead people fpr your own entirtainment
Do you even know where you are?
>trump reading the owners manual
>a bad thing
Our forefathers are Jew sympathizers who led us to this situation.
>first time in 16 years someone read the manual
Former Trump supporter here, in all honesty, we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
This, So. Much.
This. So much.
I was going to be mad until you said 57 states which is something I almost completely forgot about
>a nigger with no experience in the workforce flew the plane just fine
This. So. Much.
oh boy you love sharing memes dont you, cowboy. sweden has actually rissen in ranking, not lowered masivly like the article predicted it should have done by now.
>Well, beyond the windshields it is all white,
Not even done reading the manual and America is already better.
This. So. Much,
>President Elect with no government background doesn't have detailed understanding of government operations
I heard flying is 90% take off and landing.
Looks like the flight deck of an MD88. What a complete clusterfuck.
This. So. Much.
pretty much
Compare Sweden to the other countries of Europe. At least they're resisting. Sweden is joyfully and enthusiastically being rapecucked.
This,, So. Much.
Posts like these always make me chuckle, yeah no shit running the country is hard when you're not just a puppet.
He probably knows how to fly it better than Obunghole
No matter how complicated the cockpit of an airliner looks, contrary to popular beliefs modern airliners don't have a fuckload of commands. Engine thrust, stick, etc. Many other commands are not relevant to flight controls (cabin light, etc.). And nowadays, autopilot does 90% of the flight.
But hey, you're probably a nigger loving leftist cuck so I'm not excepting you to be smart.
>a fucking foreigner whose country is being run into the ground has the audacity to claim that he understands the inner and outer workings of American politics better than the next president
Get off your high horse faggot
Rissen in ranking higher for rapes, murders, and most cucked men on earth maybe.
At least he's reading the manual, unlike the previous owners.
This. So. Much'
>Implying planes are that complex.
>Implying running multi-billion dollar company doesn't prep you for running nation.
>Implying there aren't experts to get you online, as well as the full cooperation of government employees and the current 'pilot.'
>Implying there's no time to get briefed.
Usual anti-Trump failure.
If Sweden were an animal I would have put it out of its misery by now.
The place just needs to be fucking nuked.
This. So. Much
>Pretending anyone ever, especially Obama knew what they were doing when they entered.
This. So. Much.
rissen in hdi you idiot. also, rape capital sweden is another meme. you really seam to like memes on this board.
So it's bad that he is reading the manual to operate it properly...?
Hillary would've had an auction for "Who wants to pilot the next United Airlines flight 175"
what a poorly executed drawing you can argue "style" but that is just straight up LAZINESS. Even as a political cartoon the artist could have added so much more to the buttons and levers, they didn't even symbolize them at all with words or quirky drawings. Who ever did this an untalented and pathetic excuse for a political cartoonist.
>President runs the entire country all alone with no help at all.
what do you know about my forefathers you fuck in a country with history shorter than age of my wardrobe?
no offense to the rest of USA citizens, but your comment is gay
Sweden cucks don't know what freedom is so they mock the best example in the western hemisphere. Can't wait for The Don to build a wall around your shitty brown country.
This. So. Much.
Swedes practised eugenics. This is why it is the worst idea outside of racial cleansing.
If this isn't fake... I can't even... what is there to say? Fucking baffling.
It's funny that you can't tell a Sven from an Ahmed anymore.
After it burns to the ground maybe Norway and Finland can build something resembling civilization once again. Fuck your country, Sven. You clearly don't give a shit about it.
*sips tea*
another meme. nyheter24 is pure clickbait. all the articles on that page is "provacativ"
This. So. Much.
Isn't it a good thing to read the owner's manual to any new piece of equipment you acquire?
Clicked on your post instead of another Swedeshaming post. Your country is stronk, relax.
yet another meme. sweden does not give clerance to more immigrants than the redt of europe and that proposal didnt go through. meme me up inside buddy ;)))
Our people are resilient, yeah, but our Gov. has been fucked for way too long.
nothing wrong with incest.
>Not just getting stuck in there and throwing your ideology into every hole while humping the levers.
Look at Canada. Now there is a leader doing it right.
if only he had obamas community organizer experience
>nothing wrong with incest.
This. So. Much.
ofcourse i dont, its a spook. however, the memes you share here are even bigger spooks. just lettig you know about you spook problem friendo.