It's just a persuasion.
You guys are playing 1d chess
Scott Adams says pizzagate is just confirmation bias
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muh proofs.
>I want to be totally clear here that I’m not saying Pizzagate is false. I see the mountain of evidence too. And collectively it feels totally persuasive to me. It might even be true. I’m not debating the underlying truth of it. That part I don’t know.
you're just word thinking, pizza gate is a persuasion kill shot
He's right. It's like Mulder sitting under the "I want to believe" poster. austist on this site read way too much into EWS, which is the story of love in marriage with orgy stuff thrown in as a muguffin.
I wonder if the Dilbertman ever visits here
He has to be getting his info from somewhere
that's a good meme.
Scott says that about everything.
Scott doesn't give a shit about facts. He just talks about the psychology and persuasion of it.
>muh confirmation bias
>muh cognitive dissonance
I like Scott, but he's pretty hack.
The_Donald and Sup Forums are the only ones that watch his daily periscope chats.
>implying Mulder wasn't right about everything everytime forever
Maybe someone should tweet this to him, someone who said what we're saying now 4 years ago and ended up dead
You'd have to be fucking retarded to believe that there's a satanic rape cult in a pizzeria. I feel second-hand embarrassment whenever someone posts about Pizzagate.
Those tweets are fake, you dumb shit.
>imply I care about the truth
>imply we arent doing this ruin Clintons inner circle
These were real you dumb shill.
Really, the shills are getting dumber every day.
You'd hae to be fucking retarded to believe that you can fake tweets on the internet. I feel second-hand embarrassement whenever someome posts about fake tweets.
Dilbert knows stupid people when he sees them
Pizzagate was a contrived and masturbatory narrative for angsty trump fans prior to the election. it had no effect on the general populace's opinion.
I just got redpilled by Scott Adams
hes right we want this to be true to it looks true for us, but when you look at all the pieces of evidence in isolation its just conjecture
we need a smoking gun
Just because it seems farfetched doesn't mean that there isn't any truth to it.
Elites are degenerate fucks that love exploiting people for their own personal amusement and god complex.
He's right. We call it meme magic because we're awesome.
Here is his tweet guys.
Let him know what you think
what is pizza gate? i know nothing about it. I've seen it for weeks now but since no one else but Sup Forums is talking about it I thought it had to be nothing.
Obviously he is one of the elite who goes there and is trying to cover it up and probably goes into comet once a week to crush babies up
He didn't say its not possible/true. He said it is not convincing to normies.
Scott talks about persuasion. He said pizzagate isn't believable to normies.
pedowood, but the evidence is centered around the Podesta email leaks.
How much you want to bet he's involved in pedophile rings and doesn't want you guys digging deeper.
He seems like the kind of guy that would go to Thailand for the kids.
>we need a smoking gun
Well, you'll never get one.
Either you realize humanity has been governed by crazy perverted narcissists for the past two millennia or not.
Awesome! Now more people will know about it.
Kubrick pretty much confirmed that the elites are into some fucking weird shit.
That's why they killed him.
lol, everyone's been talking about it. a subreddit dedicated to the investigation BANNED, trending hashtag on twitter BANNED, fb posts REMOVED. everywhere is being censored.
check NYT and WAPO for evidence of MSM cover-up. labelled it ""fake news"" without refuting any evidence that couldn't of been destroyed (art in CPP being taken down, website redesign).
when something goes from conspiracy theory, to fake news, it's definitely time to dust off that deerstalker and overcoat.
They aren't you fucking shill
The satanic part could be omitted, but the pedophile ring could very well exist, given so much evidence for it.
Just a group of pedos in heavy disguise. No satanic or cryptic shit needed.
This could be real.
>[[[single man]]] in his 60s claiming pedophila scandal isn't real
authors note: square brackets indicate pedophilia
And this is the context of the first tweet you fucking retards --NO PIZZAS!
The bottom tweet is literally an edited Mike Cernovitch tweet. The image lacks context at best, and outright bullshits at worse. If you follow this Pizzagate scandal then you are an idiot.
Repeat to yourself: there are no such things as pizza cults, people who believe in them are stupid dolts.
Except the satanic part is the only one we actually have something concrete on, from the direct mentions of spirit cooking in the emails with the connection to that woman which all over the news when we found it.
good point goy.
he wasn't right about everything though. he got some things wrong
well, i didn't follow pizza gate because for me it was nothing extraordinary.
i red pilled myself years ago looking into the Marc Dutroux case.
>In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
High turnover rate
that's what happens when correct the records outsources their labor to indian shills instead of good ol' american
The Dutroux affair was awful, but Pizzagate is silly nonsense. Just a bunch of teenage internet sleuths.
That's because Adams is a religious rationalist, he will entertain literally no conspiracy theory because he wants to act "smarter" than people.
He is one of those edgy centrists that wants to hold his intellect over people's heads.
He is probably right in this case.
Seriously, the spirit cooking shit is confirmed.
It was in one of the Podesta mails. (If some user wants to link it, please do, I don't know it by heart)
And this video is from 2009, so don't worry about it being a political hitjob.
>no pizza
>tweet is literally about covering up pedo ring
Scott is a weird guy and a philosophical mess. He says he doesn't believe in free will, AT ALL, yet he makes moral judgments. He has a penchant for scientism claiming the 'best' science says we have no free will even though the debate is still raging.
He says man is incapable of being rational but never defines what he means by rational. If he means it in the sense of how economists use it, he's right. But there are multiple ways of defining itl. I think it's fairer to say man is quasi-rational because we do act from subconscious instinct but we can also act against our initial impulse. His experience with hypnotism has inspired him to believe man is incapable of being rational but I suspect this varies depending on intelligence and other factors.
He generally makes a lot of very suspicious claims like the arguments Trump won on populism were all made after he won and are therefore less valid than his even though Coulter was saying this shit for decades.
He has his positives but you need to take a lot of his shit with a grain of salt.
I doubt it's actually the place where they sell the kids, it's probably just one of the businesses they use to launder the money.
Though I remember one of the anons here did discover encrypted files on their website. Password protected encrypted files with randomized names.
They were downloaded using a loophole, but all the files became switched with a menu or something not too long after the exploit was discovered.
If that, coupled with everything else, doesn't scream "server with CP on it", what does?
What's not fucking retarded to believe is that a satanic rape cult uses a pizza joint as a means to fraternize and communicate off-the-grid.
Scott Adams confirmed pedo
Sauce please
For those still doubting, the FBI, under the Freedom of Information act, confirmed Hillary Clinton's membership in a cult.
you've fallen into scott adams' world of genjutsu illusions
>he says he doesn't believe in free will, AT ALL, yet he makes moral judgments
In that case its not his fault, because he never had the choice to make moral judgements.
Just take from Scott that you're not as logical as you hoped.
Hes right ive given Sup Forums time to dig shit up and its all circumstantial or less.
That statue is made in the image of that victim however. Not cause of pedo shit just cause of some edge lord art student who made it.
it's just a hallucination.
All evidence is circumstantial, it's when a whole bunch of circumstantial evidence adds up and denies the reasonable alternatives that it becomes a solid case.
Again, per Adams' own theory: truth does not exist, therefore it doesn't matter whether or not pizzagate is true or not.
What matters is how it's perceived.
And right now, it's perceived as a bunch of nutjobs foaming at the mouth over some weird messages and seeing it as proof of satanic pedophile rituals, aka a conspiracy theory along with the rest of them. It's not helping anyone's cause.
there is no truth.
only scott adams' books.
there was only one time he wasn't right, and that's when he thought he was wrong, but he was mistaken and it turned out he was actually right
Guaranteed. The man is scared.
Confirmed : Scoot Adams likes little boys
>You'd have to be fucking retarded to believe that there's a satanic rape cult in a pizzeria.
Ok fine. I will give you that one
What about all the known pedophilia cover ups involving government officials, and Hollywood elites?
The Franklin Scandal for instance.
There was a Dutch one that just happened recently too.
There's a lot of evidence to show that people who are suppose to be working in public service are intentionally shoving this stuff under the rug.
Also why is the owner of a pizza shop considered one of the 50 most powerful people in DC?
>it's not real cuz of confirmation bias guise ;)
>it's also possibly real guise, like 1 in 20 odds :)
>i know that doesn't really answer your questions but instead of going into detail and explain why the evidence is false you are just going to have to beLIEveme
that's what i got out that article at least.
also buy book.
give shekels.
He's right you know. There is zero evidence of any code in those e-mails. Read them in chronological order and all you'll see is a family that has a signature dish of pasta with walnut sauce. And yes, Tony eats pizza with his brother a couple of times. I guess that means he fucks kids too.
>He says he doesn't believe in free will, AT ALL, yet he makes moral judgments
What does that mean? Just because I have a fatalistic worldview doesn't mean that I'm supposed to sit in a chair and wait to die. I don't believe I have free will, doesn't mean my brain turns off. I know that my thoughts are the result of my genes and memes, doesn't make them any less valid.
up to now, there was no hard proof. it's difficult to get a hard proof.
hard proof = literally zero alternative explanations to a given fact
Example of hard proof: video tape of a satanic orgy with the suspect's faces clearly visible and a dead body.
wow, what a fucking idiot
Can you stop? This at least distracts them from making realistic fake news.
I need investigators
Given that hes only scratched the surface compared to Sup Forums, what did he mean by this?
can we please meme agent fox moulder and dana scully to be a part of the Sup Forums Sup Forums kek pepe mythos?
i really like it.
you can watch all the original episodes of seasons one through nine here
Alefantis is a sick fuck who is either a pedo or otherwise thinks it's funny to act like one on instagram but if he was actually at the center of a pedoring I think he would act more cautious as there would be a real risk of an assassination for acting out of line.
There probably is some ring connected to his pizza place but not so closely that he would fear for his life.
if you've seen it going around, i made this pic, i just happened to be watching the xfiles at the moment i screencapped to make it.
and THIS is what i was watching when i made THAT post.
and this morning i woke up and stepped outside to take a piss and noticed a new frog statue on the rain barrel.
coincidence? i want to believe.
They didn't kill him
Kubrick helped their satanic rituals look ridiculous and like something out of a dream.
They didn't do shit to Kubrick
Does he think we would fall for such a pathetic move?
Tell that to Mr. Alefantis. Dude is shook asf.
hes tryna gain some relevance, nobody reads him anymore since the election is over
He's afraid his pedophile bitch ass will get exposed
lol nice.
They said the same thing when some real life anime plot happened with a female cult brainwashing little girls to take power and be an extension of their will.
Look at South Korea now
south korea is just an illusion.
You've fallen into my persuasion.
mangeko sharingan! desu
Holy shit
What the hell, I just watched that episode too.
And you got nothing on those
Got nothing at all but play pretend cop
Kys pizzafaggots and assangetards rekt
evidence is just an illusion. you found evidence because you looked for it. confirmation bias confirmed!!! hallucination killshot!!!
Scott Adams is experiencing cognitive dissonance.
ur hallucinating.
he is playing 99 dimension chess.
The problem is that their standard for evidence is too low. If someone points out that any part of the conspiracy is a stretch, they get called a shill. So it turned into the same thing as a liberal echo chamber, and the well was poisoned 100x over.
He's dating someone almost 40 years younger than him
Can't possibly imagine why he's so so skeptical.......
He says 20:1 odds PG is false! => With a probability of 95% true.
how did he calculate the 5% probability?